I'm new to this forum and I'm sorry but this is a LONG post. Trying to get a nice thread going here.


found this forum after making an "impulse buy" of an APC/Primal Instinct Combo that I found on another site. Yes, I

saw another thread on this combo, but it was more like a notice of availability than a discussion thread. Anywho,

It's described as "100% Pheromone Oil (Incredible APC/Primal Instinct Combo) - Roll-on bottle". After reading

through some reviews on this site, I'm wondering if I wasted my money on an ineffective or possibly negative

combination of pheromones and I have a few questions....

First, Any thoughts on how much to apply? I've

read about bad OD's and negative reactions, so I've 100% ruled out wearing it to work and will probably only wear

it in the evenings (after work and in public) as a kind of a social experiment.

I'm new to my job and

the area and don't know many people, so I am going to buy Alpha A314 for the supposed "James Bond Effect", soon. I

work with a few type-A men but mostly women, in a high-stress, close-quarters operating-room type of an environment

--and I don't want to risk a single OD or significant negative reaction in that environment. But I didn't know

about the downside to pheromones until I started to seriously explore this forum, and I've already made my whopping

$12 purchase (which won't be worth my time to return). So right now I just want to experiment on the usual

random-stranger-in-the-aisle and cute-girl-at-the-checkout-counter and see how they react to a short fat guy armed

with pheromones. I'll document my experiments here, so be sure to check back in the next week or two.


I've read through hundreds of posts and know y'all will ask about my physical characteristics and I'll get to

that in a second - I'm most interested in how the pheromones will mix with my biochemistry since I'm a "Heinz 57"

mix of many races... caucasian(anglo-saxon,slavic and gypsy)/spanish/middle-eastern/miskito indian/black and

possibly part chinese.

I'd say I'm about 3/4 white and 1/32 black if I had to break it down in order for you

guys to get a handle on my biochem (every other ethnicity is somewhere in between - let me know if I need to be more

detailed). As for my natural pheromone output, this might be a problem. Dark skinned black women have always

seemed to be attracted to me (though i'm generally not attracted to them), and asian girls are straight up

repulsed. (Hey, I'm being honest.) The fit or skinny artsy/hippy girls I'm most interested in have always seemed

non-plussed when I've approached them, and I think that's an image/wardrobe problem. Back to that in a


Physically, Let's just assume I'm a solid 5 on a rating of 1 to 10. I was rated a 3 on "hot or not",

though I think a "friend" of mine had a lot to do with that, as my rating abruptly spiraled down from an 8

immediately after I showed her the photo.

But I digress... I'm 35, 5'6", 189lbs and 30% bodyfat. The

weight won't be an issue for long - I am a former bodybuilder. I started dieting/working out again a month ago,

have already dropped 10 lbs + I know what I'm doing. I'll be muscular and down to 170 lbs by October but i'm not

sure how lean I'll be.

Last of all, I'm on the rebound from a divorce and though I'm not exactly shy, I've

recently realized that I also "ain't got no game" with the typical nice guy deal. Since nobody knows me here,

this is my chance to completely remake myself, if i can pull it off. I'm thinking of cultivating a bit of an

edgier pseudo-bad-boy image as I get back into shape (oh and I'm doing that to get back into the martial arts -

forgot to mention that). I'm new in town and I'll need a new wardrobe anyhow, once I lose the spare tire. So why

not? I've been told that my closet "looks like a LL Bean catalog". Arghh! So I'm short, fat, AND a fashion

disaster! First step: I've already tossed out all of the khakis and I've decided that Eddie Bauer stores are

off-limits. Any other suggestions? (Be nice folks.)

Thanks in advance for your time and any information you

provide, this should be fun.
aka "a short fat guy armed with pheromones."