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  1. #1

    Default Quick Question (Something for Bruce too)

    Hey guys,

    got a quick one before I place my order.

    I\'ve been reading alot about these Jambat #1
    and #2 so I\'m thinking of getting both APC and NPA. The thing is I also have cologne I\'d like to use so I want to know if I can do that while using the above combination.

    Another thing: is \"The Edge\" good for mixing (cologne or other phermones) or as a beginner I should stick to APC/NPA cambo?

    Question for Bruce:
    I posted a message on Nov. 25 with the title \"Damn Newbies: Some help please\" but now I can\'t seem to get to it, it just give me an emtpy page, any reason why? Also, you mention that forum members get 25% off but that is just for PayPal/Fax/Mail orders but not online/phone orders?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Quick Question (Something for Bruce too)

    Certain posts on the forum last week got a blank page return, they are still coming back blank, i wouldnt use the edge for mixing stick to NPA APC and Alter ego as well. Go with jambats mix first then if that doesnt work give AE NPA (50:50) thats half and half of your final mix. That works for me anyway. Or AE and the edge applied seperatley is also another killer combo.
    Attraction and andro 4.2 work to a lesser degree but give results.

  3. #3
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Question (Something for Bruce too)

    Iryx and DD,

    The one success that I had mixing with TE was a 1 to 1, Lure/TE mix. NPA is usually the preferred product for mixing with fragrances, but Lure\'s so damned strong that the extra alcohol in the TE helped to cut Lures scent to where it was actually tolerable.
    A 1 to 1 ratio of any fragrance with TE is the phero equivalent of a 4 to 1 ratio of that product and NPA. But this only works with scents that can withstand serious dilution, and Lure practically BEGS to be diluted.
    But NPA is a more versatile product to have than TE. You can make TE by adding Ethanol to NPA, but you can\'t make NPA from TE

    I wouldn\'t use a cologne with the Jambat mix unless you\'re very sure that it\'s compatible with APC\'s fragrance. There are too many success stories attributed to Jambat\'s APC/NPA mix to consider messing with the formula.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Quick Question (Something for Bruce too)

    Thanks guys.

    I still got to hear from Bruce about that 25% discount he mentioned in another part of the fourm.

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