* I appreciate the remarks

about science.

* As regards the practical importance of the purported pheromone, androstadienone ("A1"), it is

very interesting to read all the anecdotal, "clinical" reports of it being used to great effect by many, many forum


Its "anecdotal effects" are well-documented; but the most interesting reports are the oldest ones,

when people used to experiment so heavily with it.

Remember, you guys here (Gegogi, Koolking, Belgareth, Oscar,

Bassman, Holmes, Mobley, Kipling, Irish, and all the rest of the "I'll try anything gang") are way in front of the

researchers in your practical ideas about pheromone effects, due to your extensive real life experiences. It's not

even close.

Besides, its existence as one of the most prominent substances in human male sweat along with DHEA-s

(much higher in concentration than -rone, -nol, or -none) certainly suggests an important role, theoretically. It

makes it imprudent to "bet against it", when thinking about ongoing research, IMHO.

Though to me, I wonder how

necessary it is to supplement the stuff, since we all have quite a bit of it on us already, presumably. I'm not

saying more isn't better, just that I wonder if it's crucial.

What I can't figure out is why it can be

depressing to men when supplemented. I'd still wear it if it didn't depress me. Damn!

BTW, are we sure the one

sold here the exact same molecule that is on our skin in such high concentrations?

Maybe archetypal HEC can

answer that one??