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  1. #1
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    Default Fight, Zatoichi, Fight - Mix results

    OK here are my first results of using my first beginner’s kit.











    Climate: Warm low


    The Edge: 2 Dabs - Back of the


    SPMO: 4 Dabs – sides of neck and above

    top of sternum

    Cover: Aqua di


    I really have no idea how much I put on since

    I don’t know what the aperture size is and how much it can dispense. The Edge bottle has an opening of 11mm and the

    SPMO has one of 8mm. If you guys can figure that out for me that would be helpful.


    ]I decided not to do the recommended 1:1 ratio mix of TE w/ SPMO. I believe I produce more than enough –none and

    wanted to increase the –nol to get them to feel comfortable with me. I figured if I put –nol up front when they see

    me they will feel safe and leave the –none on the back of my neck so when I turn or they are behind me, they can

    allow the –none enter their senses easily since I am in no threatening position like facing them.



    ]I went to do my weekly shopping for food and washing my clothes. I went in the morning to get some special items at

    the local warehouse supermarket. You know those huge supermarkets that have like bulk items that last you for like a

    year. I love this place. Lots of girls and lots of room to test out many theories. So I am walking down the aisles

    and nothing. I mean nothing really. Only 2 interactions when these old ladies wanted to get something I was standing

    in front of and they asked me to move. Bought my items went to the checkout and nothing. This young girl running the

    register showed no signs. [/SIZE]

    Went to wash clothes. I placed

    the clothes and waited in there. Normally I go out to buy other crap while they wash but I decided to stay and allow

    my funk to spread enough to cover the entire Laundromat. No hits. Nothing. Like always, just everyone doing there

    thing and minding there own business. Only this lady that keeps the place clean sat close to me and I think was

    looking at me. I didn’t look since her ass takes up 3 seats so I didn’t bother. But then again I can attract fuglies

    with ease.

    Went to another supermarket to get my shit for

    my lunch. Once again nothing. Got the cold-cuts and headed to the checkout line. I stood behind this cute chic that

    running the other register. She turned around and asked the guy that was charging my items “you know what, chicken

    butt” and stayed silent. Maybe that might have been a hit. But logistics didn’t help for me to learn more since he

    handed me my receipt and I was out.


    ]All in all, it was fun. Trying to hunt for hits. I like smelling they way I do. I think the SPMO and the Aqua di

    Gio go well together. I found the Aqua was too fruity for me. Now with the SPMO it balances out. So at this stage, I

    think of 2 things. One I am still not trained to see obvious hits or I still need time to allow my body adjusts with

    this pheromone dosage. I will keep this mix up for one week. If nothing else happens, I will increase to 3 dabs of

    TE. [/SIZE]

    I have this sample gel pack of SOE. How should I go

    about using it? Do I use just ¼ or the whole thing at once? I know the SPMO is a cheap brand compared to SOE but I

    would like to figure my limit of -nol with SPMO so I know how much I should use with SOE. Or should I forget about

    SPMO and go straight and buy the regular SOE to begin testing?

    I also have the edge wipes and not sure if I will use it. Maybe one day I will

    use the whole thing while I am at a club or bar to see how it works.


  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Nice report Z. We all have days

    with no hits at all from what we think should be a killer mix. It IS fun hunting and observing. Keep up your good

    attitude and optimism and you'll score.

    Good call on the Aqua cologne. So many of the popular frags have no

    soul, and the musky addition of -mones improve them.

    Try 1/4 pkg of the SoE gel to start, its always best to

    start small and work up. If you have results buy some more. Its hard to OD on it, but there's no sense in using

    more than you need to. Use the SoE alone to see how it works.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Very interesting

    hypothesis lol. I like the way you aproach it all. Don't worry about having days with no

    results. And I would advise you try adding more `none once or twice (even if risking OD) just to check it out and

    see if it might be what your lacking.

    On the same note I'd advise you to use

    only `nol (SOE, or even just a larger amount of SPMO might sufice maybe) once or twice to attract the younger ladies

    and see if you might indeed already produce enough `none naturally.

    Check the

    field by a range of options... ya` know - play around and have some fun with it

    Very nice report

  4. #4
    Phero Guru
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    Default yep, don't worry

    about no

    results, it does happen and happened to me today. I knew I had a lot of errands to run today so I put quite a bit

    of AE/m on (it usually garners me hits) and got nothing, zilch. It was pouring out here though too and that usually

    doesn't help. Two good ways to find out if something works:

    Put your air conditioner in your vehichle on

    high and go to a fast food drive thru, if it's a gal you should see her react considerably when you open your

    window, it's a blast of mones to her usually.

    Get your haircut by a woman, make sure the mones are on your

    cheeks and upper neck so the towel doesn't cover them. She should be very chatty and nice to you.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  5. #5
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    good tips there


    Yeah I will definately see what my OD limit will be. for this week I use 2 dabs next week I

    will use 3 and following 4 then 1 dab as a control baseline then one week without -none and just -nol.

    and now

    for the fun stuff...

    Day 2

    Hot Humid


    Same as before.

    Ok so I think I got some

    beginnings of hits. I did the same dosage. 4 dabs of SPMO in front and 2 dabs of TE on back of neck. Went to work in

    the morning and hopped on the train. No hits. Just really like usual. Though, I did see lots of guys looking at me.

    Like I OD on cologne not that I stunk. And I did smell the Aqua di Gio heavy that morning. So anyways I continue my

    work as usual. Go to lunch and walk the city streets nothing. So I begin to think like damn, I gonna need lot’s of

    different dosages till I get something working.

    At around 2:30pm which is 7hrs

    into my job, I begin smelling cat pee. I have been sweating all day. Due to my strenuous work, I won’t go one day

    without sweating. So the cat pee follows me and I figure this must be the –none everyone talks about. 3:15pm I am

    off from work and I go buy me body spray and spray on the back of my neck. Boom cat pee is gone! Went into the post

    office to get a money order and waited on line. After I got my money order I started heading out the post office

    when I started seeing all the girls looking at me! Even some girl in her 25-30 said something to me while she walked

    by to the teller. I couldn’t make out what she said since I wasn’t ready for anything like that. As I got closer to

    the girls they quickly looked away. You might think this is normal but I never got cute girls to look at me at all.

    It’s usually the fuglies that would look at me like the cute ones did today. These girls were really young 18-21.

    There is a university nearby the post office and where I work. So I continue and get on the train. There is a chunky

    chic at the platform. I walked past her she follows me and enters the same car as me. I get on another train and

    there is huge group of school kids. And 2 girls walked towards me then stop and then walked away. All this time I

    was thinking “hmm maybe a hit” but not fully believing it. So I fall asleep on my train and miss my stop. Get off

    the next one and cross over to go other way. While waiting at the platform, this cute very young asian girl like 16

    is standing there and playing with hair and looking at me in short glances. Then walks over and sits near me and

    continues playing with her hair. I catch her looking at me from my periph and look at her and she looks at me with

    those eyes like come talk to me. I did nothing since I was like whaaa? And I was telling myself she is too young but

    damn she was very cute. Loved her face. Got home and took a shower and reapplied just SPMO not TE since I think I

    could still smell it. Cover with my body spray and headed back out to register for this class I need to take for my

    job and got no hits. Since everyone there were guys. But when I got to the supermarket to buy something, there was

    this 16 yr old latin chic. She was looking at me while I entered the store and I passed her then while I was

    checking my items out, I could see she was still looking at me hard. She had belly fat but still a little cute.

    Ok so this –nol is lethal with young girls that is for sure now. And I was right my –none is high since I

    started getting hits after 8hrs passed by and the –none wore off by then. So I will need to maybe do 1 dab of TE.

    It’s really amazing how effective the cover is in hiding that pee smell. I couldn’t take that smell at all. I know

    people that have more than one cat smell like pee. It’s in their clothes and everything and when they sweat it’s

    worst. I am really excited about trying SOE alone! Hmm, but I will save that for when I go somewhere were there are

    lots of young ones. What’s funny is that I was getting hits from the young ones and not older chics. I will continue

    with 2 dabs to see if result will repeat themselves. After 8 hrs if I get only young ones. We will see



  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    " I did nothing since I was like whaaa?"

    hahaha! cool report!

    Well yes `nol

    is for the younger ones in terms of attraction (it has other, still great effects on older ones).
    I wouldn't worry

    too much abut having too much `none on as you don't seem to be getting hits from the 26-35+ women, whicxh are

    better attracted by `none.
    Maybe it's indeed smart to try out different amounts of `none, yet I would suggest

    sticking to a specific amount for a few days to be sure of it's results.
    Anyway do as you feel is right.. at the

    end that brings the best results.
    Keep us posted. funny and informative hit reports like this are always welcome

    And don't do anything I wouldn't do

  7. #7
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    OMG I have been putting way to freaking little –mones… I finally

    figured out how to use the spreadsheet and saw my recipe was way way too low for any effect. Which explains why I

    was getting no hits like the ones I read on the forums!

    I was only

    using 0.0016mg –none and only 0.0213mg –nol!!!!!!!!

    Day 3
    Rainy day very humid.

    No hits since it

    was raining and I got caught in the rain plus we moved major heavy equipment and ended up sweating too


    Day 4

    day, very low humidity.

    I believe it was a no hit day but

    then while I was in the park eating lunch, this group of young 18yr old girls were sitting like 60m from me and then

    later moved closer to sit near us like 6m. Now one chic was freaking cute like Denise Richard’s face. And while she

    was sitting I kept looking at her and saw her wink at me. I thought she had like a nervous twitch or something and

    looked again and she winked at me again. So yeah it was a twitch. Until after sometime I looked again and saw she

    had no twitch. Kept looking for the spasmodic eye wink and nothing. So I guess it might have been a hit but based on

    my good looks.

    So now knowing my dosage was

    way too low, I see that most of those hits are maybe just my looks alone. Just I guess I thought they were hits

    since I started paying more attention to girls looking at me. Were as I before, would go walking oblivious to the


    Tomorrow I will increase my dosage. 7 dabs of TE =

    0.0056mg –none
    and 8 dabs of SPMO = 0.0427mg –nol.


    with those numbers we will see how it goes.

    Props to person

    creating that spreadsheet. Very helpful. Thank you,


  8. #8
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    Day 5











    Climate: Cool day w/ low


    The Edge: 7 Dabs - Back of the


    SPMO: 8 Dabs – sides of neck and

    above top of sternum

    Cover: B.O.D. (Ripped

    Abs) Body Spray


    Saw my original formula was too weak. I was

    0.0016mg –none and only 0.0213mg –nol. So

    armed with my new formula let’s see the experiment.


    Ok so I put the 7 TE and 8 SPMO and off I went to work. I realized

    I put on too much body spray that was bothering me. Lucky I did not smell the TE at all so no worries there.

    Hopped on the train and nothing really. Just some dude next to me looked at me twice. I think he was bothered by the

    body spray just like me. The only hit I think I got was when in the morning I went to the store to buy water. I

    walked to the other end of the store and passed I think was night manager girl talking with the day manager. I

    walked past by them again to go pay for my gallon of water and was waiting at the register for someone to ring me

    up. No one was there so I looked at the where the managers were standing and was about to say something, then I saw

    her looking at me like a booger was hanging outta my nose. She kept starring me for like 10 sec and then said

    “ Oh wow I was in a daze. He is looking at me and thinking where is the cashier. Wow I was in a daze”.

    So I guess that was a hit. She was like 25-30. Not that cute but still, I never seen a girl look at me like that

    before. And she popped outta of that state since I just walked by her only for a sec. I bet if I was standing next

    to her it would have been a different story. So no other hits since I was not looking. I was dead tired from work

    and fell asleep on the train all the way home.


    Today saw better results with increase of dosage and I think a DIHL hit. Still am

    using like .05mg of –none to test how well the –nol at .04mg works. So far I have not had

    girls open me up or smile at me yet. I will play with the numbers of –nol the rest of this month. I will

    increase the –nol to slowly to .08mg. if nothing then I will need to switch to SOE or

    Aqua for the –nol.



    Another cool day.


    I read online for a recipe that worked for

    someone with .02mg –none and .04mg –nol. I made a recipe for it and wanted to see how it

    goes. Might not work since it was made for someone that was 50yr old.


    So I made my first mix for spray usage using 10 parts TE with 2

    SPMO. Brings the solution to
    5 sprays to 0.0208mg –none and 0.0417mg

    –nol. Cover - same body spray. Went to my errands and found no hits from young girls. Respect from the

    male society that was for sure. I was on line paying my crap and my card was not being read by the POS machine. So I

    told the young girl to put the number into that cash register back in the day that’s how you did it. She had

    no clue and had to call the manager to do it. So everyone on the line to my surprise made no fuss. Usually here in

    NYC everyone has something to say. A guy standing too close to me was blocking the POS machine and when I went to

    swipe the card he said sorry and moved quickly. Though I think I got a hit with an old lady. She was in her

    60’s and near the candy bars. I said excuse me and reach passed her face, I had sprayed on my wrists there

    too, and when I pulled my arm back with a fistful of candy I saw she was like frozen looking at me. Thought nothing

    of it at the time and paid and got out. Supermarket time, I was walking all over and kinda leaving a trail and see

    who will follow. No one around so I said fuck it and went to pay. While on the line, this lady in her 35-45 was

    standing behind me. Then she was standing next to me and asked that I hold her place in line. Which makes no sense

    since it’s the person behind her that has duty of remembering her place. She comes back and still stands very

    close to me. I still didn’t think anything of it since I was looking for young girls 20-25 and not her age. I

    even dropped a stack of those small plastic hand shopping bins on her and she said “oooo” and stacked

    them back up for me. I thought she was gonna start making a scene. Went to get something to eat and nothing from all

    the ladies there. Granted they were all young.


    Ok so .02mg -none for me seems to attract older women. Therefore proving I

    am producing enough –none for my age. I did get mad respect from everyone. I felt like I could get away

    with murder. Reminded me of that movie Perfume. I am going back to my low dosage of –none and high

    –nol to see if I get girls to open me up. Glad I did this now and not at a club or party. I would not

    score anything with the young ones with this dosage. Though is nice to know if I want older I can make the right

    solution. I still have like maybe 3 sprays left in my atomizer. It will be half to dosage I did today so maybe I

    will try that and see how that goes next time I go out for field testing. It’s not easy while I work since I

    stay inside elevator shafts all day and sweat and covered with grease at the end.

    Last edited by zatoichi; 09-18-2007 at 02:44 PM.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Great report! really

    great report. Very organized, very detailed at the right spots. Awsome man :thumbsip; Keep at it

    “ Oh wow I was in a daze. He is looking at me and thinking where is the cashier. Wow I

    was in a daze” -

    Definitely a hit. I'd also call it a DIHL

    Wasn't it nice? wait `till you get one while the chick is in mid-walk and

    gets stuck in a DIHL at you while still walking - that ones a winner

    And by the rest of the reports mate.. You need more `nol and

    less `none. You will probably end up ordering SOE (I'd recommend that by the way ).

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Z, your reports are great, and a

    lot of fun to read, keep up the experimenting and reporting. You really should try SoE as TB suggested, both alone

    and mixed with your TE. This is an unbelievable combination. SPMO is pretty meek by comparison.

    Now that we

    have cooler weather, the heat and humidity won't be spoiling our experiments.

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