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Thread: Oozing Sex

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Oozing Sex

    Hehehehe. I am on a posting

    rampage today (blame it on the rain). But another thought has popped into my mind. I am an exotic dancer and I want

    to acquire some mones that will make men think the most lascivious thoughts possible when in my presence. I know

    some blends are geared towards friendliness and PG-13 interactions with the opposite sex, what sort of 'mones would

    you recommend for more NC-17 reactions?

  2. #2



    I could give a

    woman oral sex for hours and hours. It is more exciting to me then intercourse.

    Its a known fact that scents

    will trigger memories -- especially if the scent were associated with something pleasant or romantic or sexual.

    To me the scent that would make me go bonkers is the scent of oral sex with a woman. Because I associate it

    with the best memories of my life. I can't help but wonder if you took some of your own natural scent and spread

    it around your body if that wouldn't have the effect you are after? Maybe enhance it with something with copulins

    in it?

    Just an interesting (although I am not sure how practical) thought.

  3. #3
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    Interesting thought, and an

    economical one at that! But I'm interested in products, it just seems a little more sanitary to me. Though, who

    knows, I may try this out over the weekend.

  4. #4
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    You have the perfect situation to

    test them out.

    1. Order a copulin based product, perhaps also an androstenol based product, and any others

    you'd like to test.

    2. Week 1, record the amount of money you make per hour without any products.

    3. Week

    2, your products will have arrived, so try using the copulin product daily and again record your hourly wages for

    each day, along with the amount of the product used, the location on the body, etc. and any interesting events that

    you observe.

    4. Week 3, same thing with the androstenol product.

    5. Let us know the results!

    More than a

    week per test would be even better; you can go back and add extra weeks of data after the first 3 to get a better

    idea of any effects, and try mixing products after a month or two. I remember some (male) bartenders mentioning

    getting much higher tips with certain products, and likewise with sales people. Also, there are other pheromones you

    might try besides copulins and androstenol, but I'm not a woman and don't feel qualified to comment on them or the


  5. #5
    Banned User
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    EW or something else that has

    cops in it definitely sounds like a good choice to me. Maybe make a gallon of dilute solution and use it as a body

    spray? Never been to an erotic dance club before, but I have to say, there's nothing like the smell of the "Kiss

    of Life" to ge me going... I'm with TangledWeb on this one.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Im with catlord17 and TangledWeb

    too...there is something very about the scent that women have in thier nether

    regions.But alot of that has to do with natural copulins.Copulins are what make men go "KooKoo for cocopufs" when

    they get thier faces down there,so I would bet that a copulin based product used liberaly would do the trick.You

    might have to use it kinda heavy though,as smoke in the air may have an impact on the effect.

    I liked Phan's

    idea of keeping track of tips and gratuities with and without pheromones.That could be a very useful indicator of

    thier effect.When I have gone to clubs and been paid special attention by the women dancing,I have never realy had a

    problem getting my imagination working in terms of sex...but I am a cheap skate so I never tip.I let the other guys

    around me take care of that.If your tips go up,you may have stumbled uppon something realy cool that might break

    someone like me.

  7. #7


    I don't go to gentleman's

    clubs often (maybe once every 5 - 8 years) but the few times I have gone I have been a good tipper. Most guys were

    tipping $1. If I'm sitting near the dancers I give each woman at least $2 - $3 for each dance. Some guys seem to

    tip only the women they like. I figure any woman who removes her clothes for me and smiles at me should get a little

    something back. They are all beautful in one way or another.

    The last time I went I took $200 with me and spent

    $200. I spend most of my time working and when I go out I usually figure its okay to splurge.

    The reason I

    went, in fact, was because I had received my order of 'mones and someone on here was talking about wearing them to

    a gentleman's club. I figured it might be fun to test them out. I didn't even know where any of the clubs were.

    I found one (internet search) about 35 miles away and I went by myself one evening.

    I had a lap dance and the

    dancer kept smelling my 'mones. She put her nose next to my neck and inhaled long and slow. She looked rather

    flushed, too. She took her leg and started sliding it up and down between my legs. After about 15 minutes of that

    let's just say I had an experience that was a first for me at a club. She had to go up on stage right after and she

    asked me to wait for her. I couldn't wait and ended up having to leave. I've always wondered why she wanted me to

    Last edited by TangledWeb; 01-01-2006 at 04:19 PM. Reason: Addendum

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    So she could lure you into the

    champagne room for a private session, relieving of all your benjamins. In Hawaii it's $200-$400 to visit the

    champagne room with a stripper. A bit pricey for conversation and a HJ! The 'mones may have peaked her interest but

    she will never forget to collect the toll! With that said, many strippers have given me their phone numbers and,

    while some are looking for a BF or date, others are merely trying to make a little cash on the side...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Banned User
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    Quote Originally Posted by TangledWeb
    I don't go

    to gentleman's clubs often (maybe once every 5 - 8 years) but the few times I have gone I have been a good tipper.

    Most guys were tipping $1. If I'm sitting near the dancers I give each woman at least $2 - $3 for each dance. Some

    guys seem to tip only the women they like. I figure any woman who removes her clothes for me and smiles at me should

    get a little something back. They are all beautful in one way or another.

    The last time I went I took $200 with

    me and spent $200. I spend most of my time working and when I go out I usually figure its okay to splurge.


    reason I went, in fact, was because I had received my order of 'mones and someone on here was talking about wearing

    them to a gentleman's club. I figured it might be fun to test them out. I didn't even know where any of the

    clubs were. I found one (internet search) about 35 miles away and I went by myself one evening.

    I had a lap

    dance and the dancer kept smelling my 'mones. She put her nose next to my neck and inhaled long and slow. She

    looked rather flushed, too. She took her leg and started sliding it up and down between my legs. After about 15

    minutes of that let's just say I had an experience that was a first for me at a club. She had to go up on stage

    right after and she asked me to wait for her. I couldn't wait and ended up having to leave. I've always wondered

    why she wanted me to wait.
    And naturally, you never mention how much of what pheromone YOU were wearing,

    right? lol

  10. #10



    Sorry. It was

    2 sprays of TE and a couple dabs of NPA I believe. This was a couple months ago and to be honest I'm not 100% on

    how much I had put on. I know I put it on stronger because of the smoke.

  11. #11
    Newbie lyric820's Avatar
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    Hey Annie,

    Get some SOE/w

    -- the gel paks will do you nicely. IMO they have more staying power than the roll-on bottle. I get more reactions

    from the gel packs. I think you'll find this to be very helpful.

    Let a sista know how it turns out.


  12. #12
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    Thank you so much for the advice!

    I have alot of variables to consider but I will post results!

  13. #13



    Any results yet?

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    So she could lure

    you into the champagne room for a private session, relieving of all your benjamins. In Hawaii it's $200-$400 to

    visit the champagne room with a stripper. A bit pricey for conversation and a HJ! The 'mones may have peaked her

    interest but she will never forget to collect the toll! With that said, many strippers have given me their phone

    numbers and, while some are looking for a BF or date, others are merely trying to make a little cash on the

    I couldn't agree more! Be glad you left when you did

    or you might have left broke. Most strippers see you as income, and nothing else.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default curious

    AnnieO...any results? I wanna know
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  16. #16
    Full Member dolly's Avatar
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    Well, Annie....if you're still in

    the "testing" mode, get EW.....if it's mixed right, it drives men crazy. I make mine strong, and it always gets a

    very strong, very positive, very SEXUAL reaction.

  17. #17
    Newbie Pretzel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolly
    Well, Annie....if

    you're still in the "testing" mode, get EW.....if it's mixed right, it drives men crazy. I make mine strong, and

    it always gets a very strong, very positive, very SEXUAL reaction.

    I must be doing something

    wrong...I've mixed EW in the 1:10 ratio, and then use with cover scent, but it still smells vinegary/stinky....I

    haven't noticed any hits with it..?

  18. #18
    Full Member dolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pretzel

    I must

    be doing something wrong...I've mixed EW in the 1:10 ratio, and then use with cover scent, but it still smells

    vinegary/stinky....I haven't noticed any hits with it..?
    Well, I mix mine directly with the cover

    scent, with no prior dilution, and I have mixed it stronger than 1:10. I've found it works best with oil based

    scents....the products with alcohol tend to make the vinegar smell worse. I've found that it mixes best with

    vanilla, musk, amber, or other such scents. Mine kind of smells in the bottle, but after it is on me for about 10

    min or so, the vinegar smell fades into just kind of a fruity undertone. I always get results with it.....

  19. #19
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    I want to try what tangleweb

    suggested. Who cares about it being sanitary. It is free and the stuff that mones are built on. A little behind the

    ears and off I go. "Get yee to a convent." Or I say get me to a man.

  20. #20
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    Enticing, good thread, I

    love sex tips threads.

    What I have:

    For looks, breasts, hair, eyes, voice, some people say ass


    Deep throat
    I\'m very tight
    Complete willingness to please
    Orgasms that

    last a long time (good positive reinforcement for the guy)

    How you give head for two hours is that you control


    It is actually not a blow job. It is cock worship. The difference is that a blow job is for making him cum.

    Cock worship may or may not end in orgasm, but orgasm is not the goal. The goal is to give him pleasure and to show

    him that you love his cock.

    Cock worship has a different perspective than blow jobs, too, because a blow job is

    for him. Cock worship is for YOU. Understand that men want to provide for us. So you get across to him that you

    really love this and you need it, you need to have as much as you want of it. He will be more motivated to control

    himself if he understands that he is giving you something by letting you enjoy his cock for as long as you


    It\'s also good, especially with a younger guy, to let him have one orgasm first - have sex with him

    first - and let the cock worship be the reinforcement for his giving you sex the way you want it. If you save this

    for the second round, his need to come isn\'t as urgent so he\'ll be more relaxed.

    You have to be able to

    guage his reactions some, e.g., when his balls really start to tighten, switch the stroke you\'re using, change

    the rhythm - or his breathing changes, or his muscles stiffen - signs that you\'re getting him past the point of

    no return - you don\'t want to take him that far, you just keep him right on the edge....basically you just keep

    bringing his arousal level up and easing it back, bringing it up and easing it back.

    I like to lay him on his

    back with his legs open and one knee bent, so that I can lie between his legs with my arm under his bent leg and the

    inside of his thigh for my pillow if my neck gets tired and I want to put my head down. I\'ve fallen asleep like

    that with SDR\'s cock in my mouth.

    That position is good because it\'s easy just to shift position slightly

    and you\'re on all fours, so you can be more active, or if you need to rest a little, you can, as I said rest your

    cheek on his inner thigh and he can stay in your mouth like that with you not moving, just sucking gently, or

    massaging the underside of his cock with your tongue, etc.

    I start with my hands, touching him just with my

    fingertips - try to make him shiver. Next put a silky lube on your fingertips and use the lube and a little more

    pressure. I like flavored lubes because they help me salivate, and you want your mouth to be wet. Touch gets

    progressively more firm until you have his cock in your first and you can use your whole hand on him - then both

    hands, and keep changing the stroke. If the first couple of strokes are with your whole hand, let the third one be

    with his cock between your second and third fingers, and the fourth one be with your thumb on the underside and four

    fingers lightly on the top, or do a couple of strokes with your whole hand, firmly, stroking downward (not coming

    back up), so a couple of down strokes, and then three strokes from the base of the shaft coming up, back to the base

    and up, etc. until he is ROCK hard and starting to drip. I wait until I see that first drop at the tip of his cock

    before I use my mouth, and then it\'s the tip of my tongue to lick that first drop, and then my mouth very slowly,

    agonizingly slowly, take first the head, lick, make sure everything\'s wet, go down a little further, etc, until

    your nose is in his groin, and then come back up. Get everything wet - slippery is better.

    It\'s not all about

    sucking his dick, either. You give his balls attention, and the insides of his thighs, and his ass, everything ...

    But those things will increase his arousal level fast so you have to be careful with them.

    You have to listen

    to him and know what the sounds he makes mean, that\'s another way - if you get the groan in agony of pleasure,

    you maybe can do whatever produced it one more time, but then no more because it will take him too high too fast, so

    you go to something else, and that will frustrate him, but something else good is coming, so after awhile he\'ll

    stop fighting you or rushing you and he\'ll just lie back. You want to put him in a state of bliss and keep him


    He will be incoherent and he\'ll say all kinds of things to you, none of which are fair game to take

    seriously because he won\'t know what he\'s saying at the time, so if he says he loves you, or he proposes

    marriage, he just means he likes it. Don\'t expect him to remember what he\'s said to you after it\'s over, if

    you get my drift. Anything said in the heat of passion let go in one ear and out the other. He has to trust you that

    he can say whatever words come out of his mouth, or make whatever noise he\'s going to make, just being

    spontaneous. Encourage him to make noise, because that helps you know where you are with him, so ... a guy new to

    this will want to express himself but doesn\'t know what to say - any sound from him at all, reinforce it with

    um-hmmm, while his cock is in your mouth. That feels good to him. Encourage him to talk to you or make sounds by


    New guys don\'t know what to do with their hands - I like my hair stroked and my scalp massaged, I

    really like his hands all in my hair. So if he\'s sort of floundering, take his hand and show him what to do and

    again reinforce it with pleasure sounds of your own. Teach him to stroke your cheek, caress your hair, talk to you,

    etc. That keeps the pleasure cycle going between the two of you so you get reinforcement back. The level of praise

    you get by doing this well is worth the effort, and the level of gratitude.

    Deep throat - you have to control

    your breathing, because you won\'t be able to breathe, he\'ll be blocking your air way. Feel with your finger or

    if you can curl your tongue back in your mouth, where your palate ends and your soft palate begins, on the roof of

    your mouth. What you want is to be able to use that ridge between the hard pallete and the soft to massage the head

    of his cock with. Use pressure with your tongue on the underside, press him up against the roof of your mouth,

    inhale, and slide your mouth down his cock until you can feel him pressing against your soft palate. You can bounce

    him off that ridge. Or you can just keep him in that deep and suck him without moving your head. Lots of things you

    can do. Your throat will be sore the next day but it only lasts a day or two.

    You can have him stand at the edge

    of the bed and you lie on the bed with your mouth just very relaxed and open, and he can hold your head and f*ck

    your mouth just like that without you really having to do anything but relax and let your mouth and tongue be soft

    and warm.

    There are a gajillion things you can do with your mouth.

    If you do want to make him cum, (you asked

    me so I\'ll tell you), a finger inserted and focus on the head with a steady rhythm will usually finish


    But basically what happens is that he is putting himself under your control for that period of time and

    letting you control his body. You have to train a guy to do that, not to want to push to orgasm, not to thrust in

    your mouth unless you let him, etc., just to be completely relaxed. If he knows that he\'s not going to cum until

    you make him cum (because if he acts up at all, you take your mouth away - he\'ll do whatever you tell him to do,

    including lie still, as long as you continue to suck him) then he will be able to get to a state of just sort of

    sailing on bliss. It\'s something of an altered state - it\'s dreamlike - and you lose track of time.


    after you\'ve had him at that arousal level for a couple of hours, once you do make him cum, don\'t expect

    anything else from him the rest of the day, because he won\'t be able to get up. Just slide out of bed so he can

    have the whole bed to himself, and quietly shut the door behind you and let him sleep because he won\'t be able to

    get up for a few hours.

    Ok, that - plus - learn your positions and don\'t be concerned about what you look

    like in any given one. If he didn\'t like the way you looked, he wouldn\'t be with you, so trust him and forget

    about what you look like, just do what he wants you to do, or do what feels good to you and don\'t think, just


    Re Elana playing with toys - that\'s great, masturbating for them is great, wearing sexy clothes is

    great, and being inventive and creative and enthusiastic in general just makes them happy, so ... good attitude.

    I\'m known for good attitude.


    Because no strings is the clincher. When they leave, pretend

    they don\'t exist. When they call again, be cheerful and happy and your life is fine, sure you\'ll see them.

    Don\'t ask for anything, don\'t push in any way.

    That is the way to keep them coming back as long as you want

    them to.

    Or, at least, it works for me.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Exclamation omg.
    i will not have another thought in my head all day,and im working 2 double shifts

    with 3 hours in between!
    why o why did i have to read this post before work???? i dare not wear 'mones, my vibe

    alone is making me feel like an X-MEN mutant!!! thanks for the thought,RED,i got to get me a man.......

  22. #22
    Phero Pro
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    Holy Cripe! You're gonna have all

    the young (and most of the old) dudes gettin their rocks off here tonight. They'll have to put off getting lucky

    with Pheromones until tomorrow.

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by FullTiltRedhead

    good thread, I love sex tips threads.

    What I have:

    For looks, breasts, hair, eyes, voice, some people say


    For actions:
    Deep throat
    I\'m very tight
    Complete willingness to

    Orgasms that last a long time (good positive reinforcement for the guy)

    How you give head for

    two hours is that you control him.

    It is actually not a blow job. It is cock worship. The difference is that a

    blow job is for making him cum. Cock worship may or may not end in orgasm, but orgasm is not the goal. The goal is

    to give him pleasure and to show him that you love his cock.

    Cock worship has a different perspective than blow

    jobs, too, because a blow job is for him. Cock worship is for YOU. Understand that men want to provide for us. So

    you get across to him that you really love this and you need it, you need to have as much as you want of it. He will

    be more motivated to control himself if he understands that he is giving you something by letting you enjoy his cock

    for as long as you want.

    It\'s also good, especially with a younger guy, to let him have one orgasm first -

    have sex with him first - and let the cock worship be the reinforcement for his giving you sex the way you want it.

    If you save this for the second round, his need to come isn\'t as urgent so he\'ll be more relaxed.

    You have

    to be able to guage his reactions some, e.g., when his balls really start to tighten, switch the stroke you\'re

    using, change the rhythm - or his breathing changes, or his muscles stiffen - signs that you\'re getting him past

    the point of no return - you don\'t want to take him that far, you just keep him right on the edge....basically

    you just keep bringing his arousal level up and easing it back, bringing it up and easing it back.

    I like to lay

    him on his back with his legs open and one knee bent, so that I can lie between his legs with my arm under his bent

    leg and the inside of his thigh for my pillow if my neck gets tired and I want to put my head down. I\'ve fallen

    asleep like that with SDR\'s cock in my mouth.

    That position is good because it\'s easy just to shift

    position slightly and you\'re on all fours, so you can be more active, or if you need to rest a little, you can,

    as I said rest your cheek on his inner thigh and he can stay in your mouth like that with you not moving, just

    sucking gently, or massaging the underside of his cock with your tongue, etc.

    I start with my hands, touching

    him just with my fingertips - try to make him shiver. Next put a silky lube on your fingertips and use the lube and

    a little more pressure. I like flavored lubes because they help me salivate, and you want your mouth to be wet.

    Touch gets progressively more firm until you have his cock in your first and you can use your whole hand on him -

    then both hands, and keep changing the stroke. If the first couple of strokes are with your whole hand, let the

    third one be with his cock between your second and third fingers, and the fourth one be with your thumb on the

    underside and four fingers lightly on the top, or do a couple of strokes with your whole hand, firmly, stroking

    downward (not coming back up), so a couple of down strokes, and then three strokes from the base of the shaft coming

    up, back to the base and up, etc. until he is ROCK hard and starting to drip. I wait until I see that first drop at

    the tip of his cock before I use my mouth, and then it\'s the tip of my tongue to lick that first drop, and then

    my mouth very slowly, agonizingly slowly, take first the head, lick, make sure everything\'s wet, go down a little

    further, etc, until your nose is in his groin, and then come back up. Get everything wet - slippery is better.

    It\'s not all about sucking his dick, either. You give his balls attention, and the insides of his thighs, and

    his ass, everything ...
    But those things will increase his arousal level fast so you have to be careful with


    You have to listen to him and know what the sounds he makes mean, that\'s another way - if you get the

    groan in agony of pleasure, you maybe can do whatever produced it one more time, but then no more because it will

    take him too high too fast, so you go to something else, and that will frustrate him, but something else good is

    coming, so after awhile he\'ll stop fighting you or rushing you and he\'ll just lie back. You want to put him in

    a state of bliss and keep him there.

    He will be incoherent and he\'ll say all kinds of things to you, none of

    which are fair game to take seriously because he won\'t know what he\'s saying at the time, so if he says he

    loves you, or he proposes marriage, he just means he likes it. Don\'t expect him to remember what he\'s said to

    you after it\'s over, if you get my drift. Anything said in the heat of passion let go in one ear and out the

    other. He has to trust you that he can say whatever words come out of his mouth, or make whatever noise he\'s

    going to make, just being spontaneous. Encourage him to make noise, because that helps you know where you are with

    him, so ... a guy new to this will want to express himself but doesn\'t know what to say - any sound from him at

    all, reinforce it with um-hmmm, while his cock is in your mouth. That feels good to him. Encourage him to talk to

    you or make sounds by reinforcing.

    New guys don\'t know what to do with their hands - I like my hair stroked

    and my scalp massaged, I really like his hands all in my hair. So if he\'s sort of floundering, take his hand and

    show him what to do and again reinforce it with pleasure sounds of your own. Teach him to stroke your cheek, caress

    your hair, talk to you, etc. That keeps the pleasure cycle going between the two of you so you get reinforcement

    back. The level of praise you get by doing this well is worth the effort, and the level of gratitude.


    throat - you have to control your breathing, because you won\'t be able to breathe, he\'ll be blocking your air

    way. Feel with your finger or if you can curl your tongue back in your mouth, where your palate ends and your soft

    palate begins, on the roof of your mouth. What you want is to be able to use that ridge between the hard pallete and

    the soft to massage the head of his cock with. Use pressure with your tongue on the underside, press him up against

    the roof of your mouth, inhale, and slide your mouth down his cock until you can feel him pressing against your soft

    palate. You can bounce him off that ridge. Or you can just keep him in that deep and suck him without moving your

    head. Lots of things you can do. Your throat will be sore the next day but it only lasts a day or two.

    You can

    have him stand at the edge of the bed and you lie on the bed with your mouth just very relaxed and open, and he can

    hold your head and f*ck your mouth just like that without you really having to do anything but relax and let your

    mouth and tongue be soft and warm.

    There are a gajillion things you can do with your mouth.

    If you do want

    to make him cum, (you asked me so I\'ll tell you), a finger inserted and focus on the head with a steady rhythm

    will usually finish him.

    But basically what happens is that he is putting himself under your control for that

    period of time and letting you control his body. You have to train a guy to do that, not to want to push to orgasm,

    not to thrust in your mouth unless you let him, etc., just to be completely relaxed. If he knows that he\'s not

    going to cum until you make him cum (because if he acts up at all, you take your mouth away - he\'ll do whatever

    you tell him to do, including lie still, as long as you continue to suck him) then he will be able to get to a state

    of just sort of sailing on bliss. It\'s something of an altered state - it\'s dreamlike - and you lose track of


    And after you\'ve had him at that arousal level for a couple of hours, once you do make him cum,

    don\'t expect anything else from him the rest of the day, because he won\'t be able to get up. Just slide out of

    bed so he can have the whole bed to himself, and quietly shut the door behind you and let him sleep because he

    won\'t be able to get up for a few hours.

    Ok, that - plus - learn your positions and don\'t be concerned

    about what you look like in any given one. If he didn\'t like the way you looked, he wouldn\'t be with you, so

    trust him and forget about what you look like, just do what he wants you to do, or do what feels good to you and

    don\'t think, just feel.

    Re Elana playing with toys - that\'s great, masturbating for them is great,

    wearing sexy clothes is great, and being inventive and creative and enthusiastic in general just makes them happy,

    so ... good attitude. I\'m known for good attitude.


    Because no strings is the clincher. When

    they leave, pretend they don\'t exist. When they call again, be cheerful and happy and your life is fine, sure

    you\'ll see them. Don\'t ask for anything, don\'t push in any way.

    That is the way to keep them coming

    back as long as you want them to.

    Or, at least, it works for me.
    Excellent post FTR. I remember you

    posted this a couple of years ago. The most erotic I've read on Love-scent, no doubt about it.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    Awsome post

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