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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Question of Naturally Low Levels



    Great to see a forum like this where we can all talk about the subject!

    Have a potentially newbie

    question (and yes I performed a variety of searches). Now it's been talked about previously about men with

    naturally high levels of pheromones (alpha male, lone wolf, guy/girl who gets everything they want, etc...).


    I was wondering if someone can describe people's reactions or lack thereof for people with naturally low levels?

    Basically I think I might have that, because I have gotten no positive response from the ladies whatsoever. I am a

    good friend, I can hold stimulating conversations and make them laugh (I'm not bad looking either), but they show

    as much emotional and intimate interest in me as per reading a newspaper.

    Of the two women I have had a steady

    relationship (read had sex with more than once), one had zero sense of smell and the other was a speed addict (that

    was ugly breakup! :P). Plus I met the latter of the two ladies in a very crowded place when I was making my moves.

    Concerning my fellow males, they tend to be friends with me real easy, have a higher probability of backing down

    when I get aggresive and (this one is my favorite) gay guys just love hitting on me no matter how frumpy or

    well-groomed I am at the time. Too bad I have zero interest in homosexuality I suppose.

    Also in my teens and a

    couple years ago, I was experiencing a steroid use/abuse (prednisone cortisteroid). Could that bit of medical

    history (supported by my social history) have permanently crippled my ability to produce useful hormones / phermones

    to attract the opposite sex (even minimally)?

    Thanks everyone for your time and consideration, and I can't wait

    until my free sample pack comes in! Hopefully this will help with my ice-breakers, because after that, I consider

    my natural charm skills quite effective.
    Last edited by Calvo88; 01-10-2005 at 02:43 PM. Reason: Grammar corrections / Clarification

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Well,i have a wierd

    signature i guess: I attract males easly (gays?) i think it so easy to befriend with males it's just encredible! I

    also got word that ppl think im gay (more than once)[& i am not] i still have to try SoE a bit more but the litle i

    put on made me smell like piss after a few seconds (im not in the SoE test phase yet! i'll have to test it more

    extensivly) but i can wear 1/4 TE-Gel with soso-to-good results.Most girls i talked with are'nt that much

    interested in any relationships!

    Usualy i get realy esaly in convo with men & older women it's just about

    imposible with girls/women in my age range (20-25) note: i used to have the charms just to yong to use it :when i

    was a kind all the girls wanted to be friend with me & i got propositions early.Wen i moved at 8yo i misteriously

    kind of lost that edge.

  3. #3
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calvo88
    Hello all,

    Great to see a forum like this where we can all talk about the subject!

    Have a potentially newbie question

    (and yes I performed a variety of searches). Now it's been talked about previously about men with naturally high

    levels of pheromones (alpha male, lone wolf, guy/girl who gets everything they want, etc...).

    But I was

    wondering if someone can describe people's reactions or lack thereof for people with naturally low levels?

    Basically I think I might have that, because I have gotten no positive response from the ladies whatsoever. I am a

    good friend, I can hold stimulating conversations and make them laugh (I'm not bad looking either), but they show

    as much emotional and intimate interest in me as per reading a newspaper.

    Of the two women I have had a steady

    relationship (read had sex with more than once), one had zero sense of smell and the other was a speed addict (that

    was ugly breakup! :P). Plus I met the latter of the two ladies in a very crowded place when I was making my moves.

    Concerning my fellow males, they tend to be friends with me real easy, have a higher probability of backing down

    when I get aggresive and (this one is my favorite) gay guys just love hitting on me no matter how frumpy or

    well-groomed I am at the time. Too bad I have zero interest in homosexuality I suppose.

    Also in my teens and a

    couple years ago, I was experiencing a steroid use/abuse (prednisone cortisteroid). Could that bit of medical

    history (supported by my social history) have permanently crippled my ability to produce useful hormones / phermones

    to attract the opposite sex (even minimally)?

    Thanks everyone for your time and consideration, and I can't wait

    until my free sample pack comes in! Hopefully this will help with my ice-breakers, because after that, I consider

    my natural charm skills quite effective.
    And your age is?

    Steriods can have different

    effects, I THINK, where as it has a lot to do with one's body and its ability to fight off certain things.

    Meaning, for an example ... steriods may affect one persons sex life, but affect another's liver, if that makes any

    sense. Haven't heard or read where someone had that question, but the lessen mone signatures have been SAID to be

    those of 40+.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  4. #4
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    Mid 20's. As for prednisone,

    yup, I only know that it's bad for you in a whole lot of ways, but haven't heard anything about it with respect to


    Does anyone know of any conditions which generally keep a certain class or classes of pheromone

    production inhibited?

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Don't you have to cycle off these

    things or your body stops its own natural hormone production of that substance?

    If your hormone levels are

    lower now, it is likely that so are your pheromones, as pheromones are just hormone waste products excreted through

    the skin.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default Take an acting class...

    I have a

    natural budda face (poker face for you Westerners) and thus people see right through me. It's a family trait and

    makes for a great spy or street photographer but it sucks when little kids constantly bump into me and store clerks

    help the person in line behind me! I eventually figured I lacked certain body language and facial expressions. In

    public places and crowds I naturally blend in and assume a neutral posture. I've spend much time on stage as a

    musician and actor and had no problem commanding an audience. It dawned on me I needed to "act" in real life. That

    is, pretend I'm cool, demanding, interested, etc. So I switched on my stock of facial expressions, body movements,

    vocalizations--the whole nine yards. Sheesh, it's a lot of work, but it gets immediate and fairly predicable

    results. One nice thing about being a natural budda head is I can switch off the acting and totally go limp. It

    works great for getting rid of unwelcome comeons.

    I'm Asian and don't sweat much. Perhaps it's my near

    vegetarian diet, but my sweat has very little odor and, I suspect, little pheromones. However, a combination of

    acting and TE and/or NPA has drawn more horny women to me than any point in my life. My suggestion is to enroll in a

    acting workshop, a modern dance class and a voice class. You'll begin to get touch with yourself, learn to control

    your body and make some nice friends. Of course, those classes are great places to experiment with 'mones.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
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    Excellent observation and I

    would agree, most of the time I have to really work at it to pick up anyone and the few times I was fully

    successful, it required a lot of emoting and expression. Also the vast majority of those times were in crowded

    areas where I'm sure the ladies were smelling someone else.

    The thing that frustrates me is that I'm at parties

    and seeing girls going to guys who are at least comparable to me (or not as good looking), and they don't even need

    to do anything further to start making out in the corner (or whatever) a handful of minutes later (occasionally

    after I've been making them laugh and chatting with them for 1/2 half or so).

    It's as if I'm on TV, they

    watch and enjoy, but don't even consider involving themselves because you can't do that with a TV program.


    keep on getting invited to parties fairly regularly, so people do remember me, but when I'm there in person... well

    now I'm just going in circles.

    So I heard about this site and forum, and thought it would be interesting to try

    out the pheromone angle, because it always seemed like I'm just missing a little something.

    Thanks everyone for

    the comments and keep em coming!

  8. #8
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    Yup, I had to wean myself off of

    them, the first time was no problem (teenager), the second time withdrawal hit me big time and I was able to wean

    myself after the third try. Awful stuff, I'm never taking systemic steroids again.

  9. #9


    Yea I think it's a

    fallacy that all younger guys produce too much mones especially None. I for one, judging by reactions that Ive had

    in my life, do not produce much None at all (I am 25 now). I definitely do not produce much of the mones for rapport

    (like Nol and A1) either. Perhaps the problem is that I dont sweat as much as other guys as when I sweat a lot I

    definitely get better results.

    It might be not to do with ur previous steroid use that u have low mone

    levels who knows. There's plenty of guys out there who have that problem of going into the friend's zone with

    girls all the time. Learn about Kino and other ways to make them horny and see u as a sexual being and not just a

    court jester. I suggest free sites like to give u a

    basic understanding. A little bit of None-heavy products such as NPA/m or AE/m might work well for ur situation at


    That's interesting stuff about the learning of expressions, I think that's what I need to do

    too. Did the expressions do much for u regarding getting girls or were u good at that before u learned the


  10. #10
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "That's interesting stuff

    about the learning of expressions, I think that's what I need to do too. Did the expressions do much for u

    regarding getting girls or were u good at that before u learned the expressions?"
    I'm afraid I was

    pretty terrible at getting women before I figured things out and worked at it. I used to score at clubs or parties

    only because I was in the band and women made me out to be something I wasn't in real life. On my own I was

    johnny-strike-out fast. The thing about acting is all people do it to some extent. I just needed a heavier dose than

    normal. I felt shallow at first--not my true personality--but I decided it was just another form of communication,

    no different than writing or speaking. The vocabulary was there--I'm a keen observer--but I never thought to apply

    it outside of a stage. Acting a role and creating a strong persona helped me a lot in my professional life as well.

    You can make people believe almost anything if you understand how to serve it up.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  11. #11
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calvo88
    But I was wondering

    if someone can describe people's reactions or lack thereof for people with naturally low levels? Basically I think

    I might have that, because I have gotten no positive response from the ladies whatsoever. I am a good friend, I can

    hold stimulating conversations and make them laugh (I'm not bad looking either), but they show as much emotional

    and intimate interest in me as per reading a newspaper.
    I suffer a similar problem Calvo. No emotional

    stuff. I'm wondering however, if I have too much 'none. I've had women (whom I usually consider less attractive

    than myself) physically grab me or say overtly sexual things to me when I haven't initiated anything and am

    completely disinterested.

    The women I actually want (Ones I consider at least as attractive as myself and

    generally more submissive types) really keep their distance, like they are afraid of me. There is a real

    intimidation thing going on, although I try to be nice.

    Sometimes I wonder if they fantasise about having me

    but think I'm too dangerous/creepy looking, because I know they are checking me out. My image is quite clean-cut

    incidentally. They stare, they flirt, they surrupticiously invite me to their houses alone...but when push comes to

    shove it just isn't happening.

    Unfortunately I have zero pick up skills (doesn't help). I even tried all that

    NLP stuff to no avail. I try being myself and girls are either afraid or they "just want to be friends". I try not

    being myself and it shows. I make a move and it's ALWAYS rejected. I have never succesfully made a move on a women.

    I'm always the target when it happens for me...not them.

    I remember eating a bag of chips (fries) outside a bar

    in my home town. A girl I'd never seen before (sober) walks right up to me and says, "do you want to come to my

    house and smoke some weed?" I accepted. A half hour later she was banging me on the sofa saying, "where have you

    been all my life". WTF!?!

    The only time I score is when these sexually aggresive girls crawl out of the woodwork

    and molest me in public...but this is not what I want.

    Let's hope we can find something to measure the 'none

    levels on our skin. This isn't the whole answer...but it sure would help!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

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