My point

is that I don't fit into anyones neat little "BOX" of what they're expecting or looking for.
Thus the image

problem I mentioned. If I want a specific type of woman, I need to tailor my image to them, and I'm just not a "one

image' kind of guy.
i meant think BROADER than a box....
dont change for anyone,or taylor yourself,

but there will be essences of you that draw similar essenses to you... for instance, i met this guy a couple years

ago. we dress differently; we look way different; we had a different in all ways circle of friends.... one thing we

had similar to eachother though- we're ballsy. nothing could stop us from bursting into song in a quiet room or

picking a raging fight with eachother in our local watering hole to see who the better actor was ..... all this goes

beyond image. so when i think of attracting a specific kind of gal, i mean someone who is an aggressive responder vs

a quiet reserved type. some guys genuinely prefer a girl who is proper for all intents and purposes in

overt displays of affection, more quiet than not,ect. i was thinking certain pheromones may "open" up a quiet

gal....... or slow down a louder gal... only these experiences shared really helps in the choosing of the 'mones.

this forum rocks.