it's a good thing to

keep perspective when you watch/use BL becose its actualy more than 50% of what you say (i personaly think it

somewhere around 80 to 90 %!!)

i dont remember where exactly that i've read this notion but i tested it & it

works well actualy it is a pretty simple fact :fingers are related to temper & emotions ex:giving the finger

whearing rings (i have read somwhere that you can actualy know what kind of person is with you just by lookin at

theire rings & jewels ) the gesture i was talking about is simply rubing the "index" under the nose sideways (left

to right to left... ) there is lots & lots of gestures we do unconciously & that is one of them !

the reason

you would see lots of nose gesture is simple the nose area is verry sensitive specialy under & on the tip it's like

a clito or nipples lots of sensorial nervs there.

other nose gesture (non sexual)
-picking nose

-rubing the sides -> /\ up & down
-scraching the same
-rubing up & down under the nose (arch in

the middle)
-locking the nose (not realated to bad smell,cleaning??)

usualy when a whoman is attracted whe will

give plenty of BL signs legs moving /uncrossing ,hair flipping ,go to batroom 2 freshen up(brigns her bag?) ,eyes

locking (DIHL)
as i said lots of signs ...