Villemure C, Bushnell MC. The effects of the steroid androstadienone and pleasant odorants on the mood and pain

perception of men and women. Eur J Pain. 2007 Feb;11(2):181-91.

4,16-androstadien-3-one = ANDRO and 250 uM in

propylene glycol was used in this study.

"We observed an unexpected increase in pain intensity ratings,

predominantly in women, when ANDRO was present."

Now we have published studies that collectively link

androstadienone to the cortisol response, mood, pain perception, and arousal of women--as well as previous studies

that proposed this compound acts via a human VNO.

Does anyone want to attempt to integrate the findings in a

comprehensive review?

Mr. James V. Kohl,
Clinical Laboratory Scientist (NCA, ASCLS, AMT)

Pheromones: Integrating Neuroendocrinology and Ethology