good tips there


Yeah I will definately see what my OD limit will be. for this week I use 2 dabs next week I

will use 3 and following 4 then 1 dab as a control baseline then one week without -none and just -nol.

and now

for the fun stuff...

Day 2

Hot Humid


Same as before.

Ok so I think I got some

beginnings of hits. I did the same dosage. 4 dabs of SPMO in front and 2 dabs of TE on back of neck. Went to work in

the morning and hopped on the train. No hits. Just really like usual. Though, I did see lots of guys looking at me.

Like I OD on cologne not that I stunk. And I did smell the Aqua di Gio heavy that morning. So anyways I continue my

work as usual. Go to lunch and walk the city streets nothing. So I begin to think like damn, I gonna need lot’s of

different dosages till I get something working.

At around 2:30pm which is 7hrs

into my job, I begin smelling cat pee. I have been sweating all day. Due to my strenuous work, I won’t go one day

without sweating. So the cat pee follows me and I figure this must be the –none everyone talks about. 3:15pm I am

off from work and I go buy me body spray and spray on the back of my neck. Boom cat pee is gone! Went into the post

office to get a money order and waited on line. After I got my money order I started heading out the post office

when I started seeing all the girls looking at me! Even some girl in her 25-30 said something to me while she walked

by to the teller. I couldn’t make out what she said since I wasn’t ready for anything like that. As I got closer to

the girls they quickly looked away. You might think this is normal but I never got cute girls to look at me at all.

It’s usually the fuglies that would look at me like the cute ones did today. These girls were really young 18-21.

There is a university nearby the post office and where I work. So I continue and get on the train. There is a chunky

chic at the platform. I walked past her she follows me and enters the same car as me. I get on another train and

there is huge group of school kids. And 2 girls walked towards me then stop and then walked away. All this time I

was thinking “hmm maybe a hit” but not fully believing it. So I fall asleep on my train and miss my stop. Get off

the next one and cross over to go other way. While waiting at the platform, this cute very young asian girl like 16

is standing there and playing with hair and looking at me in short glances. Then walks over and sits near me and

continues playing with her hair. I catch her looking at me from my periph and look at her and she looks at me with

those eyes like come talk to me. I did nothing since I was like whaaa? And I was telling myself she is too young but

damn she was very cute. Loved her face. Got home and took a shower and reapplied just SPMO not TE since I think I

could still smell it. Cover with my body spray and headed back out to register for this class I need to take for my

job and got no hits. Since everyone there were guys. But when I got to the supermarket to buy something, there was

this 16 yr old latin chic. She was looking at me while I entered the store and I passed her then while I was

checking my items out, I could see she was still looking at me hard. She had belly fat but still a little cute.

Ok so this –nol is lethal with young girls that is for sure now. And I was right my –none is high since I

started getting hits after 8hrs passed by and the –none wore off by then. So I will need to maybe do 1 dab of TE.

It’s really amazing how effective the cover is in hiding that pee smell. I couldn’t take that smell at all. I know

people that have more than one cat smell like pee. It’s in their clothes and everything and when they sweat it’s

worst. I am really excited about trying SOE alone! Hmm, but I will save that for when I go somewhere were there are

lots of young ones. What’s funny is that I was getting hits from the young ones and not older chics. I will continue

with 2 dabs to see if result will repeat themselves. After 8 hrs if I get only young ones. We will see
