This is my first shot at writing something on these threads. I've

been using pheromones for a little more than two years, with very mixed results. Perhaps much of the problem is that

I've been specifically targeting one woman, alias Eve, with whom I seem to be able to get only transitory


Though I have a wide range of pheromones (TE, AE, Chikara,

Pheros, NPA, SoE, Pheromax, Primal Oils, PF), I've been using mostly APC. I believe in using the least necessary to

achieve the desired results.

I apparently already generate a

reasonable amount of None, as even using APC in sparing amounts on a regular basis results in Pheromone buildup,

evidenced by changes in the smell of my sweat when working out. It doesn't really stink foully, but there is a very

noticeable, and distinctive difference. Either that, or my system lacks None so completely that it sucks any it can

get in, and spreads it around as quickly as it possible. My conjecture leans to the first possibility, but even as a

teenager, my sweat (and I used to sweat a lot more than now) never smelled that musky, or strong, so maybe the

latter is closer to the truth. I generally spread one dab of APC on the outside edges of both my ears in the

morning. I figured that the ears sticking out would provide good air vectoring, and not rub off on my shirts. I've

read lot's of threads over these two years, and haven't seen buildup mentioned in quite this way. that is = using

very small amounts make a very noticeable change in buildup.

Anyone have a similar


Also, I once used TE (two dabs) on the throat and APC to cover it, and

the musky smell kept coming out in my sweat for at least the next four days, and that was w/o wearing any APC on a

daily basis.

The most beneficial responses though seem to be not from Eve, but the positive effects that

I get around the office. I share office space with a rather young (24 yr old), obnoxious, intelligent Latino woman

who has a BS in Mathematics, and is used to getting her way. She was hired in about a year and a half ago. I and two

other men had space in this four man office first. Those two have since quit, leaving me to deal with her

preferences, and temperament. She likes it very warm, and now, with only me in the office, she complained to

management last summer of being "too cold". Because of her complaints, I have wound up in the only room in the

building referred to as "the Sauna", or "the temperature test chamber." I had asked to be transferred to a different

room, to no avail. Incidentally, the boss that imposed this decision has his room cold enough to preserve raw


Anyway score a minor victory for mones. I have a two year old

bottle of APC that though it seems to have lost most of the pleasant fragrance, still has phero impact. Guess what

- Latino actually seems to care just a little what I think, and is willing to share this office just a little more

than before. And doesn't complain about being cold, and will put on a sweater (in the summer) - As long as I put on

that one little dab of two year old APC.

Leave it off just one

day, and her thermostat reverts to


Latino has three married men hanging around hitting on her througout the day,

and taking her out to lunch, etc. She actually is very competent at her work. Never-the-less, I have absolutely no

interest in pursuing her. As long as we get along professionally, and can work together. I'm happy. So rather than

experiment with more expensive mones in the office, I'll probably leave things at this level. Though, if things do

get rough again this summer, I may use some of my WAGG around the office. Does anyone have any other thoughts in

advance (better to have a battle plan already in place, even knowing it will be modified) about achieving harmony

w/o inducing any unwanted attraction? and without using up any expensive mones?

I'm really trying to reserve using the good mones for Eve.

Having run out of time to post more, I changed the name of this post, and will pick up the

saga of Eve later.