I’m also

curious regarding the large recommended application amount – curious, not necessarily disbelieving. And I will

definitely start w/ lower doses, unless HEC can explain why a more powerful pheromone should be applied in greater


Never the less, I have ordered up some for personal


One possible explanation for OD may lie in the fact

that what we have been using for sexual attraction (androstenone) is even more effective as a pig pheromone than it

is for humans. There may be some cross-over positive stimulation effect between species, which we’ve been benefiting

from, but there may also be an aversion effect built in when high concentrations are encountered precisely due to it

being a pheromone that is predominately used by a different species.

There are apparently pheromones that we can load up on w/o much danger of OD – specifically

alpha-Nol, beta-Nol, and A-1 (or
androstadienone). Rone seems to be possible to OD

on, but w/o as adverse effects as eNone.

Another explanation

may lie in the nature of the active receptor portion of the hydrocarbon molecules that HEC has been developing. (My

wording may not be exactly correct as Organic Chemistry is a 40 year old memory for me). HEC speculated earlier this

year that if one was able to synthesize molecules that have two different active receptor portions on a single

molecule, both of which are known to stimulate the VNO, that the effects might not be just additive, but

synergistic. It sounds like he has found synergism.

Actually I am

quite anxious to get started with this new phero. Unfortunately I’ll be mostly around only family through the

holidays. However, if it arrives on time, I’ll try it on them. After all AQ, and LT together seemed to brighten the

day, and increase conversation among family the last time I visited them.

When I get more time to post, I have something of interest to add to the AQ thread.