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  1. #1
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    Default semi newbie's experiences

    [I]Hi I'd like to introduce myself I
    just turned 24 in august dark hair
    dark eyes rugged face sometimes

    mad but am not,
    with long hair till
    ear lobes. medium complexion like a greek
    or mediteranian

    wheatish guy or Irani guy
    5'4 170 lbs average shape from Iran
    originally but I grew up in

    MAryland Usa.
    My mones :
    chikara( really good with target crowd )

    apc ( only mone product that works

    for me without

    te (two dabs work just like 7 dabs apc)

    npa( always od even with one dab but old

    love it and guys act like sillly lil girls with me and alpha
    males supposedly treat me like one of


    wagg( people treat me like a sweet old lady,
    guys wanna hang out with me, more than 4 drops

    people act like they are smarter than me
    and really condescending and smart alleky with me)

    perception gel

    packs: tried 1/4 pack once too much none I guess. works though just dont know right dose.
    (dihl from older women

    and men)
    (target sexy audience 18to25 get edgy and avoidance)

    best mix to date( 2 dabs te + 1 spray

    chikara gold cap+ 12 inches soe
    I make a goatee with the soe unscented roll on)
    all covered with versace blue

    jeans or chrome
    really doesnt matter which long as its not too overwhelming.
    with this mix I have

    been getting smiley women talking alot alot alot with attraction, and they initiate playful kino like jokingly punch

    my elbow and touching my hands) very very consistent. with All ages 18 to 50 I love it.
    no dihls which is good


    Apc: just with 5 dabs women notice me and get dihls also.

    Sexiest mix to date: two dabs te, 3

    drops ae has got to be the
    most sexual mix for me but for ages 30 and up not my target audience also I .

    Blatantly touching my head and grabbing my arm and telling me I'm handsome but remember all older ladies. I think

    If I fine tuned it it should work for the target audience 18to 25 youger girls. Very strange but when I wore this at

    a gym I was hoping for this cute younger 25 yr old girl to react somehow automatically, after a while dissapointed

    I went to the water cooler and when I turned around
    there she was, looking all nervous and no eye contact at

    maybe she just wanted water I don't know but as I was wishing for her to come to me, she was standing

    behing me
    very strange.
    Have never followed up properly with any hit I ever got. Wanted to find
    a good

    mix first and also work on my game which is very limited.
    I'm sorry for my writing style I know it sucks. I will

    write better

    negative experience: 2 sprays chikara 2 drops ae.
    Guys are friendly and chatty, women are

    rude and mean.
    I have always noticed that whenever I have high none on I get attention from men and avoidance

    from women.
    1 or 2 sprays te gets me respect from all kinds of men
    even if I bump into a scary mean looking

    man he apologizes
    and gives me way.
    I have noticed that women do get attracted but I have

    no game so they are left unopened and untouched)
    with high none stuff like ae or te or even npa sometimes even

    high dose of apc. but with Apc I still get eye contact.

    Chikara: by itself 2 sprays makes me super confident

    and funny but needs a none kick maybe.

    My conclusion so far: mones can do half the work
    but I need

    game, or else nothings gonna happen.
    With game and mones there is no way you can lose at anything whether its

    dealing with women or purchasing a house or a car or at a meeting.

    Any advice is appreciated for a new guy,

    if anyone knows whether learning the mystery method is a good idea and where can I find it. I love the pick

    up artist on mtv and can relate to the guys on it. I want to be able to talk to women without blanking out. So I

    guess it would be a good idea to learn it, I have no problem approaching and saying hi
    but don't know how to

    carry on and close. Great meeting you all. Forgive me for my writing style. have a happy day.
    Oh P.S whenever I

    take tribulus even 2 dabs te is od
    and when I take dhea i cannot wear extra rone products makes mad. too Rone

    really makes me arrogant but I
    could be wroug mabye its the none. But none usually makes
    me super

    confident. Thanx bye. remember 24 male, irani, ok looking muscular guy with probably high none and no nol at

    was really antisocial before SOE.
    Good evening.

  2. #2
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    anyone know of a cheap

    that can get rid of od quickly.
    Sometimes showering hard still leaves
    a bit residue of mones

    I have a problem with soe none conversion.
    Will applying on clothes have the same
    effect with soe ? I

    usually put it
    on my face, seems to work the best, a bit
    itchy though but its ok sacrifice for good

    Happy girls every time.

    Wagg is real tough to use. I guess i'm
    not clint eastwood then thank

    Also would anyone recommend beta nol
    I heard chikara might have beta nol as a secret.
    How about

    beta nol and soe combo. That's maybe
    why soe and chikara is really cool for me, but never
    without extra


  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The antibacterial liquid soaps

    seem to do a pretty good job of reducing the -none conversion issues and of washing of mones.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
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    more question pls
    should I add a1 to
    my current mix of chikara te soe.
    Once I wore a1 to work
    and guys

    commented on how some girl and
    I are falling in love cuz we had the same
    zodiac sign or something. Felt like

    a deep
    subconcious connection pheromone.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Arrow Looooooooooooots of info!!

    Ok, I got a lot to say here.
    First of all, you seem to be putting too much `mones on. Especially `none.

    at an age when your body produces lots of natural `none as it is; You don't need much `none as an addition to what

    you already got. And what you wrote is consistant with that. You personally seem to have even more `none than


    I advise you to read The

    Minimalist Manifesto

    7 dabs of `mone-products with `none is usually a lot. Still, the reason APC

    works so good for you at that amount, is that APC's got really little `none.
    I know. I've been in that situation


    Now, if you use TE and not too much of it, you'll probably get better results


    probably is the `none that gets you arrogant and mad. You see, the `none at small amounts may make you

    feel better, stronger, and more self-confident, but at large amounts you get OD, and then you get arrogant and mad.

    I'm just assuming - but I think that is the case with you

    Your "best mix to date" (2 dabs te + 1 spray

    chikara gold cap+ 12 inches soe) seems to be a great mix, and I think it has great cuantities for you. It has only 2

    dabs of TE, which is great... it's not too much nor too little. It has SOE which is `nol and at your age, `nol is

    what you need most (remember that). I would even add a bit of SOE once or twice to try it out and see if it gets

    better or worse. And I myself can do without the chikara but it's also a good product for younger guys like you and

    me (I'm 23 years young).
    So if I were you, I'll try using that mix for a while and see how it goes. And DO

    follow up on your hits! That's the only real way to improve your game

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    wagg( people treat me like a sweet old lady,
    guys wanna hang out with me, more

    than 4 drops
    and people act like they are smarter than me
    and really condescending and smart alleky with

    Great! This shows us that you know which amounts of WAGG are good for you and which are too

    WAGG is a product produced to counterattack the OD with `none. You

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    anyone know of a cheap product
    that can get rid of od

    Well, there are three answers for that:

    1) You can prevent the OD by using less `none

    and\or by adding some WAGG to the mix. Try to remember what you've experienced with WAGG to decide how much to add

    to the mix

    2) You can use a sanitizer. Click this link

    to see an example of a hand sanitizer I use myself. You can find many others in the US I think.. The

    only reason i use this one is `coz it's the only one I can get in my country
    You distribute it on the

    skin, smear it a little, and let it dry for like 3 minutes. That's all you need to do. It usually clears the

    OD for me (but with every person it might be a bit different). I do it before I shower sometimes... it get's better

    results. But if you use it before the shower, wait 5 minutes between the application of the sanitizer and getting

    into the shower; that way it'll dry off and get even better results

    3) Apparently, there are many users on

    the LS forums that find hot water to work just fine for them. Feel free to try that method. If it works for you,

    then you got the cheapest method right there I'd say

    I myself like the second answer best, but it's

    only a matter of opinion and what works best for me

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    No dihls which is good right?
    It's perfectly ok if you don't get

    DIHLs. However, a DIHL is usually a great thing!
    Think about it...
    You're dancing at a party right?

    and most of the chicks around are smoking-hot. So you look around, some chicks are ignoring you, some chicks are

    looking at you but only for a glance and then they look away, some chicks smile at you and then look away... But

    when you look carefully, you suddenly notice this one hot babe who's staring at you with a DIHL. She's looking at

    you, like she's a dear in the middle of the road and you're the car that's about to run her over - she's looking

    at you with those big round innocent eyes that say "I can't stop staring at you... I don't know why but for some

    reason you're attracting my eyes so strongly that I can't look away!"
    Get my drift?
    A DIHL means you got her

    attension in a sub-consious level. She might not even notice she's gazing at you with those big round sweet eyes of

    hers - but she is, and she can't stop

    At that point you decide to wink at her with a

    bit of a cocky smile that says "I'm a nice guy - but I just cought you staring at me... you're busted, and I think

    you're cute"
    You think you can make that kind of wink?
    `coz if you can - the next thing that'll happen is

    that chick is gonna be embaressed... and if you approach her in a nice way... she'll also get a bit horny for you.

    And from there you can take it anywhere you want to... which means you can try things out and improve your game.

    In other words: A DIHL can usually be used as an opening for a play

    A DIHL can also be a bad

    thing, but it's usually a great thing

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    Sexiest mix to date: two dabs

    te, 3 drops ae
    I suggest - try using it only when you go to clubs. Lot's of people crowded in one place

    and many chicks there come horny to begin with hehe

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    Very strange but when

    I wore this at a gym I was hoping for this cute younger 25 yr old girl to react somehow automatically, after a while

    dissapointed I went to the water cooler and when I turned around
    there she was, looking all nervous and no eye

    contact at all.
    You know what? I'm not sure if this was a hit and she wanted you but was ashamed (or too

    busy) to throw an opening line at you; Or if maybe this happened because you ODed, and she didn't want contact.

    I'm not sure... it could be either one.
    Inconclusive results do come once in a while. It's nothing to get excited

    about ... just remember to feel free and have fun with it

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post

    experience: 2 sprays chikara 2 drops ae.
    Guys are friendly and chatty, women are rude and mean.
    It might

    just have been a one time thing. Yet it also might be, that women just got confused by the amount of `mones you

    added on you, or that you had lots of meat to eat that day or had lots of sport that day (that raises the levels of

    testosterne and by doing so also raises your natural `none production... if that happened, you might have ODed...

    though it's not too likely that that's what happened).

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    I have always noticed

    that whenever I have high none on I get attention from men and avoidance from women.
    Very good

    It's good to notice those things. And indeed it's like that for our age range. And you know what... Men still

    give respect at a later age. The only thing that changes is that women also start giving respect to `none. They even

    start getting attracted to it at about the age of 25+ (it's a bit different for each woman of course).

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    Chikara: by itself 2 sprays makes me super confident
    and funny but needs a none

    kick maybe.
    Try adding 1 dab of TE. You might have just found you second best mix

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    Will applying on clothes have the same
    effect with soe ? I usually put it
    on my

    face, seems to work the best, a bit
    itchy though but its ok sacrifice for good hits.
    Happy girls every

    Applying on clothes (with any `mone-product) will work about the same (try applying a bit

    less than usual if you apply `none on clothes).
    The thing is, it satys on the clothes longer and sometimes fades

    into the air slower. Also, try applying on spots where you can't see, `coz some products stain the clothes.


    suggest you just try changing the application spots.
    Try applying in different spots and not just one area of your

    body. That way, girls look at your whole body and not just the face
    Try applying the `none on the neck,

    jaw-line, chest, shoulders, on the front of your pants, or such areas which are considered masculine.
    And the `nol

    on the neck, wrists, upper chest, or such areas. The wrists is good `coz you can wave it around between you and the

    girl (don't wave like a chicken ) and spread the `nol into the air to allow a more chatty enviourment.

    neck is a GREAT spot to put both `mones and even others like `rone. Why? Because it's mysterious and it makes the

    girl want to get closer to you and smell you some more... in a more intimate way. My g\f always says she likes to

    smell my neck`coz I got such a wonderfull mixture of flavors there

    About A1 -
    I love A1. But I advise

    you not to use it yet. It's somewhat more complicated and you should wait untill you're more experienced with

    `mones. It's not a `mone-products, like SOE, TE etc., it's just the `mone itself in an alcohol-based

    I myself waited about a year before I allowd myself to buy A1, even though I wanted to try it the whole

    time. And I'm glad I did.
    Besides, A1 is a `mone to use when you're in a relationship more than to attract


    Now one more thing. I get your enthusiasm to try out many products, but you should focus on

    getting to know each product by itself, then focus on getting to know one specific mix (2 or 3 products is usually

    enough for a great mix). You'll get to know all your products eventually.
    I myself knew APC before I found

    LoveScent. When I found LS I bought 8 different products. I now own 10 different products not including SPMO. And

    yet after I bought those 8 first products, I found it best to take my time and get to know the products; have

    patience. Try one mix for like a month or so... see how it works in different situations... on different days

    Well... That's about what I got to say. I hope I was usefull . and good luck.
    Oh and

    another tip: Read read read
    It'll be good for you to read and then go and check out the things you read, in

    the action-world

    Here are two more things that you might find valuable:
    - A link to

    The Cookbook (where you learn how to

    - A quote of one of my other posts:
    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    You should be aware that when people here

    say they mix `mones, they may mean one of two things:

    1) Some people mix just as you said you do - in an

    atomizer or a similar bottle-type-thing.

    2) Some people (I myself usually choose this way), mix `mone products

    by distributing a certain amount of one product on specific parts of their body, then smearing it around, rubbing it

    in, or using any other methd to distribut the product in as even a way as possible through the selected part of

    their body (wrists, neck, jaw, jaw-line, hip-sides, etc. etc.), and then putting a different `mone-product on a

    different (or sometimes over the same) parts of their body... and then covering it all up with their favorite


    Those are the two methods of mixing I know
    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 09-24-2007 at 04:01 PM. Reason: I've cut an unnecessary remark

  6. #6
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    Thank you, I have ruined

    so many
    chances with high dosed of te or npa.
    Been feeling really depressed also becauseof that for many

    I just got back from the gym wearing 3 dabs npa without dropper
    on front of shirt sprayed with issey

    with 12 inches soe on face and neck.
    Same like always intimidation and avoidance.
    Dihl from one

    terrible looking older woman.
    ( I'm really sorry to put it like that ) may she have
    a happy life.
    Made me

    feel like lurch from Adams family and my
    only match was an ogre lady. Also forgot to mention
    when at the mall

    today women were keeping their kids close
    to them and away from me, looking at me and grabbing them
    like I was

    some bad wolf. I've learnt my lesson for none
    thanx Tenacious and Belgareth.
    P.S I probably need to

    scott baio's mone signature he seems to really do some damage and probably has no none. ( compared to

    ofcourse Vin diesel or someone) or even that Idiot hugh grant lol.
    They sure seem like nice wussys though(no

    disrespect), I guess it's true then that nice guys score the best.
    Hmm I wonder whats a "cute fun guy mone" ,

    perhaps soe, or chikara seperately. I will try to search for that kind of mone.

  7. #7
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    will keep posting on

    chikara usage
    soe and wagg all seperately or combined
    since these seem like the mones I should experiment

    at this age. I work at a bodybuilding and health
    food store
    with lots of health concious babes, and

    go to community college so lots of testing opportunity
    I'm also gonna use a few openers and play

    Good night everyone.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Exclamation Stay in the game - be strong... Learn from your ODs ^_^

    Oh my! 3 dabs of NPA??
    Mate - that's probably an OD

    I'm 23 years young and I use 1 dab of NPA tops. Maybe at some rare occasions do I try 1 dab on my body + half a

    dab on the front on my pants to get attension there; and that's only at clubs where there are big crowds of people

    and all their natural-`mones are mixing in the air, so mine are tough to find

    Use TE mate. It's the

    formula as NPA, only 5 times more diluted (I mean less consentrated.. umm... ).

    And seriously

    dude, read The Minimalist

    . I know it's long but it'll save you tons of troube and ODing

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post
    will keep posting on chikara usage
    soe and wagg all seperately or combined

    these seem like the mones I should experiment with
    at this age.
    Yeah.. you got that right

    has `nol, which is uch better for younger guys like us. And Chikara has 7 `mones in it, but it's soft and heavier

    on the `nol that the other ones if I recall correctly
    You can also add TE to the SOE if you want. At your

    age (and my age) TE is great.
    Here, let me link you my favorite mix. I use it almost daily and it has TE & SOE in

    it. Read the green text in

    this post

    Quote Originally Posted by crashbandicoot View Post

    work at a bodybuilding and health
    food store
    with lots of health concious babes, and also
    go to community

    college so lots of testing opportunity
    I'm also gonna use a few openers and play alot.
    Nice! You have a

    great opportunity and a wonderful play-ground. Have fun with it - experience
    And go easy on the `none mate.

    Start from less, and go up slowly untill you get it right. If you OD again, just lower the `none dosage. There's no

    nead to avoid it all together ... just lower the dosage untill you find the right amounts that fit you.

    Again, I strongly recommend also reading

    The Cookbook.

  9. #9
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    Default Yes

    +1. this is very interesting

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