
I've mixed NPA into

Pheros at ratios ranging from 10:1 to 15:1 (Pheros to NPA). Any heavier on the NPA and you risk the possibility of

the natural fixatives in Pheros enhancing the stink of the A-None in NPA to the point that you'd be risking the

ruin of the Pheros (especially if left to steep over a period of time). If you topped off a pretty full bottle of

Pheros with only a small quantity of your NPA then hopefully you may be safe from that happening.

But even

after finding what I believe to be the ideal proportions for my tastes, I've also always made it a point to mix up

a total of only a milliliter or two of this mix at any one time since I may want to switch to some other additive in

my Pheros at some point, and wouldn't want to have to buy a whole new bottle to be able to do this.


recently found my 1 dram bottle in which I carry my Pheros/NPA mix after having lost it nearly six months ago, and

have been celebrating by using it regularly for the last couple of weeks. I had almost forgotten how positively

Pheros affects MY OWN mood! It's SUCH good stuff! I'll often put a couple of dabs on the backs of my hands when

I'm at the computer just to be able to enjoy the scent even when I'm alone with no intention of going out. I enjoy

the stuff THAT MUCH! Weird, huh?

What I'm having a hard time understanding is why anyone would want to cover

the unique fragrance of Pheros with any other cologne. It's not like the pheromones in Pheros are so plentiful that

they require additional coverage, and if mixed judiciously at the ratios I mentioned above, even

NPA is effectively masked by the scent of


The only times I've ever intentionally combined Pheros with another fragranced product is when I've

used the Pheros/NPA mix as a "refresher application" when wearing something like Chikara or a Green Irish Tweed/NPA

application, but that would basically just be as a phero refresh.
Fortunately, although I FAR prefer it as a

stand-alone scent, a small application of Pheros blends nicely with these fragrances.
(I couldn't find Vaquero

on, so I don't know just how compatible it might be with Pheros, but judging by its cost that I found

various places online, I can't imagine that it has much in the way of natural scent components.)

You own one

of the most unique fragrance products in the world. Don't negate its inherent natural artistry by intentionally

applying it with a commercial cologne that's probably full of synthetic chemical "smell-alikes".

Pheros contains around 150 different

scent components. How can that not be enough?
Try leaving the Vaquero out of the mix and see what kind of results

you get. I'll bet you'll be pleasantly surprised.
