Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
Hi everybody,

A few people have asked about posts that have vanished. There is nothing wrong with the forum, it is strictly the

actions of either Bruce or one of the mods. If your's or somebody else's thread went away, it was for a good

reason. Because of privacy concerns, we can't explain why in most casees and for that I am sorry. Those of you who

know me know that I am very opposed to censorship and will not delete posts for political reasons. I don't even

delete personal attacks directed at me. But there are times when we are going to delete posts. I apologize in

advance if those posts are yours.

Thanks for explanation. It was just weird to see post

Vanished into thin air. Usually if posts are deleted you will still see the post but just the content deleted, but

in this case entire posts just Dissapeared. So that's why i thought that maybe there was something wrong with the

