i was gettn ready

to go out with my gf..soo i used 2 sprays of chikara on my chest..and another on my neck with 2 dabs of npa..finally

got to her place where she lives with her friend.While i was sittn on the sofa playn with their dog, i looked back

and see her friend just staring at me for the longest time.i started to say someting to her but it seems as if she

didnt hear me. i turned my head around to avoid it..a few minutes later she sat right next to me..tryn to make some

conversation..i think she had the DIHL syndrome. it kinda freaked me out when she looked straight at me, her eyes

were soo big..but it was funny at the same time...

i also had another hit later that night.some girl kept checkn

me out..she would turn around so many times just to look at me..tooo bad my i didnt notice it...my gf told me bout
