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  1. #1
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    Default Thanks, but how do I pick up shielas

    Morning All

    Well at least it is morning here down under in Australia. Appreciate the help of a certain member

    who just instructed me how to post a new message.

    I am approximately 5 foot 8 inches, athletic build, and not

    bad looking. I want to increase the number of girls that I date etc.

    I am extremely new to Pheromones and as

    such need to ask a couple of quick questions.

    1) Which is the best off the shelf product to try straight up. I

    want girls to be more interested / intrigued by me as opposed to just friendly. From the limited amount I hagve read

    it would seem that SOE is enough to make girls friendly where as Primal instict is more of a power play proivided

    you treat it with respect. Please tell me if this is correct?

    2) Most experienced people on this forum seem to

    mix a lot. Is this really important or will I still get the hits with a standard off the shelf product?


    Should I use scented or unscented.? Without knowing very much unscented appeals to me more as I am a big believer in

    wearing quality cologne. Also, how does one put the cologne "over" the mones. Does this mean literally over or does

    it mean in different positions on your body to where the mones are?

    Thanks for your help in advance


  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texan2006
    Morning All

    Well at least it is morning here down under in Australia. Appreciate the help of a certain member who just

    instructed me how to post a new message.

    I am approximately 5 foot 8 inches, athletic build, and not bad

    looking. I want to increase the number of girls that I date etc.

    I am extremely new to Pheromones and as such

    need to ask a couple of quick questions.

    1) Which is the best off the shelf product to try straight up. I want

    girls to be more interested / intrigued by me as opposed to just friendly. From the limited amount I hagve read it

    would seem that SOE is enough to make girls friendly where as Primal instict is more of a power play proivided you

    treat it with respect. Please tell me if this is correct?

    2) Most experienced people on this forum seem to mix a

    lot. Is this really important or will I still get the hits with a standard off the shelf product?

    3) Should I

    use scented or unscented.? Without knowing very much unscented appeals to me more as I am a big believer in wearing

    quality cologne. Also, how does one put the cologne "over" the mones. Does this mean literally over or does it mean

    in different positions on your body to where the mones are?

    Thanks for your help in advance

    Recommending the best straight up product is always a little difficult. Individual body chemistries, traits and

    personality charactecteristics play a big role in which products work, and which don't. NPA is probably the most

    popular product as far as generating a sexual response, though I hardly ever hear of it being used alone and there

    are those who OD on the stuff rather easily. PI works well, though not for everyone and it has to be used with

    quite a bit of care. AE is a more rounded none product, though it may lack on sexual side for some (like myself)

    Again, which product works best is highly dependent on the individual, and I would recommend starting with the

    beginner special to see which mones work best for you before making a major purchase.

    2) Mixing is by no means

    necessary, but mones are far more effective when products are mixed. For instance, while NPA delivers a nice sexual

    edge, it does come coupled with an aggressive vibe, which can create a sense of awkwardness or intimidation.

    Complementing NPA with something like SOE helps buffer against the negative effects of NPA, thus allowing you to

    reek the benefits of higher NPA amounts, without all the awkwardness/intimidation. Other products just seem to

    enhace the effects of 'primary products'(ie A1, AA314).

    3) The fragrances in the phero products aren't meant

    to be worn as your primary fragrance...products are usually fragranced to help cover the stench of the pheromones,

    and the fragrance will fade almost completely within an hour or so. That being said, I usually cover even the

    fragranced products with a cologne of choice. Though you don't necessarily have to apply cologne over the exact

    spot you applied the pheromones, it would be best to apply the fragrance after you apply the mones.

  3. #3
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    Default Have you all been successful in your endeavours?

    Hi Sigma

    Thanks for the information. What is NPA. Also, just to confirm this site

    just seems to good to be true. This forum is about attacting females(and males) by using pheromones to the end goal

    of sexual relations? Also, it really does work right, otherwise all of you wouldn't be wasting your time on here,


    The reason I am a little unsure is that every article I have read about attracting people using mones

    has said that scientific proof is still inconclusive, or possibly someone can point me in the right direction.

    Anyways, I am assuming that everyone on this site who has been a member for a month or more has had some


  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texan2006
    Hi Sigma

    Thanks for the information. What is NPA. Also, just to confirm this site just seems to good to be true. This forum

    is about attacting females(and males) by using pheromones to the end goal of sexual relations? Also, it really does

    work right, otherwise all of you wouldn't be wasting your time on here, correct?

    The reason I am a little

    unsure is that every article I have read about attracting people using mones has said that scientific proof is still

    inconclusive, or possibly someone can point me in the right direction.

    Anyways, I am assuming that everyone on

    this site who has been a member for a month or more has had some success.
    NPA = New Pheromone Additive.

    Its an androstenone based mix much like Primal Instinct, though with half the mone content of PI, and mixed in with

    some secret ingredients.

    Although most of the older documentation on pheromones conclude against the role of

    pheromones in human attraction and behavior, the more recent studies and articles are hinting at the fact that

    pheromones play a signficant role in all of this. People periodically post these articles on the forum, so

    definately pull up a search on them.

    Of course jumping on the pheromone bandwagon does require a leap of faith.

    Keep in mind though, that although pheromones aren't the magical love drugs that they're often marketed to be,

    none of us would be here if we hadn't had our fair share of success with them. Personally, while the sexual

    benefits that pheromones provide are the primary reason for wearing them, I do embrace other social advantages that

    pheromones provide in a more everyday context as well.

    Definately take a couple hours to read up on the forum

    before you jump the gun though.

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    This forum is about

    attacting females(and males) by using pheromones to the end goal of sexual relations?
    Sex is but one

    area of human relationships effected by pheromones. Pheromones enhance all social aspects of human life: business,

    romantic, sexual and friendships. So this forum is concerned with pheromone use and its impact across a broad

    spectrum of human endeavors (sheesh that sounded good!). I dare say if you suck at friendships and romance you

    probably won't score much poon tang. In other words, human relations are a continuum. Excel at business and

    friendships and romance will be like falling off a log. It's all the same thing to me. Just add a few tweaks to

    differentiate the goals of the relationship and bingo.

    Like others have said, one size doesn't fit all. You

    should probably experience with several products and decide which works with your body chemistry, persona and social

    goals. I'd start with SOE and TE. Test separately and then in combination, increasing the dose until you find the

    ideal ratios and amounts.

    Finally, realize pheromones can only enhance or amp up the real you. If you're

    afraid, lack confidence and negative you'll appear to be an even bigger loser. If you appear fit, confident and

    positive 'mones will make you almost walk on water. So it's 90% up to you. The 'mones will give you an edge only

    if you got game.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    It might actually be cool to

    build a tool based on the recomendations of the experienced users which would make product recomendations based on

    Age Race and Game level 1-10.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    If your game level is 1 (almost

    dead) no amount or type of 'mones will help.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    well some people are here for

    researching and stuff. there are other people around here that uses pheromones but dson't have time to post. i have

    been useing mones for about almost 2 years. i think i found what i was looking for. so i don't need to be on here

    asking alot of questions and stuff. but im still around reading up on stuff. most people seem to be posting about

    mixing is becuase there needs to be alot more tweaking to do with the concept of mix. so alot mroe poeple have

    qustions. who knows, mabey they are jsut researching for the next product (standalone, where most people can just

    buy it and use it with out any more thoughts behind it.)

    i have found what i was looking for, and i use a stand

    alone product and alot of personality that hleps. there is no such thing as an end to all product.

  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Gday fellow Aussie mate! as we

    both well know Aussie girls are not as simple as splashing on some pheros and asking them if they want a drink. As

    beautiful as they are, Aussie women are pretty difficult in the dating department, and ive traveled most of the

    world, Europe females are a piece of cake to get a date compared to Aussie fems, and im a Aussie native, born and

    raised, pretty goodlooking, a bit taller then you and athletic body.

    I think to actually get the date you

    must employ other tactics rather than depend on pheros, they might make you more sexually attractive, and friendlier

    inititally, but this is not enough to secure the date. Each country has its own culture in what women want and are

    looking for, I suggest you read up on some Ross Jeffries stuff and Robert Greene, and nothing will get you a date if

    you do not have the confidence to begin with, Aussie girls I find are pretty independant and very choosy, more so

    because of the countires isolation and afluence, so how really have to manuveuer yourself to meet thier needs and

    what they want to hear. But I gotta tellyou something, once you get the date, PHEROS are amazing and will do

    wonders, I have always had the phylosophy of get the date by technique without pheros, but once you actually get it

    start wearing them each time you meet, since the rapport has already been established.

  10. #10
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    Default Good Advice

    Thanks for the

    excellent advice from all. Just to let you know Bronzie I have began to read up on Ross Jefferies work about

    patterns. I agree that Aussie girls are not the easiest approach, they will shoot you down in flames given half a


    The only reason I had or have any doubts about the mones is that no one seems excited. I agree with all

    of you who have said it is but one part of the overall game. The remainder of my game is not that bad, I have an

    interesting personality, some intelligence, charisma etc. But to have the added bonus of mones I find extaordinary.

    This is truly exciting, this to me would just give you that edge you need.

    Hence, my questioning of your

    excitement, I never hear or see any stories on this site about blokes scoring etc. Its all talked about in hits?

    What is the point of getting a hit if you don't capitalise? I understand Gegogi's point of view about mones

    touching all human endeavours etc. but I would suggest that 99 % of people who ended up at this sit in the first

    place did it becasue they wanted to score. I could be wrong, have been before and will be again.

    Anyway, I

    really want to try them out, I have nothing to lose I guess. Worst case scenario maybe they will increase my

    confidence by 10 % because of the physchological effect of wearing them.

    Cheers Fellas

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texan2006
    Thanks for the

    excellent advice from all. Just to let you know Bronzie I have began to read up on Ross Jefferies work about

    patterns. I agree that Aussie girls are not the easiest approach, they will shoot you down in flames given half a


    Cheers Fellas
    Brother you are true right, right on the mark, but there is a way of

    getting shot down and not getting letting your ego hurt that stops you from approaching women, and that is not give

    a f@%K! pardon my french...

    takes some practice, but you will realise that the more practice you have the

    greater you will overcome any fear of them and rejection.

    ross jeffries mainly concerns with that subject

    matter, others like greene are more in depth and are really about seduction, but to seduce you must have confidence

    to begin with, start with ross jeffries then go read robert greene, art of seduction, amazing read,very

    proffessional, almost academic.

    pheros, well, i have found they do help with self confidence when you have

    them on, and they do work when applied with other tactics, but they are not the magic bullet that we guys are

    looking for, that comes with wisdom and experience in dealing with girls/women.

    again, i stress, once you

    have the girl, pheros will keep her! you can almost b an asshole, which i dont suggest any man should be, but pheros

    are very powerfull, ive had DIHL, and ive dated girls and not forgetten me and calling me up months later, and i bet

    its not my charm, but something that went up thier nose! pheros!

  12. #12
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    The I undestand

    what you are saying. However, the reason I am trying pheros is for the approach. I have no problem with the date,

    close etc. I just need more prospects, I figure if these pheros do what the manufactures claim then worst case

    scenario I will be able to get past the point of being shot down in flames. ie. the introduction. if pheros make me

    more approachable etc. than that is all I want from them. The rest I think I can take care of. What are your

    thoughts on this concept?


  13. #13
    Phero Pro
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    As for aussie women, just tell

    them you drive a saab and own your own double storey home in the inner city, that usually does the trick for a quick

    date, just be prepared for the repurcusions when they find out you dont

    If you want amazingly beautiful women

    that look beyond material things, try going to france, spain, italy, greece and some eastern european countries, be

    carefull, alot of gold diggers in some of these post communist countries, but the check republic (the most beautiful

    women in the world in my opinion), because unfortunatly, you wont find too many in Australia unless you play the


    what i love best in pheros in australia, and this is a bit of a power trip, is when a girl on a

    tram or train is totally unattracted to me usually when i dont have pheros applied, but stares at me with her eyes

    wide open like she has been hypnotized and in love when i do, its those rare times u make ur move fast and ask for

    her ph number!

  14. #14
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    thats what I wanted to hear

    Bronzie. see I can work with that. Where abouts in Australia do you live by the way?

  15. #15
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    Melbourne, but i often visit

    sydney, raised on the nsw coast and melb, dated girls from most states, i find, Western Australian girls the most

    honest, noble and ladylike though, and I believe the most attractive in Australia. just my opinion, but i should not

    generalise, there are good women everywhere in this country of ours, you just have to seek, and after all, evolution

    says that its the mans job to initiate and find the girl, so no excuse texas man, its your right by


    hey, where you from? reside

  16. #16
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    I should have

    known you were from Melbourne using the "Tram". I am from God's country that is Brisbane, QLD. Anyway mate one more

    question. What mones should I start with, from everything I read I was thinking maybe Primal Instinct and SOE. Did

    you begin with the starter pack?

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Don't worry about the

    "unproven research" about mones , remember the director of the FDA once said that "smoking cigarettes will have no

    ill effect on your health, in fact one or two a day is good for you"
    I think the fact that this board is full of

    "hit" stories just goes to show that they do indeed work, it's just a matter of finding the right ones for

    If you think aussie girls are choosy ,try NZ! I find that chikara scented (2-3 sprays) with a cover works

    well at the moment, a boost with 2 dabs of PI has fantastic results in a club... The Mediteranean/Pacific

    Islander/Maori girls go nuts! (I don't really hang out with many euro's so can't comment on them to any great

    early 40's white male or or

  18. #18
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    I find, for what you i have read

    about your physical profile, your not over 6/2 foot and aggressive looking are you? well if your not, primal

    instinct is the greatest product i have come across, and use it with excellent success, if you have your own cousins

    hitting on you ( and thats just downright scary!!) when your wearing a product that works, you know it works! there

    is one more product that is the "fine wine" of pheros that i have been using for years, but love scent does not have

    it on sale here, so not to be in conflict with this forum i will not mention it, but combined with primal instinct,

    this combination is really dynamite.

    i wish lovescent could get it in, as the manufacturer invented and

    isolated pheromones to begin with.

    if u private me, il let u know the name, there is a similar product love

    scent sells, which might do the trick

  19. #19
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    I don't know

    how to do a private post? Can you do one to me?


  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I never hear or see any

    stories on this site about blokes scoring etc.
    The stories about nailing poon are here, and most of us

    have written a few fcuk chapters. I know I've contributed my share. Almost any man can bed a woman once he attracts

    her and wins her trust. That's easy and no great mystery. The difficult part is creating sufficient attraction and

    trust to make her clay in your hands. So we write about "hits."

    Personally I dismiss 95% of the hits I get.

    For practice, I tease them a little and move on. If I like them I might make friends. If I really like them I might

    ask for more. I'm been around the block a few times and have grown extremely particular about a woman's

    personality, lifestyle, race and appearance. Back in the day I would have nailed any hoochie babe but it ain't

    worth the hassle anymore.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Personally I

    dismiss 95% of the hits I get. For practice, I tease them a little and move on. If I like them I might make friends.

    If I really like them I might ask for more. I'm been around the block a few times and have grown extremely

    particular about a woman's personality, lifestyle, race and appearance. Back in the day I would have nailed any

    hoochie babe but it ain't worth the hassle anymore.
    Me too, there's nothing more off putting than a

    hottie on the outside and an ice queen underneath... I like to be the one to walk away these days, often they just

    don't know what to do when they see that i'm moving on after they've realised that i don't find them all that

    Since I've been using mones I'm a lot more picky , less one nighters and more f-buddies. (well not

    anymore, have met someone i want to be with for a while)
    early 40's white male or or

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    If your game

    level is 1 (almost dead) no amount or type of 'mones will help.
    I disagree
    There are always girls

    that take care of the game for you. The ones that approach you, flirt and seduce you. I love those women although I

    get turned off when they do that. They take away the challenge. I still love them though.

  23. #23
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I guess it depends on how you

    define "game." I think of it as your total assets: appearance, lifestyle and social skills. Obviously if you live

    the lifestyle of the rich 'n famous you need less in the appearance and social skills areas. Every hoochie mama

    within the city limits will be all over you. However, what you lack in appearance and lifestyle can often be

    compensated for with social skills (charm, wit, confidence, etc.).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  24. #24
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    Just to balance some of the earlier

    posts : the aussie girls in London are sweethearts :-)

  25. #25
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I think most people will find

    that women from a different country will be warmer to them. That's certainly what I've found.

    I agree

    that Aussie girls are not the easiest approach, they will shoot you down in flames given half a chance.

    That's just women in general my friend. I bet the reason that you found American women to be more approachable

    because they were excited about your nationality.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  26. #26
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    I think

    most people will find that women from a different country will be warmer to them. That's certainly what I've


    That's just women in general my friend. I bet the reason that you found American women to be more

    approachable because they were excited about your nationality.
    I wholeheartedly agree. There is always

    something exciting about a person from a different country/culture. Provided the culture gap is not too large.
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
    (Unknown source)

  27. #27
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    You're right. FOB girls really

    light my torch, especially recent arrivals from Asia. They seem to be more mysterious and erotic than local girls.

    They're also excited about meeting someone from a new country so it makes for a nice ride.
    There is

    always something exciting about a person from a different country/culture. Provided the culture gap is not too

    Oddly I used to dated girls so "fresh off the boat" I had to use hand signals and draw pictures to

    communicate. One of them actually had an English degree from a Japanese University but I swear my terrible Japanese

    was better than her English. ESL is big business on Oahu and hordes of Eastern students flock to our campuses to

    glimpse American pie.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  28. #28
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    On the subject of being

    attractive to a person of another country, I dont think that is entirely true, they may have a curiousity for you,

    and a kind of xeno friendlines, but by nature people tend to stick to thier own kind for survival reasons,

    especially when the need requires it. Example, you will not go very far with a girl from Romania or say Russia if

    she knows you are just a tourist and out to have some fun and than leave her (since these countries population have

    a degree of impovrishment), and females, unless they are into short flings or one night stands, most are into a

    longer term relationship. But if she thinks that you might provide her with some security you could do very well

    with her.

    I find this the case in every European country I have traveled too, even in my native European

    country where I speak the language, most girls, in the beggining of the conversation ask if you will stay and live

    here and work here, if you say no, they mostly go ice cold, if you say yes ofcourse, thier interest in you


    If you want quick sex, no pheromones needed to be quite blunt, just go Ibiza, Spain Mykonons or

    IOS in Greece in the JULY or August, the simple truth is, the girls go thier for that reason, and most do not want

    any strings attached, but its very different if you met the same girl in her native country surrounded by her own

    culture, you will get a different response from her.

    Texas man, the product is called pherofragrance, do a

    search, inventor is Dr Dodd

  29. #29
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    On the subject of being

    attractive to a person of another country, I dont think that is entirely true, they may have a curiousity for you,

    and a kind of xeno friendlines, but by nature people tend to stick to thier own kind for survival reasons,

    especially when the need requires it.
    Of course it depends on the person and the place. When I lived in

    the Pac NW we were very racially segregated and even hated Canadian tourists (I haven't a clue why). We lived in

    separate neighborhoods and Asians hung wih Asians, Blacks with Blacks, etc. Local Asians even looked down on the


    I moved to Honolulu and everything changed, probably because it's a crossroad of the world, a major

    tourist destination and a melting pot with for race and creed. Tourist women from every corner of the world come

    here to have fun and get laid. Black or White women would rarely look at me in Seattle suddenly found me exotic in

    Honolulu. I lived and performed in Waikiki for over 10 years and could get laid almost any day of the week by a

    different woman. In Seattle I was lucky to score a couple times a year.
    but its very different if you met

    the same girl in her native country surrounded by her own culture, you will get a different response from

    This is probably true, especially in rural and backwards areas. Many large cities are becoming

    increasingly international and values are changing. Honolulu is about as international as it get as most residents

    are recent arrivals or immigrants from all over the world. Interracial and international dating is more the rule

    than the exception.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  30. #30
    Stranger Australias Hitch's Avatar
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    Hello all, pleased to meet you!
    Another fellow newbie aussie here!!


    ordered Chikara just over a year ago and have noticed huge differences,
    I only started getting these so called

    'hits' when I became more opinionated, extroverted and
    less of a 'bitch' (plz mind my french).

    When I

    started initiating conversation and becoming an 'alpha male' the Chikara was like the icing on the cake.

    I use

    two sprays, one under my shirt on my chest and the other on my left wrist or bicep.
    I'm from Canberra which is

    full of snobby public servant, resteraunt critic wannabes
    and I still managed to generate 'hits' and get

    So IMO go the Chikara.

    (I'm 22, 5'10, 80kgs {180 pounds}) and a bit of allright.

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  5. Pick up techniques (Speed seduciton)
    By **DONOTDELETE** in forum Archives 1
    Replies: 6
    Last Post: 12-23-2001, 04:26 PM


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