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  1. #1
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    Default NPA + SOE not working??


    everyone, I went to homecomming last weekend, and I wore 1/2 pack of SOE and first I applied 3 dabs of NPA. No

    reactions at first, other than a little more talking from people around me than usual... that should be the SOE

    working, however as the party went on I put on more NPA, and went up to 7 dabs... still no DIHLs or other

    I'm asian, around 20, 5'6, slim, don't sweat, and from what I tested before I'm low on 'none.

    like to look for some suggestions cuz I dont' have a lot of sample packs left to try (Friend gave me a little NPA,

    almost none left) and I don't know if I should go even higher on none to see if there is any reactions, because if

    there isn't then I would just use up the rest of the NPA I got.
    Usually if someone uses 7 dabs and no reactions,

    should the person try more? I haven't really heard anyone here using 7 dabs or more. Should I drop the NPA + SOE

    combo and try maybe something like PI or should I keep adding NPA?
    This is so far what I tried before...
    1 to 3

    sprays of chikara- no positive effect, makes people argumentitive, including myself (I'm 100% it's cuz if

    1/4 to 1/2 pack of AE- No reactions.
    1/2 pack of chikara and 1/2 pack of AE - people are more talkative

    but more agressive too, both male and female, but especially males.
    1/2 pack of TE and 1/2 pack of SOE - this smell

    is way too heavy, smell OD. People are more talkative.
    1/2 pack of SOE + eventually 7 dabs of NPA - people are


    All mones are applied on neck, wrist, chest and behind the ears.
    I'm looking for what products will

    make females have a sexual reaction, I'm already sure the SOE has a social reaction so I can add them together and

    tweak with it. Any suggestions??? I don't have much mones left to test... ones I'm most interested in using are PI

    and NPA, but I only have about 4 drops of NPA left. I don't want to order a whole bottle of PI or NPA just to test

    it. There has been a bit of problem with the last return of chikara... so I'd like to keep my orders to a minimum

    until I find what works... thanks ^_^

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    i suggest you buy the edge newbie

    kit as its one of the cheapest and apply louds of the edge, Gegogi is asian and he does not sweat from what ive

    heard from his other posts and he can smother himself with none and still get positive results

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    if u have some $$$$ grab some PI

    or andro 4.2 (to start with use one spray of that stuff and work up) Both are Anone heavy products.


    one that is working fairly well for me is 4-5 dabs alter ego for men and 2 dabs of a314 (arone heavy product 80-90%

    and remaining is 5 unknown pheromones) a314 works best in combos and this one is proving very successful (and a314

    lasts well 6 months for me with dialy use of 2 dabs) and the bottle is still 40% full

    Using it on its own is

    a bit of a hit and miss affair but in a combo (SOE-AE-NPA-Andro 4.2 and a few others that have been mentioend it is

    working for quite a few people or boosting existing products)

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    if you are using like 7

    dabs npa and that is not working well. maybe it is best to go ahead and try PI. it will be more cost effective than

    the npa for sure s it has twice the none.

    anoher thing have you tried using less soe with the npa. ive

    used 3 dabs npa with about 1/2 pack soe and have gotten the same type results. was only seeing reactions from the

    soe really. on a different day i went back and tried 3 dabs with 1/4 pack soe and then i was able to see the effects

    from the npa. it seems like the extra nol in the soe gel can very easily tone down the effects of the npa if you

    wear too much soe.

    today i tried wearing just 1 dab npa alone. the hits were good. id say

    better reactions than 2-3dabs npa and soe. i think for me the npa has to be far more dominant in a mix with soe to

    get the strong sexual hits. i like having the soe effect too, its just a matter of finding the right balance. too

    much soe and it is easy to just chalk everything to the soe even though the npa is still working.

    try using the npa alone to see how much you need to get results. then when you do find it add small amounts of soe

    and build it up.

    it is also easy to be impatient and keeping adding more of a product like

    npa in order to produce dihl's. often you usually end up oding and may not even realize it. ive done it pi and

    npa. in both cases there were no strong clear indications of it being an od amount but when i cut back on the dose i

    got very strong results.

  5. #5
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    Hm, I'll try less SOE

    tomarrow, I'll go for 1/4 pack and 2 dabs of NPA. I might increase the NPA to see effects. If this doesn't work,

    I'll probably go for PI or A314, which one should I go for if NPA + SOE doesn't work?

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    a314 is a totally

    different product than PI. if your going to pick one or the other i say go with PI. a314 from what ive read seems to

    be better to compliment your mixes. with the pi bottle you could really get some good time to find your none


  7. #7
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    Hey just a side question...

    does mones work on lesbians? I havent' heard any hits by lesbians... often girls don't just go up to a guy and say

    I'm a lesbian...
    Well, my current girlfriend (The one in my avatar) is a lesbian. It's a long story about why she

    would hook up with me... don't ask... too long. And I'm sure she's 100% lesbian, and how I found out is a long

    story too. lol... I think mones do affect lesbians... I'm not sure yet cuz I don't get to see her a lot... only 30

    minutes every week. any comments???
    Does it work on gay guys too?
    Just curious... I'm straight tho, just that a

    bunch of my friends are gay or bi.

  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    30 minutes a week. Dude, is she in

    jail or something?

    Seriously though, pheromones work on lesbians, and there's evidence the indicates

    pheromones are the cause of the preference for homesexuality (as well as heterosexuality).

    Any chance you

    have a feminine pheromone signature?
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    You don't see a problem with

    dating a lesbian ? And more so 30 minutes a week , Sounds like a real healthy relationship you have . I sure hope

    your not in love with her because you are setting yourself up for a major letdown.

  10. #10
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    Well that I know... like I

    said, it's a really long story. No she's not in Jail. She lives with her parents, and her parents found out that

    she was a lesbian, and then she was grounded since last December. I'm not kidding.
    I see her during her work...

    she works at CVS and I see her on her 30 minute break. She's not allowed to leave the house so I can't really meet

    her somewhere.
    I don't think it's possible for me to have a feminine 'mone signiture... I met her in therapy.

    It's a long story, not by choice but more like I had to go there for about 2 months, and I met here there. Since I

    left that place we've been in contact. She wasn't sure if she was a lesbian back then when we first started

    hooking up, but it was after time she said she's not interested in guys at all and I'll probably be the last guy

    she'll ever date or kiss. We still hook up, but she just says it feels like she's kissing someone she cares about,

    and not someone she actually loves. So yea, I was wondering if the 'mones can change a bit of the experience.

    She's moving soon... I'd like to leave her an impression that I'd be the only guy that lesbian ever liked...

    it's possible for me but I think using mones will make it easier on my part...
    There's more to it but I'm

    not going to talk about it... this thread is about 'mones not lesbians...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Kuraykillua judging by the wording

    you are using , You sound very young in this correct ? how old

  12. #12
    King of the coupons!
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    So you're looking for a magic

    bullet, Mr. K? They're working on it.

    Did you cover the NPA with SOE? What works for one doesn't work

    for all my friend. You're in such a hurry ... Slow down.

    Dab your NPA on your finger and smear it over one

    pulse point, and then do the same to the other pulse point. Cover both spots with yer SOE, and hit yourself with a

    decent smelling cologne to the front of yer neck and to the wrist, and go on your way. This is a 7 day

    experiment with two dabs!

    After 7 days, and still nothing. A dab to each pulse point, and a dab to the

    top of the chest = 3 total dabs fer 7 more days.

    After 7 days, and still nothing ... a dab to each pulse point,

    and a dab to the top of each hand, etc. etc. etc. Until you're absolutely sure that this combo doesn't work for

    you. Remember, you're to cover the NPA with SOE. I THINK the more NPA you wear, the more it needs

    covering with SOE ... like one dab can get away with not being covered with SOE and a good cologne sprayed on

    another location. Higher than that, start covering.

    I reserve all rights to be wrong!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
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    Yes I'm quite young, all I

    can say is I'm under 21. I guess you could say I'm impatient...I think too much about what results I could get and

    not think about how to test them.
    I guess I'll keep working on it. thx ^_^

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Kuraykillua , Don't put all your

    eggs in one basket , Especially at your age . Remember you will not change her if that is your Fantasy, The best

    you can do for your own sanity is keep her as a friend and move on to playing the field and have fun. P.S KEEP THAT


  15. #15
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    Hey I'm not looking for

    sex. I'm looking for a relationship. I know that's unusual for my age but I'm just one of the few people that's

    way more mature than their age. I'm not trying to change her either, there's pretty much nothing between us

    already. Thanks for your concern though

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