I tried some SOE today, and

perhaps I used too much.

I rolled on my chest, neck, arms, wrists, behind my ears, and my cheeks. Then I sprayed

some pherlure (which I only use as a cover) on top.

Pherlure is crap, and I don't think using a cover with SOE

works well...at least not with Pherlure.

I actually re-applied once or twice (every 4hrs)...and it seems the peak

of the 'effect' is about 30min-1hr after applying it, when you can't smell it any more.

I noticed a few

glances during the day but nothing out of the ordinary. My boss seemed just as talkative as normal, and there was a

guy at the sandwich shop that randomly started talking to me...which happens on occasion anyway. I was extremely

tired and feeling like shit today just from stress, so that's a variable.

I also need to take a shower today,

and shave, either of which I haven't done in a few days, lol.