Pherin is basically Erox Corp. at a higher level; for development of therapuetic pheromones--as opposed to simple fragrance R & D + marketing.

One Japanese research group reported that androstenol altered LH levels in women. George Preti reported at a conference that axillary secretions from men increased LH in women (and affected their mood). He also suggested that LH assays be used to distinguish a pheormone from something else in axillary secretions. I\'m sure we will hear more from him fairly soon. To my knowledge, no one has experimented with androsterone or androstenone to see if LH levels are affected. I\'m fairly certain that androsterone will have a positive impact, while androstenone will have a negative impact on LH. The positive affect of androsterone on mood/behavior is quite predictable--but not enough studies have been done. I\'m used to \"going beyond the data\" and for being known to do so. The Scent of Eros book was about 5 years ahead of its time.

George Preti told me that the Japanese group that reported on androstenol and LH used excessive amounts of androstenol (I\'ve forgotten how much, and don\'t feel like looking it up). Besides, it\'s a matter of perspective. Some people think that picogram amounts should be effective, others (like me) think that milligrams should be delivered to the nose (not just to the VNO).

Everyone wrote: \"The none nol and rone are simplications of a very complex science better ask james more on this one. At least SOE can be the only real product to say for certain they dont use pig none because it has zero amounts. Because it only contains androsterone and androstenol.\"

Good point! Anything I can say in this Forum will be a summary--I simply can\'t get into detail due to time constraints. I\'ve explained in previous posts some of the reasoning behind using only androsterone and androstenol. Others have commented on positive effects with androstenone. The bottom line for me was whether to include a urinous component (androstenone is always described as urinous) or whether to go with a musky (androstenol) and a \"clean smelling\" androsterone. Not much decision making in that choice. I had experimented with androsterone and the scientific rationale was exceptional for using it. Besides, I had not experimented with androstenone or androstenol, but at least a few people/reports confirmed that androstenol was pleasant in small quantities, while this was not the case for androstenone.

Reports that -dienone smells like androstenone are troublesome, since -dienone has been used to alter autonomic function, and even to help map the parts of the hypothalamus/brain that vary in their response according to sex. \"Needs more study,\" is the phrase that comes to mind, but it\'s also a phrase used most by psychologists, not biologists. From a biological perspective, using androstenol and androsterone in SoE was a safe bet--and it appears to be very effective. Not as an aphrodisiac, mind you, but as an enhancement.

If some people are getting more of an aphrodisical effect using androstenone, more power to them. Just because I don\'t understand it, doesn\'t mean it\'s not happening.