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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
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    Default A Couple of Chikara Hits

    I had a

    couple of hits this past week. Before heading into the club for some salsa, I sprayed on four shots of beta.2

    Chikara. Three to the neck, one to the back of the hand and spread between the two.

    During the lesson, a late

    thirties woman I've danced with several times over the past two weeks responded quite interestingly. When the

    instructor, explaining closed dance position, said the woman's hand should be held at eye level, she proceeded to

    lower our hands to crotch level, and then said laughingly, "Ohhhhh! She meant my eye!" A few moments later while

    discussing transition between open and closed position, the instructor cautioned the ladies to keep their arms out

    slightly. I commented to my partner that if she didn't, it would lead to enjoyable, though entirely inappropriate,

    touching if she didn't. This one earned a wicked smile.

    Things got a lot more interesting when her cousin,

    celebrating her 35th birthday, arrived. While initially quiet and reserved, repeatedly turning down dancing with

    several other much more experienced dancers, she took almost zero convincing from me to get out on the floor. All

    told, we chatted and danced for two hours before saying our goodbyes.

    The most surprising part of the evening

    was how physical she turned out to be towards me. When I mentioned that two things waitresses can do to have to work

    their way up from no tip are to call me sweetie, honey, or some other variation, or to touch me, whether it's

    shoulder, arm, or whatever, she said she was exactly the same way. This was later jokingly confirmed by touching her

    shoulder, getting a laugh, touching it again immediately after, and this time getting a "hey!" with a bit of the

    claws showing in the voice. Shortly afterwards though, she touched my arm several times, boobed me twice, and hugged

    me after each of the four trips out to the floor that we took.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetetive electronic music." --Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New York
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    Used 1/2 gel pack of Chikara

    - wrists/behind the ears & jaw line - I'm in an office environment with plenty of interaction - Got a few questions

    about if I was doing something "different" - hair cut - cologne - working out - etc. Had a meeting with a 49yr old

    female that I expected to be contentious - and she was a pussycat - She's extremely moody/tempermental so I'll

    chalk that up to being lucky.

    A friend & I had lunch together and he noticed that I was getting "checked-out"

    and that I seem to be getting more attention the last couple of times we've gone out. He is a player whereas - I am

    not. - Pretty funny as I am fairly oblivious to these things.

    Anyway at his insistence - we chatted up a couple

    of 20 somethings - and he got a number. -

    This morning he tells me apparently the other woman was suprised that

    I wasn't interested in her. He also mentioned that they were both curious about my cologne or aftershave.


    best was at the end of the day on the elevater when this leggy brunette gets on the elevator and does a double -take

    - with a confused look on her face. After I said hello - she starts chatting me up as to whether she knows me, which

    company I work for and such. We chatted outside the building for an extra few minutes and she joked that she usually

    wasn't this forward.

  3. #3
    Full Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Syracuse, New York
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    This is great news. For trial

    purposes, I recently ordered a seven pack of Chikara gelpacks. If my results are half as good as the results in this

    thread, I'll pony up for the 38 pack.

    Hopefully, I'll receive the gelpacks by the weekend!

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