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  1. #1
    Stranger CATPYCO's Avatar
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    Question A Question About Alpha-7


    To start... I am not a newbie to the love scent products, and the who forum thing. I just never

    posted anything... until now.. Why post now U ask? Because i'm feeling this new Alpha-7. My question is directed to

    the newbies and the oldies.. Which other love scent products are you guys planing on using with Alpha-7?
    I would

    like to see some of the different combos you guys have up your sleeves.


  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Hi Catpyco,

    Welcome to the world

    of posting. Alpha 7 is brand new, so it's hard to say where the road leads, especially with the scented version.

    I am still waiting on a bottle of that myself. If you have never tried APC, that is an old standard for covering

    heavy aNONE smelling products, like the UNscented Alpha 7.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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  3. #3
    Stranger CATPYCO's Avatar
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    What would be a good combo involving 3 products..with ALPHA-7 being one of them? ( I ordered the scented


  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Very Interesting.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by CATPYCO


    What would be a good combo involving 3 products..with ALPHA-7 being one of them? ( I

    ordered the scented version)

    personally i'd add some soe to the A7. should be like a more beefed

    up npa/soe combo. other than adding soe or some apc for the scent like bruce mentioned i couldnt really see

    needing to add too much else as it already has high none content and rone too.

    that is just my two cents

    have you ever tried primal?? hard to imagine anything stronger than primal but i guess if you're like a few users

    on here who can wear massive none than it may be beneficial. hopefully the rone can tone down the none otherwise it

    may just be too strong of a product for most to use real effectively

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'd wait and see how it works

    and go from there. Why waste money on mixing when you have no idea what it needs?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Did anyone get their Alpha7


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  8. #8
    Stranger CATPYCO's Avatar
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    When i came home

    from work, I was surprised to see the package in my room.. Thanks for the speedy delivery LOVE_SCENT!!! I then

    proceeded to open the bottle...Then i took a deep snif. I must say that the scented version of alpha-7 smells

    good..unlike his big brother PI. I haven't tested yet, but i think its going to have some success in the field.

    Thanks guys for your help

    GoTTA GGO !!!!!

  9. #9
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    give us the good news

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Just got it today. Will give it

    a try toomorrow and see what I think.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Received mine yesterday, but won't be

    able to test it till Friday.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I'd try WAGG with this, but I

    want to try it properly on it's own first.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The scent certanly holds for a

    long time. I like it. Not enough human contact today to report any results though. For some reason, computers are

    never responsive to mones
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    The oils in the fragrance are partly

    straight from some research on household smells and aphrodisia. I forget the name at the moment; seems like it was

    done in Chicago. Anyone remember that? Somebody came out with a roll-on product with all those scents but no


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    The oils in the

    fragrance are partly straight from some research on household smells and aphrodisia. I forget the name at the

    moment; seems like it was done in Chicago. Anyone remember that? Somebody came out with a roll-on product with all

    those scents but no pheromones.

    household smells and aphrodisia? Bruce i dont understand


    is this some sort of product?

    i know one thing, this might not be related, but i have friends

    that work in department stores, the higher more expensive type ones and they tell me every department has a scent

    machine that pumps out a particular scent for the consumer to smell to reflect the products in that department and

    thus subconciously it does effect thier purchases and emotional state. this is very true, as i have read it, as an

    Impeachment on our civil rights and freedom.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Studies have also shown that

    music also strongly influences our mood and purchasing decisions. Also colors, shapes, decor all increase sales by

    chipping away at our subconscious. An attractive and friendly sales staff also helps thin out your wallet faster

    compared to ugly mean ones. Hardly an impeachment on our civil rights and freedom. It's called marketing and

    salesmanship. You still have free will and can walk away at anytime.

    A sexy young woman, dressed and perfumed

    to kill and schooled to walk and talk like a maneating Borg goddness is no different. She'd be much more difficult

    to resist than Macys or the Gap.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Studies have also

    shown that music also strongly influences our mood and purchasing decisions. Also colors, shapes, decor all increase

    sales by chipping away at our subconscious. An attractive and friendly sales staff also helps thin out your wallet

    faster compared to ugly mean ones. Hardly an impeachment on our civil rights and freedom. It's called marketing and

    salesmanship. You still have free will and can walk away at anytime.

    A sexy young woman, dressed and perfumed

    to kill and schooled to walk and talk like a maneating Borg goddness is no different. She'd be much more difficult

    to resist than Macys or the Gap.

    There is a fine line with what actions are deemed an impeachment

    of our civil rights and freedom, however in my opinion anything that is subconsciously installed into our minds and

    to push us into a certain direction without our own free will is destroying our own sense of choice. The analogies

    that you gave hardly compare to what these companies are trying to do. Having a very attractive woman sell you some

    clothes might be called subconscious cohesion as she probably will have a greater positive effect on you on a

    conscious level and a subconscious level than an ugly person, colors are also based on this theory, this all really

    comes under the banner of sales and marketing.

    What I am suggesting here is highly sophisticated sinister

    practices by companies that use scents or chemicals to control the human brain on a subconscious level without a

    person’s free will. The public already know about this, when entering their stores, and there has been debate raging

    about where this will stop, but what concerns me is how far these companies will go to develop scents that hypnotize

    the person to have them act in a particular way. If you don’t think that is an impeachment of our civil rights and

    freedoms, then perhaps you may be one of those people that say ill just go with the flow and let someone else

    control me.

    I will give you one simple example of how powerful this practice can be. Years ago during a

    cinema movie session, within the film being watched, on the giant cinema screen a picture of a coke and popcorn

    would appear for a mili second while the film was playing, it could not be picked up by the conscious mind, however

    the subconscious mind picked it up very well. Guess what everyone did at that point? Everyone went off to the movie

    theatre canteen and bought coca cola and pop corn, in their droves. This action was not only deemed to impeach our

    civil rights and freedoms but was made illegal by every country that I know of that practiced it. If this simple

    thing can do so much in mind control what do you think of the potential of modern sophisticated scents can do when

    used to coerce a person into a particular direction or act.

    Fact is, pheromones are still viewed amongst most

    people and scientists as wacko novelty attractants that are harmless and don’t work. The moment a pheromone is

    produced that has the effect that a person is totally under another person’s control because of them, you will see

    them banned, illegal and for the reasons I mentioned above.

  18. #18
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    yeh , just another mone user from

    down under. Just interested in the new stuff alpha-7 .If anyone has reports on it. That is when actually using it

    .Please post, as you guys are the best source of education on it. Thinking of purchasing in near futute. Also state

    the mixes you associated with it . And the responses from our fellow human beings. cheers .

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I suspect music is much more

    influencial to behavior in a shop than scents or pheromones. At the simplest level, music invokes a physiological

    reaction. It can excit you and raise your heartbeat and blood pressure in a matter of seconds. The cultural and

    psychological influences can be more far reaching. The ancient Greeks banned certain rhythms and scales because of

    the immoral influences they evoked. Modern China is still afraid certain Western musics will corrupt youth. Music

    attracts and entices buyers in many ways, physiological reactions, nostalgia, cool factors, mood control, etc.

    You might want to check out Muzak Corporation's website. They certainly believe certain music styles will

    increase sales. And they have the research to back it up.

    Big Brother is in your ears and up your nose! Now

    commercial visuals are even worse...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
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    Gegogi, ofcourse music does

    invoke emotional states,if it didnt music would not be popular and not even produced! why do you think people

    actually dance to music? as for using it to create a sense of propaganda, yes it has been done in the past in every

    culture, in Ancient Greece the Athenian establishment made the Great Philosopher Socrates poisen himself, in a sense

    they executed him because he was influencing the Athenian youth with his teachings and philosophy, he didnt use


    What I am suggesting here, is not music or a good looking sales woman to create an emotional state, im

    talking about sneeky evasive coercion, that is not picked up by the concsious mind. At least when listening to music

    you can concsiously choose to block it out, and even when talking to a pretty sales woman, you know when she is

    shaking her ass to persuade you into buying something, if you are intelegent enough you can concsiously judge

    whether these things are happening, not so with what i mentioned above about attacking the subconscious to create an

    emotion or act.

    This forum is full of guys wanting to land women using pheromones and persuade them into

    liking them via very sneeky means and that is to attack thier subconscious. And I admit im one of those


    I will tell you by experience, that if a woman found out that you wore pheromones to make yourself more

    attractive to her, she would probably think you are very sneeky and untrustworthy. I once had a woman look at my

    pherome collection, rather than being labeled sneeky and a goof, I told her they were bodybuilders steroids. Do you

    understand my point...
    Last edited by bronzie; 04-19-2006 at 09:10 AM.

  21. #21
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    woofa1, good to see you dude and

    that you got my message, I too am waiting for some feedback on this product!

    tha ta poume stin Melvourni !

  22. #22
    Stranger CATPYCO's Avatar
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    Default Alpha- 7 update

    WELL... To start,

    there is somthing going on in that bottle of Alpha-7... (SCENTED)...somthing good!! People do react to it... I

    wasn't doing any hardcore field testing, because i wanted to see how my body reacts to it. And as of right now, I

    still don't know...have to do more testing. But. I will share what happened a couple of times, while i had alpha-7

    on. When i went to pick up my check from work, i didn't put any Alf-7 on until I pulled up in the parking

    lot. I put 2 drops... One..on my neck, and One..on my wrist... rubbed together. While...i'm sitting at the

    bench...waiting for my check, (BY MYSELF) the girls, that was about three feet away from me started to brig the

    conversation to my table. Out of the blue... the girl that was on the right of me, pulls me towards her and say, "

    mmmmm...U smell good" In my ming, i was like.... So the next day, my friend and I went to Pollo Tropical

    to chow down. So we're eating right...talking about how crappy our jobs are, and to my surprise, i see a nice

    looking latin girl looking right at me.... In my mind, i'm like... Cuz she looks like... I get her

    attention by waving my hand in the air. She then looks at me and gives me a big koolaid smile. Now... I'm not sure

    if she was day dreaming because of somthing else, or it was cuz of the mones.. Now, I just ordered a bottle of

    Pheros, cuz I am so eager to find what damage Alpha-7 and Pheros would do in a mix. Guys.. what to u think

    about that combo...

  23. #23
    Phero Pro
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    interesting field test,i

    personally am much concerned with that Alpha 7 does alone before i would consider bringing another product to mix it


    lets get the juice on this product first from as many posties as we can...

    but good hit to begin

    with, sounds promising

  24. #24
    Stranger CATPYCO's Avatar
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    LOL... I

    was thinking the same thing, but i am so eager to find out about Pheros too. Have you tried Pheros?
    If so.. is the

    smell to die for?

  25. #25
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    never tried Pheros, as my pure

    aromatherapy essential oils run in the dozens of bottles, i mix and match them when im in the mood, but pheros is

    some exotic blend i gather... would like to try it as a small sample first, before buying a large bottle


    really only buy bottles of products off the net that contain .mones, otherwise i go down to my local aromatheraphy

    store and sniff away until i purchase everything in sight

  26. #26
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Got my A7 yesterday (thanks


    I'm impressed with how good it smells with the high -none content. Haven't tested it yet though,

    however just from smelling it it seems as though it's going to pack a punch in some way.

    If you are into

    EO's and rich scents, you'll love Pheros.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  27. #27
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    First I do like the fragrance of Alpha

    7, it covers the scent of the mones well, and it even last a longtime. Applied 2 drops one on each side of my neck

    below the ear , rubbing it in a circular motion. I was going to the movies with my girlfriend but before we left my

    apartment she noticed the fragrance and said "You smell good." I told her that I was glad she liked it and that I

    was using this new fragrance (she doesn't know I use Pheromones). We entered the theater and got our seats (by the

    way "Silent Hill" rocks) and I did notice her getting more closer to me than usual, even putting her legs on my lap,

    there's no chair handle in the way since you can pull it up or down. You have to take into account that I don't

    wear Pheromones around her every day, the last time was one month ago. I can't remember the exact conversation but

    it ended with her saying "I feel horny." Bingo! I still have to test this on strangers because she might just be

    used to my signature already, but all the signs (I feel) point to a hit.
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  28. #28
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    Hey Guys,

    Just got my Alpha 7

    on thursday and did test it today.

    My first question is what is considered a dab with this product? I know i'm

    still a newbie but from what i can tell i can't get anything out of the top thing. Not sure how it works.

    So my

    dab was pretty much taking the white thing off and putting my index finger over the openning and turning it over.

    Would that be considered a dab, or 2 dabs?

    Anyways put 1 "dab" on my neck b/c i wanted to start small and

    went to Walmart.
    (Walmart a big thing in Wyoming, you have to drive 40 mins to get to the nearest mall)


    really get any hits or that, i know it's the first day so i'm still testing.

    But i'm wondering if the scent is

    strong enough? I got the scented version and it does smell pretty good, smells a little like medicine of some sort.

    But i'm wondering if i need to match it with a stronger scent. The proximity i had to get within was about a

    few feet.

    I'm asian too so maybe i didn't use enough, but i'll continue to test with 1 "dab" for 1 week and

    then move up.

  29. #29
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    May I suggest

    putting the “white thingy” back into the neck of the bottle. This is very strong stuff, and you may have been into

    OD territory with a “dab” of a finger tip straight out of the bottle.

    The “white thingy” is a gravity fed

    dropper. With it tightly in the bottle, and your hand or finger under the central opening, turn it upside down. Wait

    a little while, and a single drop will form from the central opening. As soon as the drop releases from the tip of

    the opening, catch it on your finger and at the same time turn the bottle back right side up.

    This makes the

    drops both uniform in size, and prevents contamination from your finger, or an “eye dropper,” from entering the


    A drop formed this way will probably be about 1/3 the size of a dab straight from the neck of the



    Thank you for the excellent service.

    I received mine yesterday –

    ordered Monday, shipped Tuesday, arrived Friday, (Oregon to Maryland) along with the Lucky-7 experimental pack.

    The scented version smells great.

    Now I need to get around to trying it out.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah

    May I suggest putting the “white thingy” back into the neck of the bottle. This is very strong stuff, and you may

    have been into OD territory with a “dab” of a finger tip straight out of the bottle.

    The “white thingy” is a

    gravity fed dropper. With it tightly in the bottle, and your hand or finger under the central opening, turn it

    upside down. Wait a little while, and a single drop will form from the central opening. As soon as the drop releases

    from the tip of the opening, catch it on your finger and at the same time turn the bottle back right side up.

    This makes the drops both uniform in size, and prevents contamination from your finger, or an “eye dropper,” from

    entering the bottle.

    A drop formed this way will probably be about 1/3 the size of a dab straight from the neck

    of the bottle.


    Thank you for the excellent service.

    I received mine

    yesterday – ordered Monday, shipped Tuesday, arrived Friday, (Oregon to Maryland) along with the Lucky-7

    experimental pack.

    The scented version smells great.

    Now I need to get around to

    trying it out.
    Haha, thanks alot Shenandoah. Man do i need to work on my patience. Sure enough if you

    wait enough time you do get a drop. And sure enough it's about 1/3 of the size alrite maby even 1/4. Mabye i was

    scaring people off.

    Oh well we'll see, going to a music club tonight so we'll see what happens.

    Right now

    i have on my maybe 4 drops on my neck, which is about 5 hours old, and just put on a 1 drop refresher. I'll let you

    guys know the results.

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