Everybody has things about their

appearance (whether satisified and comfortable with oneself) that they would like to alter.

This desire to

change is needless to say usually alligned with the images of 'perfection' that are constantly re-enforced through

all forms of media etc.

Sad fact here is that no matter how many times a person explains to the individual

wishing to alter parts of their bodies how it makes no difference and would not in fact enhance their apprearance -

the individual in question still views themself with their own eyes and envisions themselves as improved and closer

to being 'complete' - as if this in some way will solve any other problems that they currently have (or at least

provide the diving-board from which the rest of their life will be simpler)

Since we're on the subject (though

this is now somewhat off original topic) this constant drive for self perfection (not improvement - that is another

entity entirely) and massive financial success and security is something of a quest for immortality. I mean to say

not in any "fountain of youth" or "rememberance of achievement" manner, but instead in a manner closer to some form

of self-delusion. In a world where most of us (those who are able to post on this board - therefor likely to be in a

part of the more developed world) are in a postition where basic human needs such as food, shelter and the rest are

not so much the be all and end all of our existence, but merely another manner by which we show and validate our

success and position in the world, our hopes and ultimate dreams seem to fade to the mere act of 'acquisition',

with some final vision of ourselves at the end. Without a real connection to ancestry and lineage, we seem to assume

that at the end of our struggle towards success and the becoming of our very own ubermeinsch that we will be able in

some way to achieve this then remain in stasis. This is a remnant of a people whom came into existance upon a stage

where a christian myth colours and influences our entire belief and action syste,: made even worse by the current

shifting-away from those traditions and values; which although perhaps even if no one subscribed to, can not be

avoided as the stage upon which this consciousness formulates and cognates.

What does this have to do with

immortality? I'm getting to that.

These remainers from a christian tradition (though destroyed over the years

by world wars and the rest of Western Philosophy and Literature moving towards their rejection {amongst other

things}) have left the human in a dilemma regarding many aspects of life - not least being the problem of death.

Christianity promised an aferlife - a heaven. Where one was rewarded for actions performed upon God's 'Testing

Ground'. Rejection of this leads an individual to question other manners of post-death existence: reincarnation,

etc etc etc, but still coloured by the mindset that melted their religious beliefs, it becomes near impossible to

give autonomy to yet another 'mystic or spiritual' belief without some form of proof (the main problem with

Faith-Based worship)

So, doing what humans do best, we put these thoughts out of our minds and rejoin our

'race'. I could list a page of people that I have known that have achieved huge riches through various means -

thus, with other factors, 'perfect' their lives. In sunconsciously creating a supposed heaven upon earth within

their lives, they merely formuate a form of purgatory. In private conversations with me they tell me of how hollow

they feel. The same pains resurface. At this point, they realise that they cannot stop the march of time, and their

actions have not led to their immortality. They regret much of their lives, and wish that they had it to live again

on different terms - with this knowledge:

Finacial security and such are one thing, but riches are

Comfort is the key - everything in moderation.

When all of your wishes are granted, many of your

dreams will be destroyed. (satisfaction is the death of desire etc etc)

This is why the rich drive to get

richer. Once we have achieved what we assume to be our 'goal' in life, we find that we are bored, and it has not

changed you into the person that you assumed that it would.

Humans require purpose.

So, to return to the

point, breast implants? NO!

Ok. Hope someone got through that whole thing.

I'm tired and using the computer

to ignore my hangover.


P.S. Spot however many christian allusion I have used (in some way, kinda

reinforcing my point) and WIN A PRIZE!