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Thread: Happiness

  1. #1
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Default Happiness

    This may be the wrong place

    to write about this but I wish to share something wonderful with the ladies here, and the others as well.

    It is

    plain how I feel about Belgareth, I hope. He is a fine man, the best. Most of you also know I am in the US on a

    student VISA. On Monday the university provided the written offer for me to be hired as a researcher/associate

    professor when I graduate in a few months. My job will allow me to request permenent resident status in this country

    and later to become a citizen.

    Belgareth has been having trouble with his former wife recently, I think her

    broom may be giving her splinters in an incomfortable place. I thought that was why he visited his attorney twice

    this week.

    Tonight Belgareth made us a wonderful supper, he is an exquisite cook. During desert he offered me

    the completed papers to submit to the government so I may stay here. After I thanked him and promised to have the

    papers submitted right away he offered me an engagement ring. It is a pretty ring and was a big surprise. He had it

    designed and made himself. The sneak planned this for weeks!

    The poor man was so funny. He is always so sure of

    himself. Tonight he was like a little boy, afraid I would tell him no. It made me giggle to see him that way for the

    first time. He is sleeping now, I made certain he was most relaxed. I am too excited to sleep. It is still too early

    to telephone my parents and my friends here will all be in bed. You are the first to be told the news.

    We have

    not picked a date yet. Both of us are fond of the outdoors and would like to wait until the fall when the leaves are

    turning. A wedding under the oaks would be nice. It is a slow time for his business was well and we would be able to

    take some time for ourselves.

    It is the finest graduation gift I could have asked for.

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Well I'm not a woman, but I

    wanted to say congratulations! The total package: new marriage, degree, job, country--the works. You're extremely

    fortunate to reach so many major milestones at once. Most folks are lucky to reach one milestone at a time. It's

    like winning 4 gold metals. I'm sure you worked very hard to earn your graduate degree and job (incidentally,

    starting at associate professor instead of assistant is impressive). But still, it's the ultimate blessing and a

    good omen of things to come.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Thanks Gegogi. She is smart and

    has worked hard, but had the advantage of her field being very new so the competition for positions was light. Her

    advisor has worked closely with her on her research and pushed pretty hard in her favor. The school is trying to

    build a rep in that area and needs good workers and profs. The other things were all kind of interdependent. It's a

    long story I'm not going to get into.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Oh Elf, that is sooo

    exciting!!! You must have called your family by now. It will be bitter-sweet for them. You'll have to call them

    alot! I used to call with 1010987 which gave me 3.5 c/min but .70c for the first minute. Now I'm using 1-800-999

    5090 it's 3c/min all around. At those rates I call my parents pretty much every other day!

    Fall foliage. How

    about the White mountains of NH? The maple trees make for gorgeous colors! You guys could go to Squam Lake. That's

    were that movie was shot. --- On Golden Pond. If you haven't seen it, do rent it, it's worth watching. Oh and now

    that I'm on the subject of movies. Did you see "The NoteBook". Oh dear - get your tissues ready! What a love story!

    I cried 7 or 8 times during that one!

    I'm really curious now as to what field you are in. If you feel

    uncomfortable talking about it here, maybe you could pm me? Anyway... I'm rambling on....

    That's 4 of them!

  5. #5
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Hi Naughty:

    Yes, I

    telephoned my parents early today. My father likes Belgareth and was hoping we would marry. My mother, as mothers

    the world round do, is worried but happy. They will be here for the wedding. You would be required to tie my father

    down to stop him from seeing his baby married. That was another reason to wait for fall. They will have time to

    obtain VISAs and make arrangements.

    Belgareth suggested West Virginia. He has made trips there for the fall

    colors in the past. I have not seen either place but will learn more about the Squam Lake. Thank you for the


    With my research, teaching and adventures with Belgareth I have not seen many movies the past two

    years. We will see it soon, I hope.

    Our phone service is unique because Belgareth has his business in the house

    and needs more capacity than DSL can provide. We have what is called a split T-1 line and through some magic with

    that we can call almost anywhere for very little cost. Though I cannot imagine him begrudging me any expense within

    reason. His generosity and support has made these last two years much the easiest of all my school years.



    W. Elf

  6. #6
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    wonderful news!
    Very best wishes and every happiness to you both!

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wood elf

    Yes, I

    telephoned my parents early today.
    W. Elf
    She called her parents and another third of Ireland as

    well. Then she started e-mailing. I had to arm wrestle her to get my computer back so I could get some work


    I'm sure she'll be back later. I have to be out in the field much of the day and she has a

    light schedule today.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    That is such wonderful news!

    You are both wonderful people and I'm sure you will make lots of happiness together! Congratulations and blessings

    on you both.

  9. #9
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    All I want to know is ...

    whatever you put in Bel's drink/food, are you planning to continue putting it in there fer the rest of your natural

    born elf life!?

    If the answer to that is yes ... then, may God keep the both of you in a firm grip, in

    the same hand.

    If the answer to that is no ... you leave me no choice elf voman ...


    did it while you were sleep, Bel! bel, make sure you get a full body massage with those little elf's hands at

    least once a month! And for God's sakes! Don't let her bully you!

    God's shield.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  10. #10
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Now that sounds like true

    happiness! You guys have something wonderful. My heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to you both.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  11. #11
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    You are

    both wonderful people and deserve every happiness.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Well, isn't this wonderful


    I liked Gegogi's take on things. All those things coming together suggest to me you all are on the

    right path, and are blessed (sorry for the spiritual term, you agnostics you).

    Congratulations to the both of

    you! Congrats are also in order to wood elf for the tenure track position. This is quite an accomplishment for not

    having even graduated yet, and certainly shows her to be talented, hard working and well liked! Maybe another Irish

    emigrant song is in the works?

    May the coming months and years be even happier, and may your happiness be

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  13. #13
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Thank you all, this is a

    wonderful day for me. I have wanted to see this happen for over a year. All my friends and co-workers at school are

    pleased for us too.

    Yes, it was a big surprise to me as well. I work hard and get good grades and my

    desertation was well recieved but only hoped to earn a position in the laboratory. The university's offer astounded


    Mr. Mobley:
    You are so mean to me. It was Belgareth not me who cast a spell. What else would cause a young

    woman to wish to marry a grumpy old man? He sleeps so little most of the time that I could never do anything like

    that to him.

    I understand how you meant your words. Thank you.

    I am Catholic and appreciate

    your blessing. Belgareth has his religion too. He does not talk about it because most do not understand him. He

    tires of explaining himself here in the south.

    Your congratulations are warming, all of you. Mine and

    Belgareth's heartfelt thanks.

    W. Elf

  14. #14
    Full Member culturalblonde's Avatar
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    and Belgrath! What wonderful news, thank you for sharing it with us.

    For a few years, I would come here and

    only read the posts. I must say that Belgrath's post had a lot of respect and morals. By reading his posts, I

    could tell he had a kind heart. I hope you both will always be as happy as you are now.

    Here is a bumper

    sticker I read recently and want to pass it on it you:

    "Loved the wedding. Invite me to the marriage!" -


    Many blessings to the both of you!

  15. #15
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Thank you, Culturalblonde:

    He is a good man with a tremendous heart. Even my father admits to not ever meeting a man like him before. He was

    overjoyed when I telephoned to tell the news. I worried for a year that he would never decide to marry me. I am now

    as happy as I have ever been.

    That is a good thought, the bumper sticker. Thank you for that as well.



  16. #16
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    Congrats! A lot of negativity

    exists about marriage these days. Speaking as a married guy though, there's nothing better! Everyday I come home

    to my little family(wife, daughter, puppy and cat) and can't think of anything better. Being single and playing

    around was fun, but building a family and having the trust, friendship and love of someone truly special to you is

    as good as things can be.

  17. #17
    Man of La Pancha
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    Congrats! I would've said

    something yesterday, but I was blind. Sorry about that. That said, *whisper* I already knew...

  18. #18
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Whoa!! what a

    great news!! Congrats Bel and W.Elf I wish you both all the happiness in the World.

    This is the 2nd engagement in the forum that I know of


    I guess the mones are pretty effective? *grin*

    My Wedding date is Nov the 12th of this Year.
    I'm very excited

    getting things ready. Lyndsey is one of my flower girls and her dress is darling.


    again congrats and keep us post it when's the big date!

    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  19. #19
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda
    Whoa!! what a great news!! Congrats Bel and W.Elf I wish you both

    all the happiness in the World.

    This is the 2nd engagement in

    the forum that I know of ..

    I guess the mones are pretty effective?


    My Wedding date is Nov the 12th of this Year.

    I'm very excited getting things ready. Lyndsey is one of my flower girls and her dress is


    Once again congrats and keep us post it when's the big date!

    Yes, I am a very lucky


    Oh, wait...

  20. #20
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Both Belgareth and

    I send our congratulations. We wish you every happiness in your future.

    We too plan to marry in the fall. Some

    funny person here suggested that Halloween might be the right day since I am an elf and he a wolf. It would suit his

    sense of humor. I don't think I would like that.


    How would you know this news before me? Are you

    telling stories? I did not think he told anybody what he was doing.

  21. #21
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wood elf
    We too plan

    to marry in the fall. Some funny person here suggested that Halloween might be the right day since I am an elf and

    he a wolf. It would suit his sense of humor. I don't think I would like that.
    LOL Oh My! umm

    well that would be some unique wedding let me tell you that! hehehe *grin*

    I'm sure you guys will have a lovely wedding.
    We are looking for

    the perfect song for us. He made his list of five songs and so did I and we both have to agree on one. The trouble

    here is that he is into Country and I am not! LOL

    The first time we went on a date we were

    singing "Nobody" by Keith Sweat.

    We were laughing because I added that song to my list

    and he said my folks and yours are going to be there, you realize that right?


    are the lyrics:

    I want to tease you
    I want to please you
    I want to show you baby

    I need you

    I want your body
    'Till the very last drop
    I want you to holler
    When you want me to stop


    who can love you like me (nobody)
    Who can sex you like me (nobody)
    Who can treat you like me now, baby

    Nobody, baby (nobody)
    And who can do it like me (nobody)
    And who can give you what you need

    Who can do you all night long (nobody)
    Nobody, baby (nobody)

    I want the night
    For me and

    So come here baby
    And let me do it to you

    Don't be afraid
    'Cuz I won't bite
    I promise to give it to

    Just the way you like

    And who can love you like me (nobody)
    Who can sex you like me (nobody)
    Who can lay

    your body down (nobody)
    Nobody, baby (nobody)
    And who can treat you like me (nobody)
    Who can give you what you

    need (nobody)
    And who can do you all night long (nobody)
    Nobody, baby (nobody)
    And the band keeps playing on

    On, on, on, and on, on
    On, on, on, and on, on
    On, on, on, and on, on
    Nobody, baby
    On, on, on, and on,

    On, on, on, and on, on
    On, on, on, and on, on
    Nobody baby

    I want you right now for my lover
    Oh yes I

    Place no one above you
    Oh yes I do
    If you need love
    I'll be right
    I'll be right there, baby
    Oh yes I

    Oh yes I will baby
    Oh yes I will baby

    And who will love you like me (nobody)
    Who can sex your body like

    me baby (nobody)
    Who can do it like me, baby (nobody)
    No, no, no (nobody)
    Who can lay you down just like me

    Who can kiss you all over your body, baby (nobody)
    And lib till fade


    get his point but the way I see it is who cares? this is our wedding this is our special moment and I don't think

    anyone there will take our song offensive everyone likes sex! lol ... And his Country list doesn't convince me but

    there's one that I might go for.

    by:Ronan Keating

    It's amazing how

    you can speak right to my heart
    Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
    Try as I may I could never

    What I hear when you don't say a thing

    The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

    a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
    The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I

    You say it best.. when you say nothing at all

    All day long I can hear people talking out loud
    But when

    you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd)
    Try as they may they can never define
    What's been said

    between your heart and mine

    The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
    There's a truth in your eyes

    saying you'll never leave me
    The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
    You say it best.. when

    you say nothing at all

    The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
    There's a truth in your eyes

    saying you'll never leave me
    The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
    You say it best.. when

    you say nothing at all

    (You say it best when you say nothing at all
    You say it best when you say nothing at


    The smile on your face
    The truth in your eyes
    The touch of your hand
    Let's me know that you need

    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  22. #22
    King of the coupons!
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    Thumbs up Marriage is in the Air!


    "Nobody" is full of nice naughties, SweetB, but it doesn't really fit. It could always be the first song once the

    day is done, and you're all alone. The best R&B that I've ever heard for that occasion is Luther Vandross' "Here

    & Now." If not that, the country & western is more of a match for the occassion, unless, you're determined to have

    that sentimental flavor of when you two were singing it, and sniffing each others mones ... IF ya ask me.

    Congrats, and God's Shield, by the way.

    May you all be blessed by the fish god, too. *Tuna

    of Good Luck*
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
    Man of La Pancha
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    You totally have

    to pick "Nobody"...I can actually sing that like Keith Sweat...I'll totally do it! Either that or "Twisted"...

    If you want a good mix of R&B and country, "Over and Over" by Nelly ft. Tim McGraw is pretty good.


    for you, sweetness, I'd say "Fantasy" by your girl Mariah...Jadakiss ft. Mariah Carey "U Make Me Wanna" would be a

    good song to have (although not your song).

    I think for your wedding, though, "Hero" by Mariah Carey would be

    perfect. I'm not kidding. I know you better than anyone here, and I'm telling you, that's the perfect song for

    you. It may be more of a "my song for him" than an "our song", but you totally need to fit that in there.

    Although to poke fun at myself, I think you should make it, "Thank God for Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks...

  24. #24
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188

    You totally have to pick "Nobody"...I can actually sing that like Keith Sweat...I'll totally do it! Either

    that or "Twisted"...

    If you want a good mix of R&B and country, "Over and Over" by Nelly ft. Tim McGraw is

    pretty good.

    Although for you, sweetness, I'd say "Fantasy" by your girl Mariah...Jadakiss ft. Mariah Carey "U

    Make Me Wanna" would be a good song to have (although not your song).

    I think for your wedding, though, "Hero"

    by Mariah Carey would be perfect. I'm not kidding. I know you better than anyone here, and I'm telling you,

    that's the perfect song for you. It may be more of a "my song for him" than an "our song", but you totally need to

    fit that in there.

    Although to poke fun at myself, I think you should make it, "Thank God for Unanswered

    Prayers" by Garth Brooks...
    Aw Pancho... You got some pretty Good ones *thank you*. I

    also like twisted too but we have to find the perfect wedding song and I think I found it. I have been d/l so many

    songs and I think I got it!! I can't believe I forgot about this one song ..

    by Eric Benet
    Spend my

    life with you

    I never knew such a day could come
    And I never knew such a love
    Could be inside of


    And I never knew what my life was for
    But now that you're here I know for sure

    I never knew till I

    looked in your eyes
    I was incomplete till the day you walked into my life
    And I never knew that my heart could

    So precious and pure
    One love so real

    Can I just see you every morning when
    I open my eyes
    Can I just

    feel your heart beating beside me
    Every night
    Can we just feel this way together
    Till the end of all time
    Can I

    just spend my life with you

    Now baby the days and the weeks
    And the years will roll by
    But nothing will change

    the love inside
    Of you and I

    And baby I'll never find any words
    That could explain
    Just how much my heart my

    My soul you've changed

    Can you run to these open arms
    When no one else understands
    Can we tell God and

    the whole world
    I'm your woman, and you're my man
    Can't you just feel how much I love you
    With one touch of my

    Can I just spend my life with you

    No touch has ever felt so wonderful
    (You are incredible)
    And a deeper

    love I've never known
    (I'll never let you go)
    I swear this love is true
    (Now and forever to youto you)
    Can I

    just see you every morning when

    I open my eyes
    Can I just feel your heart beating beside me
    Every night

    we just feel this way together
    Till the end of all time
    Can I just spend my life with you
    Can you run to these

    open arms

    When no one else understands
    Can we tell God and the whole world
    You're my woman, and you're my

    Can't you just feel how much I love you
    With one touch of my hand
    Can I just spend my life with you


    I just spend my life with you
    Can I just spend my life with you
    (Forever here with you)
    Can I just spend my life

    with you
    Can I just see you every morning when I
    Open my


    So what ya'


    I think he's going to like it too. We're going to a play tonight and I'm going

    to play the CD I just made with a bunch of nice songs and see what he thinks.

    Thank you

    sweety for adding your two cents to this.

    But one of the best gifts you could ever give me

    on my wedding day is your presence.

    I really hope you made up your mind and be here on my

    special day Pancho..

    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  25. #25
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    W. Elf.
    Would you like a big

    or small wedding? the reason I'm asking you this is because most of us always dream with that beautiful fairy tail

    But in reality not everyone can affort that type of wedding.

    I had a big wedding once. Very

    traditional with over 12 bride's made. My marriage lasted less then two years ( I was very young and stupid).

    all that time and everything else was such a waste of money. I know now that bigger doesn't make it better (wedding

    speaking) LOL j/k...
    All you really need to have are those who are dear to you, to make that special moment a great

    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  26. #26
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    My religion and

    tradition say to have a big wedding. Is it so important? For me, no. I do not need a big wedding to be happy. You

    make my case for me. Did your big wedding help your marriage to last? Wedding presents do not matter. We have what

    we need. We would be happy with a simple ceremony with only our family and dearest friends. The rest is show for

    those who attend, is it not? The truly important part is what comes through the days and years that follow.

  27. #27
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by wood elf


    religion and tradition say to have a big wedding. Is it so important? For me, no. I do not need a big wedding to be

    happy. You make my case for me. Did your big wedding help your marriage to last? Wedding presents do not matter. We

    have what we need. We would be happy with a simple ceremony with only our family and dearest friends. The rest is

    show for those who attend, is it not? The truly important part is what comes through the days and years that

    The wedding is all about the bride and arguably her parents. If she doesn't care, then it really

    doesn't matter. I've been the best man and usher at over 3 weddings. One was at a traditional wedding in PA, one

    was at a personalized ceremony (personal friends handled the ceremony, music, etc.), and one was in Las Vegas at a

    smaller venue inside one of the casinos on the strip (no, it wasn't a midnight last-second thing but a very

    carefully planned thing). They were all the same: very special.

    As for the "special" wedding songs...that's

    all too much sap for me. I'm picking something like "Feelin' on Your Booty" or "The Bad Touch" for a song...

  28. #28
    King of the coupons!
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188
    As for the

    "special" wedding songs...that's all too much sap for me. I'm picking something like "Feelin' on Your Booty" or

    "The Bad Touch" for a song...
    Allow me, SweetB ...
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  29. #29
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188
    The wedding

    is all about the bride and arguably her parents. If she doesn't care, then it really doesn't matter. I've been

    the best man and usher at over 3 weddings. One was at a traditional wedding in PA, one was at a personalized

    ceremony (personal friends handled the ceremony, music, etc.), and one was in Las Vegas at a smaller venue inside

    one of the casinos on the strip (no, it wasn't a midnight last-second thing but a very carefully planned thing).

    They were all the same: very special.
    I disagree and would argue that the ceremony is much more for the

    parents and guests. It may be my perspective only. Few of my friends wish for a big wedding either. I see it that

    the guests deserve or believe they deserve some pagentry for the time and gifts given. Parent wish everybody to see

    what a success their child rearing has been. Few women wish to stand in front of many people and listen to another

    one preach interminably.

    There may be something interesting here. Those I know are mainly independent women

    working to achieve high degrees or already have done such. Culteralblond said something about women and self

    confidence somewhere. These are women with much self confidence and achieving their goals. It could be our positions

    on such matters is different from average?

  30. #30
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by wood elf
    I disagree and

    would argue that the ceremony is much more for the parents and guests. It may be my perspective only. Few of my

    friends wish for a big wedding either. I see it that the guests deserve or believe they deserve some pagentry for

    the time and gifts given. Parent wish everybody to see what a success their child rearing has been. Few women wish

    to stand in front of many people and listen to another one preach interminably.

    There may be something

    interesting here. Those I know are mainly independent women working to achieve high degrees or already have done

    such. Culteralblond said something about women and self confidence somewhere. These are women with much self

    confidence and achieving their goals. It could be our positions on such matters is different from average?

    I agree with the parents part (just watch The In-Laws, starring Michael Douglas). My best example, though,

    is the recent royal marriage of Prince Charles. If it was all about the guests, it would have been a large,

    extravagant affair. However, they wanted a smaller, more private affair. Their preference, their rules.

    "Weddings are not about the bride and groom."

    --- The In-Laws

    I have a

    very harsh personal view of weddings and large ceremonies in general. I didn't want to attend my graduation

    ceremonies, and I probably won't want to attend my own wedding. All of that nonsense for a personal achievement is

    stupid. Yeah, I graduated. Big deal. Give me my diploma and let me go home...don't put me in some stupid outfit,

    make me sit and listen to people drone on about the importance of it (I know it's important; that's why I got it),

    and make me wait in line for an hour to walk up on some podium and take it from some guy I've never spoken to in my

    entire life who's supposed to be really important. Then, I open it and see that the diploma isn't even there;

    they mail it to you. What a joke. Why the hell am I there? (without outside input, you could see that my personal

    view would lead me to believe that it's all for the parents and guests, but I don't believe that for a second

    because I know that most people who aren't heartless bastards like me enjoy those things)

    The same philosophy

    applies to weddings as well. I don't need to hear some guy drone on about the importance of a lifetime commitment.

    I hope I know what I'm saying when I put the first ring on her finger. To me, the wedding is just confirmation

    that she didn't just say, "Yes," under duress or pressure from saying, "No," in front of a bunch of people or just

    to me (whatever the case may be; I've known people who've done that, too). I don't want to get into some goofy

    tuxedo and stand for an hour in front of a bunch of people while I wait to put a ring on her finger and

    say...again...that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I say skip the big ceremony and buy your own damn

    presents instead. A longer honeymoon, house furnishings, a new entertainment center...whatever. At the risk of

    pissing someone off, if this is how I feel about my own ceremonies, imagine how I feel about everyone else's. I'm

    happy for you, have a nice life, and be well...but please don't make me sit through this...go consumate your

    marriage already and tell me how great it is to be married when you get back. Let me see the rock as evidence of a

    marriage, and be on your way. Fantastic. I'm happy for you.

    If the ceremony lasts more than 15

    minutes, I'll be thinking about what free food I'll be getting later. I can't wait until I blow my wedding when

    they ask me to put the ring on her or say my vows or whatever, and I'm staring out into space wondering how great

    the food and the sex is going to be later:

    -Do you have the ring?
    --(Mmmm...six-course sex on an

    exotic island
    ) What? Oh, yeah... (Oh, shit! I just put thousands of dollars into that thing that's less

    than the size of a quarter! My ring cost $50...I'm getting screwed now so I can get screwed later!
    ) With this

    ring, I thee wed.

    (Obviously, the last section was exaggerated )

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