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  1. #1
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I've only been at this for about 6

    months so I'm not a huge expert, and it's still difficult to confirm a "hit," but so far I've gotten (what I

    think/hope) are positive responses from more "average" women/females than "attractive hotties." Of course

    "attractive hotties" are fewer in number too... And Gegogi may have a point in that the "hotties" are picking up

    other cues rather than smell/pheromones not only because they are used to it, but because they have other "assets"

    that draw in a large audience of contenders for their attention.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Mones do not affect a beautiful

    woman any different than another woman and what you consider beatiful may be what someone else considers average. I

    think what you were trying to say is that it will give you an extra edge and make you stand out more because more

    guys aproach her but I dont think it matters. Its your game that will get a beautiful woman interested in you....the

    mones will intensify her feelings if you create them for her. Sorry I just dont buy into your theory. If you are

    comfortable and refreshing and interesting thats the best way to stand out to a gorgeous girl.

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    the hotties tend to be able to

    mask their reactions a bit better. The overt responses u might get from a woman in her mid 50s that cant shut up

    may not happen as much with a younger more attractive woemn - they tend even with mones tend to have more direct

    verbal defenses and be more skilled at brushing off men as they have a lot coming onto them they tend to be able to

    avoid - ignore - signal disinterest.

    A lot of its subconscious but using the friends of a hotty is an easy

    way to go (use the / PDA) type techniques and its easy enoguh.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    it's been a little over year

    since i started wearing p-mones, and i have yet to find a combo/formula/whatever you might like to call it that

    produces consistant results for me. but i do know one thing, at least in my case, its that the most attractive

    looking chicks are the ones to go haywire with their body language, once they start crossing/uncrosssing their legs,

    there is no stopping while ive been around wearing p-mones.

    but im only referring to chicks in school, ive

    experimented enough, sometimes i sit close and sometimes i sit far away in a classroom setting from the target and i

    can see there is vast difference in body language.

    i know that average lookings don't go unconfortable like the

    better looking ones.

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