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  1. #1
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    Question What makes any of you think that a "hit" is a "hit"?

    I've been wondering why it is that so many posters on this board are utterly

    convinced that sidelong glances from women, the so-called "deer in headlights" look, or an offhand question or

    comment, or the like are "hits" due to the use of pheromones.

    It seems much more likely to me that these

    incidents are no more than random occurrences that happen on a regular basis, albeit at varying moments, with no

    connection to the usage of pheromones.

    So what exactly is it that convinces any and all of you that these

    seemingly innocent actions are "hits"?

    Now the more blatant comments and actions, remarks about how good you

    smell or directed moves to the site of application, then I can understand the attribution, but why are chattiness at

    a particular time or mere looks in your direction attributed to pheromones?

    This is something that I would like

    to know. Thank you in advance to any and all who respond to this question.

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    In my experience its all about

    behaviors that I observe that are different from what I experienced before using -mones. Sometimes subtle,

    sometimes obvious. I do notice a difference overall. In close personal relations I notice a huge difference.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I imagine that more han half

    the hits reported are imaginary ones. When I first started using mones I saw hits every time I turned around. It was

    really more my want to get hits than anything else. Over time I have learned to watch people very carefully and put

    other behavoirs together before I call it a hit.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  4. #4
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    Default Point well taken, Belgareth.

    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    I imagine that more han half the hits reported are imaginary ones. When I first started

    using mones I saw hits every time I turned around. It was really more my want to get hits than anything else. Over

    time I have learned to watch people very carefully and put other behavoirs together before I call it a

    So, in light of wishful thinking, or whatever you want to call it, how do you personally go about

    determining what actions/reactions are associated with pheromones and which are not?

    I'm not trying to call you

    out or anything, I'd just like to know how you go about recognizing these sorts of things.

  5. #5
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    well...when ur fren starts to

    talk non-stop dats not her normal self...u know its a.nol/b.nol doing its job...not all will react...some just react


  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Like Bel says, it takes time and

    experience to recognize what may indeed be valid "hits."

    In my opinion:

    when I am first trying out a product

    I try to use a group of "known" long-time associates whose general behavior paterns I am familiar with. I then try

    to see if I can detect any changes in that behavior during the times thay are exposed to the product I'm checking

    out. It is basically "pattern recognition." Looking for something out of place or different. After I get to see a

    pattern emerging with a product, I can then make more assumtions about if something is a "hit" when I encounter a

    new "subject" while wearing the same or closely related product. The one catch is that pople whome you have known

    for a long time and have known you as well may not react quite the same as someone who you are meeting for the first

    time. Much is still subjective and open to interpretation (or misinterpretation).

    Most "hits" in my mind are

    going to be subtle, not blantant and obvious ones. (Darn it). Some exceptions I'm sure, especialy with say high

    doses of androstenone.

    I have attributed some behaviors as "hits" with "familiar" strangers if they fit a

    certain rather obvious set of criteria. I am pretty darned sure I got a DIHL from a restaurant counter girl once

    (with AE) who seemed to be essentially staring out into space but in my general direction. I had been to this place

    enough times to get a general idea of expected behavior from this person (and others who worked that position) as

    she brought orders out to the to go/take away counter, but I didn't really "know" her that well in terms of normal

    behavior. It was only after I had left and thought about it a while that I figured what I had seem qualified as a

    DIHL (my first). During this same encounter at the counter, I ended up having a rather extended conversation with

    the female owner of the place (she usually handled the cash register) and who normally is too busy to sit and talk

    very much (that part of her "normal" behavior was something I knew about). I can sort of consider that part of the

    AE "hit" as well.

    That part about having a woman strip naked and jumping my bones in the store aisle seconds

    after walking by me is still a dream...
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  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MojoXN View Post
    So, in

    light of wishful thinking, or whatever you want to call it, how do you personally go about determining what

    actions/reactions are associated with pheromones and which are not?

    I'm not trying to call you out or anything,

    I'd just like to know how you go about recognizing these sorts of things.
    To be honest, there is no way I

    am ever completely certain of a hit. When I first started getting serious about understanding mones and how they

    worked for me I kept extensive records of reactions both while wearing mones and while not. At the time I was doing

    some things that required me to be around the same groups of people at roughly the same time of the month, every

    month for quite a long period of time. There were other situations where I had a captive audience of people who had

    never met me before. It gave me a good mental yardstick to work with.

    To be honest with you, I got into mones

    for two reasons. One was my brand new business and the other was my marriage that later died a horrible death. In a

    business respect it worked out great because I am a computer guy who always gets along with computers better than

    with most people. Leaving my secure corporate world and going out to face the public was traumatic for me. I had to

    do something I'd never done before: Sell! I have clear documentation that the periods when I wore mones I got

    significantly different responses than the periods when I didn't. But, perhaps it was a placebo? I don't know for


    On the personal side, it may be a placebo again. I am now 51 years old and mostly bald but keep my body

    well toned. Perhaps that's why I get hits from a much younger crowd when I wear mones? I can't prove it either

    way. Perhaps it's my attitude when I wear mones that does it? I don't think I act differently when not wearing

    mones, when wearing a high -none product or when wearing other products, but perhaps I do.

    While a cheerful

    person, I am pretty aggressive too. People tend to react differently to me when I wear mones. As a rule, high -none

    products tend to encouage either very submissive or aggressive responses, usually way outside the normal range. AQ,

    and too a lesser degree Soe and Chikara, tend to encourage people to invade my personal space, or what I consider my

    space. Women tend to get more touchy/feely and trusting. There are a lot more sexual inuendoes made, as well. One of

    the most notable things is when my male friends ask why I get so much female attention while they get ignored. Even

    the few that know I wear mones don't believe they have anything to do with it.

    There is no one single thing

    that means "HIT" It is a multitude of things all combined. There's body language, eye contact and many other things

    that come into it. Mostly it is a contrast in what I would consider "Normal behavoir"

    Did all that rambling help

    at all?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  8. #8
    Phero Guru
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    Default age.....

    matters. I've known

    for 7 years that mones work and have had a wide variety of hits that I can't really prove are mone related but I

    tend to think they are. Now however, I'm turning 56 this month and perhaps I can shed some new light on why they

    work. I'm not the same person I was 7 years ago, I've got almost all grey hair now, I don't really care much if

    I get hit on or not, I look my age, and I still get hits until they really see me and realize to their chagrin that

    I'm about Grandpa's age, yep - plenty of times now a young lady will smell me first and I can see the small smile

    starting until they realize how old I am and they turn away quickly, mildly embarrassed. This happens more often

    than not anymore. I don't feel bad about it as women more in my age group will let their gaze still linger a bit.

    I'm also convinced that some women really do have an acute sense of smell and those are the ones that you

    get the hits from. Now, the question is, do they have that heightened sense of smell all the time or is it during a

    particular period of their menstrual cycle?

    I've said this before but will say it again. if you want a

    true test to see results, wear mones on your neck/cheeks while getting a haircut from an attractive hairdresser, one

    you have never been to before, and see if she isn't very chatty, says revealing things you would not ordinarily

    hear during this activity, and flirts a bit with you.
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  9. #9
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Turning into an interesting

    discussion. Since the whole matter is wrapped around human behavior I don't think you'll ever see a sure-fire

    "formula" that would describe a "hit". But the gist of what you experience yourself will eventually start to give

    you the idea. There are lots of observable reactions if you look for them.

    What Rbt said about experimenting

    with those whom you know is one that I use, but others here disagree. My early experiments were hugely successful

    in my business settings among regular clients, then later in more intimate experiments (not with clients .) My

    clients were much more chatty and friendly, and opened up more than the past, and my professional relations with

    them were already good. The dynamics just improved, and they began to confide their ideas and plans more. In

    personal relations there was an added spark to an already nice relationship, to put it mildly. Among strangers I

    see some very obvious differences in the way people notice my presence. I've not been raped in the pet store yet,

    but there have been some encounters where I could have followed up and given up a bone if I wanted too, I think, but

    this old man just rolled home happy to have been ogled.

    Noticing the reactions of others around you, and

    comparing those reactions to what you've experienced in the past is important. Pay attention and you'll see it,

    whatever form it might take. After several months of regular use I'm still a novice. The other respondents to

    this thread have years of experience, and you can see that they're hard pressed to provide a clear definition of a

    "hit". You'll know it when you see it. Its just too complex and variable, but it most definitely is real, and


    Keep reading here and experimenting on your own, you'll get it if you have a little patience and observe

    those around you.

    Great question, and welcome to the forum.


    Edit: I suppose there are some reliable

    "signs" ie DIHL etc. But that's all about body language, and observing that is the key I think.
    Last edited by idesign; 12-04-2007 at 07:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    instead of hit i prefer the term

    unusual or uncommon reactions. outside of normal behaviour when u get a female that hardly ever talks and youve

    known them for several months and then on say alternating days u use mones around her and then not and then do and

    each day the overall reaction shifts from one of wide awake to ignorant to wide awake ( chatty follows u around for

    example - side glances, unconscious body language changes) then nothing and this continues along a defined pattern

    then u can apply that to various pheromonal substances.

    A hit is something that if u went just normal without

    using mones that would happen with far less frequency. Its subtle and u probnably need a good understanding of

    human behavour ( NLP can be a good starter here) u eventually learn to pick up signs

    Or perhaps when u get

    more requests to go to dinners, functions, back to my place for coffees, when the women actually show an interest

    versus low level interest or being off in their own little world that u start to learn elevated synthetic pheromone

    levels versus low level normal ones

  11. #11
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher View Post
    instead of

    hit i prefer the term unusual or uncommon reactions. outside of normal behaviour
    That's pretty much the

    deal I think.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Edit: I

    suppose there are some reliable "signs" ie DIHL etc. But that's all about body language, and observing that is

    the key I think.
    yep, my thoughts too.
    After a while you begin to notice the subtle body language

    , a very handy skill in the "professional world." I'm not a very good talker at times, but have improved in leaps

    and bounds now I can pick up the unconsious patterns of others. Sounds clinical I know, but it's true.
    early 40's white male or or

  13. #13
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    Default Excellent post, Belgareth!

    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    To be honest, there is no way I am ever completely certain of a hit. When I first started

    getting serious about understanding mones and how they worked for me I kept extensive records of reactions both

    while wearing mones and while not. At the time I was doing some things that required me to be around the same groups

    of people at roughly the same time of the month, every month for quite a long period of time. There were other

    situations where I had a captive audience of people who had never met me before. It gave me a good mental yardstick

    to work with.

    To be honest with you, I got into mones for two reasons. One was my brand new business and the

    other was my marriage that later died a horrible death. In a business respect it worked out great because I am a

    computer guy who always gets along with computers better than with most people. Leaving my secure corporate world

    and going out to face the public was traumatic for me. I had to do something I'd never done before: Sell! I have

    clear documentation that the periods when I wore mones I got significantly different responses than the periods when

    I didn't. But, perhaps it was a placebo? I don't know for sure.

    On the personal side, it may be a placebo

    again. I am now 51 years old and mostly bald but keep my body well toned. Perhaps that's why I get hits from a much

    younger crowd when I wear mones? I can't prove it either way. Perhaps it's my attitude when I wear mones that does

    it? I don't think I act differently when not wearing mones, when wearing a high -none product or when wearing other

    products, but perhaps I do.

    While a cheerful person, I am pretty aggressive too. People tend to react

    differently to me when I wear mones. As a rule, high -none products tend to encouage either very submissive or

    aggressive responses, usually way outside the normal range. AQ, and too a lesser degree Soe and Chikara, tend to

    encourage people to invade my personal space, or what I consider my space. Women tend to get more touchy/feely and

    trusting. There are a lot more sexual inuendoes made, as well. One of the most notable things is when my male

    friends ask why I get so much female attention while they get ignored. Even the few that know I wear mones don't

    believe they have anything to do with it.

    There is no one single thing that means "HIT" It is a multitude of

    things all combined. There's body language, eye contact and many other things that come into it. Mostly it is a

    contrast in what I would consider "Normal behavoir"

    Did all that rambling help at all?
    Did it help?

    Yes indeed it did, Belgareth. Thanks! Maybe part of the problem is that I rarely spend time around women other than

    my girlfriend. It's just that I haven't noticed any real reactions... I take that back.

    I was at a mall a few

    days ago, and the girl behind the counter at the store couldn't take her eyes off of me the whole time that I stood

    in the checkout line after I had asked her a question a few minutes previously. Maybe that's because I was checking

    her out, but it was a bit weird to see her staring at me for a full two or three minutes. I would have followed up

    on it and asked her out, but she looked like she was 16-18 or so, too young for me. That, and I was out of town at

    the time, so it wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway.

    That, and just now, a girl got onto the bus, and rather than

    sit next to the woman in the front row, she sat down next to me, though I attribute that more to chance than

    anything else, as I was in the back row. Oh, and there were no empty seats available aside from the one next to the

    woman, one next to a middle-aged redneck, and the one next to me.

    No way she could have picked up on the mones

    from the front of the short bus, hence why I tend to think that it's a mere coincidence.

    Anyway, I get what you

    guys are saying, that extended surveys of people's reactions are necessary to discern hits from random occurrences.

    I'm going to keep using mones until my supply runs out at the very least. I wish I weren't so goddamned poor,

    otherwise I'd invest in a bottle of SOE or Chikara, or something, and see how those go, but at $50-$60 a bottle,

    there's just no way.

    Thanks to everyone who replied thus far! I've got to say, it certainly is interesting to

    experiment with pheromones!

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good, I like to see somebody

    take it slow and not jump to conclusions until they really have had a chance to learn how things work. Keep it up

    and you'll do fine.

    Did the girl on the bus react at all while she was sitting near you? Fidgits, nervousness,

    hair twirling, watching you out of the corner of her eye or the like? Remember that not all women will be

    susceptable all the time and you have to be part of it. Mones only add an edge, there is no magic formula that will

    get women dry humping your leg. A good attitude, good grooming, smiles and a sense of humor go a long way.


    do know that you can get small quantities of gel packs for pretty cheap, don't you? Add the break from a discount

    coupon and they really are cheap.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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