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    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Smile Noob Kimosabe's Greetings & Reports (NPA, SOE, WAGG, A314, LT)

    Hello there everyone! I'm from Singapore, and I decided to purchase 'mones after

    reading up on them on this forum.

    My interest started when I came across Liquid Trust Original

    (LT), and bought a 2-week supply from Vero Labs. Googling more into the subject matter, I found, and

    the wealth of information contained herein.

    Wish I'd found it earlier, because LS's shipping is INSANELY FAST!

    I'd placed my order on a Saturday morning (Singapore time) and it arrived this afternoon, just 5 working days! And

    LT has yet to arrive, even though I'd ordered it earlier. Great job Bruce & Tammy!

    A little history about

    myself, I'm an ethnic Indian born and living in Singapore, although I do travel around the Asian region fairly

    frequently. I'm 33, 6 feet tall, 195 lbs, a bit of extra fats around the abs area but slightly above-average

    muscular (those gym sessions are slowly paying off), and I'm a regular smoker and social light


    Character-wise, I'm slightly more reserved in front of strangers, although I have no problems

    initiating and carrying on conversations if I need/want to. I would not say that I'm readily identifiable as an

    alpha-male, but in the right situations, I do step up and take charge. Above average in looks, I have a face that

    gives a first impression of "aloof and arrogant" when expressionless, but that's dissipated once I start


    I've also been working on my self-confidence and inner game to a relatively improved level (although

    I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be, yet), and decided to use pheromones to help me open a few more doors than


    After much research, I decided to purchase the following from LS:

    NPA & SOE Combo - more for

    clubbing-type situations, or SOE as a standalone in social settings
    WAGG - to temper the "aggressive" signals of

    NPA and turn it into "assertive", which better matches my character
    A314 - for work

    The key to using pheromones,

    as I've read here on the forum, is to experiment, experiment, experiment. With that in mind, I decided to try the

    above products standalone, to see what kind of effects each would cause, before combining them. Please do share your

    views and experiences to help me through the experiments as well as to correct anything that I may be doing


    Methodology: First, I'll try a very small amount (e.g. tight dab) of each product under my

    nostrils to see what kinds of self-effects they would have. Then I'll apply and document each product starting at a

    mild doseage and increasing until I can see significant hits or OD, so that I would be aware of how much is just

    right or too much for me. Following this, I'll move on to the next product.

    I'll also be careful to give a day

    in between applications, to try and reduce any so-called build-up of mones, as well as to see if they have any

    effects the day after application.

    Since I naturally perspire A LOT (a 10-minute normal walk under the sun would

    almost bathe my torso in sweat), I've decided to apply the mones to forearms and the back of hands where I perspire

    less. This would prevent run-off onto clothes, and allow the mones to be effective for longer (I'd read that the

    more one sweats, the less effective the mones become due to dilution.)

    To kick things off, I'm starting with the

    most delicate-to-dose, explosive, sexual mone I've read about here, NPA. Might as well get the toughie figured out

    and out of the way ASAP.
    Last edited by kimosabe; 06-13-2009 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Smell from Bottle: Smells like an extremely strong

    mix of rubbing alcohol and anesthetic (kinda reminded me of a hospital)

    Self-Effects: 1 tight dab applied

    under both nostrils, no cover scent. I had just woken up from a short afternoon nap when I did the application, and

    it seemed to snap me out of my siesta-induced drowsiness into a state of full alertness. Also seemed to tickle the

    back of my throat slightly, which faded after about 3 minutes. However, no overt feelings of aggression


    Apart from the initial burst of a slight urine smell, after 2-3 minutes, I could not smell

    anything. However, my finger did still have that slight urea tinge, and smelled mildly irritating and smothering

    after about 5 minutes, even after I'd washed my hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial shower cream. This definitely

    needs a good cover with cologne, even on the fingers used for application.

    NPA Test Number


    Application: 2 tight dabs onto the back of my hands and rubbed into the skin in a circular

    fashion until dry, 1 tight dab onto the crotch area of my jeans, both areas covered with Acqua Di


    Situation: Went out for coffee with a very good female "playa" friend.

    Observations: Lots

    more kino than usual from her, was her usual chatty self. Nothing much out of the ordinary. The coffee session went

    well. There was also a group of teenagers (18-19) who came up during coffee and asked me to take a group photo for

    them, to which I obliged. Lots of thanking and appreciation all around.

    Prior to meeting my friend, I went for a

    fuel stop at a petrol station near her house. The male attendant was pretty chatty, yet seemed to give an impression

    of being respectful, which usually isn't the case with attendants here in Singapore. We had a short chat about cars

    and he seemed pleased that I was willing to talk to him.

    I went inside to make payment, and there was a female

    attendant (mid-20's, heavy-set, not attractive) standing beside me trying to remove some adhesive tape off of a

    glass counter-top. She was making slow progress, so I offered to show her a faster way using the cutter blade she

    was holding, which I did. Lots of appreciative looks and thanking from both her and the female cashier (early 50's,

    traditional-looking lady), nothing out of the ordinary.

    I did notice, after I'd first applied NPA and was

    walking out to my car, that I felt more confident and self-assured. Again, no aggressive feelings materialized.

    Maybe this would be the right dose to convey a sense of assertiveness? I don't know, more testing to follow. Plus,

    I may have OD-ed on Acqua Di Gio since, in my eagerness to cover up the smell of NPA, I sprayed a full spray right

    on top of each application area. Too much? I'll try to lower the doseage next time around. Now that I'm back home

    (4.5 hours after NPA application), the urine smell is starting to come on stronger.


    Inconclusive. More testing to follow.

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum kimosabe.

    Sounds like you have a good strategy in hand. Pretty brave starting out with NPA. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Thanks idesign, glad to be on


    NPA Test 1 - The Morning After

    Smell of NPA seems to have disappeared almost completely

    from my hands, although there still is a very VERY faint hint of it.

    Its still pretty strong smelling on my jeans

    though. I'll have to cover that up with cologne if I wear that pair of jeans out later.

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    Welcome to the

    forum. I agree w/ idesign, you have b*ll's that clank! My friend came over last week and saw my

    bottle of NPA. I told him to be careful as it was a VERY powerful pheremone mix. He poured the WHOLE bottle over his

    head, laughing and saying that mone's didn't work. A few minutes later he turned green, gained 800 pounds, started

    screaming, and tore though the wall. I haven't seen him since. Seriously, you seem to have a solid plan. My

    advice to the cover scent is buy an atomizer or perfume bottle and mix 1 part DI GIO w/ 1 part alcohol. It will

    allow you to distribute the cover scent on more areas without OD'ing. Also, my theory is applying mone's just

    after showering is better. It allows them to mix w/ your natural scent. Sweating half the day and then applying in

    my opinion would cause the mone's to have a negative scent. Just a newbie's take. Maybe one of the guru's can

    elaborate, as I could be wrong.

  6. #6
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post
    Welcome to the forum. I agree w/ idesign, you have b*ll's that clank! My

    friend came over last week and saw my bottle of NPA. I told him to be careful as it was a VERY powerful pheremone

    mix. He poured the WHOLE bottle over his head, laughing and saying that mone's didn't work. A few minutes later he

    turned green, gained 800 pounds, started screaming, and tore though the wall. I haven't seen him since.

    Seriously, you seem to have a solid plan. My advice to the cover scent is buy an atomizer or perfume bottle and mix

    1 part DI GIO w/ 1 part alcohol. It will allow you to distribute the cover scent on more areas without OD'ing.

    Also, my theory is applying mone's just after showering is better. It allows them to mix w/ your natural scent.

    Sweating half the day and then applying in my opinion would cause the mone's to have a negative scent. Just a

    newbie's take. Maybe one of the guru's can elaborate, as I could be wrong.
    Hey Peregrine,

    thanks for the warm welcome! Glad to be here.

    Well, thank heavens my handle isn't Bruce Banner,


    Good idea on the atomizer bottle.

    What kind of alcohol do you suggest I mix in with Di Gio?

    Oh, and I'd totally forgotten to mention in my

    previous post that the 'mones were applied just after a good shower. I agree with you, applying them to skin after

    being sweaty for some time would not provide a very objective platform for testing. Clean slate every time. Plus,

    NPA by itself is quite rank, so best not to smell like a walking garbage-truck!

    Thanks for the

    observations and suggestions, please do keep 'em coming!

    Just for everyone's info, LT

    arrived this afternoon.
    Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. - Henry David Thoreau

  7. #7
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    NPA Test


    Application: Today was the day of NO 'mones application on the skin. Since the smell had faded

    on my jeans, I refreshed one tight dab onto the same application area as yesterday (crotch area of jeans) and

    covered with a light spray of Acqua Di Gio.

    Situation: Went out prawning with a mix of male and female


    Observations: Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. We chatted and cracked jokes as usual.

    One of the gals had brought her new boyfriend along, and he and I got to talking during prawning. Clicked quite

    well, made a new friend.

    There were quite a number of other women at the venue, so I tried establishing eye

    contact to no avail, but this was down to the fact that they were all there with their boyfriends/husbands. I walked

    past a few of them on the way to and back from the gents, and there were absolutely no reactions whatsoever.

    Everyone was minding their own business, prawning and talking amongst themselves.

    I also noticed that the feeling

    of extra confidence and self-assuredness of the previous day was absent today.

    Conclusion: ZIP, ZERO,

    NADA. With this test, this pair of jeans go straight into the wash.

    Tomorrow, I might be meeting another female

    friend. If it materializes, it will be a great opportunity to try out 2 tight dabs of NPA on my skin. Stay tuned.
    Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. - Henry David Thoreau

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    Nothing to update thus far, as

    I've been tied down over the past couple of days with family engagements and work.

    Just for the heck of it, I

    applied a tight dab of NPA on my forearm, right next to the elbow pit, this evening after shower. Covered with a

    light spray of Bvlgari Pour Homme Soir. Its now 4 hours after application and I find that the woody fragrance of

    Bvlgari Soir perfectly matches and complements the musky uric tang of NPA. IMHO, much better than NPA + Acqua Di


    Gonna try this combination the next time I use NPA.
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  9. #9
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Finding a good cover scent is a

    big part of pheromone use and it seems you found a good one. My experience shows that warmer, woody, animalic

    scents work best. Never smelled the Pour Homme Soir, have to give it a try. You might look into DST's Pheros,

    probably your kind of fragrance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kimosabe View Post
    Conclusion: ZIP, ZERO, NADA. With this test, this pair of jeans go straight into the

    Zip, Zero, Nada? Sounds like the Primal J test. LOL.

    -The Bat

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    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    a good cover scent is a big part of pheromone use and it seems you found a good one. My experience shows that

    warmer, woody, animalic scents work best. Never smelled the Pour Homme Soir, have to give it a try. You might look

    into DST's Pheros, probably your kind of fragrance.
    Try it, I'm sure you'll like Bvlgari Soir. But do

    be careful, the scent is so powerful that even a very slight OD gives me a bad headache.

    Are you referring to

    THIS? If so, can it be used with NPA or would the 'mones contained

    within Pheros possibly cause an OD?

    I'm surprised that I never saw DST's Pheros during my search before. Please

    tell me more.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jambat

    Zip, Zero, Nada? Sounds like the Primal J test. LOL.

    -The Bat
    Haha yeah, I

    guess its frustrating at times, but that's par for the course of experimentation, isn't it? Plus, going back to

    the day of Zip, Zero, Nada, a prawning place is one of the last places to meet women, unless the Sun, Moon and Earth

    are in perfect alignment AND Mars comes out of retrograde and turns direct at full speed. Not saying its impossible,

    but it DOES happen very occasionally. Just not this time.
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  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Pheros is a unique mix of

    natural fragrances and analog pheromones that DST put together over a period of time. He's mentioned several

    ingredients but has never been very specific about the formula. It is a fantasic fragrance that gets lots of

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    Thanks Bruce, I might give it

    a try on the next order. Given that the demographic of Singapore consists largely of Chinese, Malays and Indians, do

    you think Pheros would be a good mix for use here?
    And thanks once again for the hassle-free shopping experience

    and insanely quick shipping!
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    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm sure Bruce appreciate

    that. But I am not him. I'm a computer geek in Texas, Bruce lives in Oregon.

    It would be worth a try. Do you

    notice a lot of musky scents there? I've never been there but thought the sweeter scents like CHikara would be more

    acceptable there.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    NPA Test 3 (with


    Let me preface by saying that I decided to use SOE because the girl I went out with this evening is

    someone who's quiet and generally not chatty. I wore SOE with the aim of opening her up more in terms of


    Application: 2 tight dabs to the forearms, flanked by 6 inches SOE per arm (12 in total) and

    covered with Bvlgari Soir.

    Situation: Dinner with my female friend, who is naturally


    Observations: Picked her up and headed for dinner. She gave me a warm smile upon getting into the

    car. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    However, here's where things started to go downhill. She was not as chatty as

    usual, and I was left to do most of the talking. Dinner proceeded without incident, and we went for a walk in the


    I asked her why she was quieter than usual and she put it down to the fact that she was tired after


    I started feeling tired also, since I was doing almost all the talking, and sent her back to her place. En

    route, I told her I was trying out a new cologne, and asked her to take a good whiff of my forearm and give me her

    comments. She said it smelled okay.

    Driving back home, I started yawning and feeling sleepy. Right now, as I

    type this, I just feel like lying down and drifting gently off to sleep.

    Conclusion: Possible clamming up

    on her part due to NPA. She isn't the alpha-female type and NPA may have overwhelmed her. If so, SOE did not play a

    mitigating role. Furthermore, SOE may be causing me to feel sleepy, as I'd never experienced this sensation with

    just NPA applied, no matter how tired I was.

    Of course, it is entirely possible that she was indeed tired and

    didn't feel like talking. Oh well, more testing needed.

    I'm going on an overseas trip from tomorrow till early

    next week, and won't be carrying my 'mones with me, since this trip is with my family. I'll resume testing once

    I'm back.

    Please do give your comments and observations on this round of testing in the meantime. All and any

    input are valuable and most welcomed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    sure Bruce appreciate that. But I am not him. I'm a computer geek in Texas, Bruce lives in Oregon.

    It would be

    worth a try. Do you notice a lot of musky scents there? I've never been there but thought the sweeter scents like

    CHikara would be more acceptable there.
    Oops! Sorry belgareth, my bad. I only saw the notification that

    I'd received a reply in the forum, and it came from bruce@youknowwhere, so I

    ASSuMEd that it was from Bruce.

    Musky is not really common

    here, as its most commonly associated with putrid sweaty smell. But you will find some musky fragrances being worn

    by 3-4 out of 10 people. You're right, sweeter smells are more accepted.

    Together with my purchase, I also

    received one gel pack of Chikara. Given my physical nature and character as outlined in my OP, what amount of

    application would you recommend for Chikara when I get around to trying it out?
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    Kimo, you can purchase

    perfumer's alcohol online to mix w/ the cover scent. As for C7, one member broke down the amounts of using gel

    paccks as follows:

    AE gp= 1/4-1/3 per application
    TE gp= 1/4-1/3 per application
    C7 gp= 1/2-1 per

    Perception gp= 1/2-1 per application

    Hope this helps.

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    Sure does Pere, thanks! I'll

    try it out once I'm done experimenting with the main bottles of 'mones that I got.
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    Hello again everyone, I'm

    back from my trip. Had an outing last night, here's what happened:

    NPA Test 4 (with SOE)


    decided to use SOE simply because the girl I was meeting wanted to talk, and I did not want to run into the

    possibility of her clamming up because of NPA.

    Application: 1 tight dab to the middle of each forearm (2

    in total), and 22 inches of SOE applied in 3 strips of 3 inches per forearm just below the NPA application areas

    toward the wrists and 2 inches on each side of my neck on the "gills". Covered with Lynx Accelerate deodorant


    Situation: Meeting a very good female friend for coffee and chit-chat.


    She was friendly as usual when she got into the car, and we chatted a bit, nothing out of the ordinary.


    was at the coffeeshop, however, that I started seeing some positive signs. She was even more chatty than usual,

    fumbled some words on almost every sentence, kept playing with her ear lobes and mirrored my posture for extended

    periods of time. I kept my right arm extended out toward her to let the 'mones waft out, and it must have helped.

    She maintained intense eye contact and smiled more often.

    We left the coffeeshop and went to a park to chat more.

    Although we sat on a bench side by side, her body and legs were skewed toward me. Her legs were basically under

    mine, as I was sitting with one leg on top of the other. She did not withdraw when I initiated kino, but there was

    less kino from her as compared to pre-mones. I think this could be due to increased sexual tension around me. She

    was still fumbling and fuzzing her words.

    On the way back, I told her I was testing out a new mixture of perfumes

    and asked her to sniff my forearm. She liked the smell of both NPA and SOE application areas, but preferred


    I went to bed with the mones still on, as it was late and I was tired. Bad mistake. I developed this

    terrific headache, which was brought about by keeping my forearm next to my nose. Note to self: scrub down

    application areas before sleeping!

    Conclusion: I think i may have found the sweet spot, albeit requiring

    SOE. I believe for clubbing situations, the same application should be used, or just one more dab of NPA added, and

    things should go swimmingly.

    I've still got one more test I'd like to do with NPA, which should be next week,

    so do stay tuned for that. In the meantime, I'm going to test-drive A314.

    As a parting note, today is a sad

    day for me, to learn of the sudden deaths of Farrah Fawcett AND Michael Jackson. I grew up watching the former on

    Charlie's Angels and Cannonball Run, and listening to the latter's songs and watching him smoothly Moonwalk his

    way into the lives of millions, and both will be deeply missed. Rest In Peace FF & MJ.
    Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. - Henry David Thoreau

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    interested in your A314 testing. I'm thinking about buying a bottle for work. Good luck.

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    First off, thank you

    moderators for deleting the duplicate posts. Don't know why it happened as I clicked "Submit Reply" only once, but

    the page did take some time to load. Anyway, on to A314.



    Smell from Bottle: Lemon-lime aroma, gentle and intriguing


    Self-Effects: 1 tight dab applied under both nostrils, no cover scent. The smell faded to something

    I'd describe as a far-less musky smelling version of NPA, probably about 20% of NPA's strength. No

    self-effects were noticed.

    A314 Test 1

    Application: I wanted to drip 2

    drops, one on each forearm, but was a bit too enthusiastic in tapping the bottle, so it ended up being more like 3-4

    drops instead. Spread the drops out throughout my forearms, and covered with Lynx Accelerate


    Situation: Went out for lunch yesterday with a couple of close friends


    Observations: After application, I did notice that my movements became slower and more deliberate.

    Maybe this is a self-effect and the single tight dab under my nostrils was not strong enough to do anything?


    The first dude I met was his usual self, and we talked about all and sundry as per normal. He

    did offer to order lunch for me whilst I waited at the table.

    The 2nd guy joined us some time later, and was also

    his normal self. He had to leave earlier, however, and gave me a slightly firm grasp on my shoulder before he


    Conclusion: Inconclusive. Maybe a little bit more respect shown by both dudes but I cannot set

    anything in stone just yet. I'll keep testing and see what comes up.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post

    I'm interested in your A314 testing. I'm thinking about buying a bottle

    for work. Good luck.
    Hey Peregrine, I'm on leave from next week until the end of July, when I start a

    new job. In the meantime, I'm going to be testing A314 out in social settings. I'll keep you updated when my new

    job starts, cuz that's where I really want A314 to add shine and authority to who I already am.
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    You had some good

    reports.....where'd you go?

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    Hey Pere! I'm still around,

    but did not have the time to log in due to work commitments. However, I am glad to report that I've been

    test-driving A314 on a fairly long basis, and this is what I've found:

    In social settings, A314 doesn't seem to

    do much, if anything at all. But that could be because I've been trying it out with people I already know, and they

    may not be affected by the 'mones.

    However, A314 does seem to have a very positive effect in my new workplace.

    My students are more respectful and attentive, and my colleagues also seem to approach me with a healthy dose of

    respect. My colleagues have spoken to me about my having an aura of authority surrounding me. An aura of leadership,

    commitment and charisma. And as always, a couple of colleagues have perceived me as a threat, which they have felt

    the need to mitigate via office politics, which is par for the course in any work environment. Mostly my experiences

    have been positive though. I apply 2 drops to the inside of each forearm and spread them out evenly. Covered with my

    usual deodorant.

    I must stress that its simply not the work of the 'mones themselves. One must exude confidence

    and project a picture of authority, which the 'mones complement and complete. It also helps when you can bark out

    commands and instructions like a drill sergeant.
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    Default Kimosabe in the New Decade


    everyone! Apologies for having disappeared for such a long time. Work was keeping me busy and I didn't have time

    for much else.

    As a follow-up to A314, I was pleasantly surprised to have scored a hit with a woman 6 years my

    senior (she's 38). Interesting thing is that whenever she lay in my arms, her nose would automatically go to the

    A314 application points and stay there! Hmmmm....

    Anyway, after all the experimenting, I've more

    or less got it down to the following:

    SOE: Social mone, can be used practically anywhere and anytime

    without fear of overdosing. Only trouble is if I apply anything more than 22 inches, I develop a terrible headache,

    coupled with feelings of wanting to drift gently off to sleep.

    A314: Great as a "father/authority-figure"

    mone and good for attracting older women, if that's your cuppa java.


    CONCENTRATED!!! Anything more than 2 tight dabs in non-clubbing situations is too much. 3 tight dabs for clubbing.

    Must must MUST be used with SOE, especially if you are the "lone-wolf" type. Most Chinese girls don't seem

    to like it very much, whereas Malay and Indian girls took right to it.

    WAGG: I haven't had a chance to

    use this yet, and its still sitting in my cupboard.

    That having been said, I would like to ask the Phero-Gurus

    here for some advice. I'm thinking of mixing up NPA & WAGG in an atomizer or roll-on bottle, together with an

    appropriate musky cologne like Bvlgari Pour Homme Soir. This cocktail would then be applied strategically to pulse

    points, and then covered with a fresh-smelling fragrance such as Aqua Di Gio, so that the musk doesn't overwhelm

    but gently and subtly waft every now and then.

    For starters, what proportion of NPA:WAGG:cologne do you think I

    should mix up? (for more info on me, please see 1st post)

    I've just ordered and received another round of SOE

    since my last batch is almost done, and I am also going to test-drive Chikara (many thanks Bruce and Tammy for

    speedy shipping!). Looking forward to that, and hope to be able to find time to post results here


    Last edited by kimosabe; 01-17-2010 at 09:50 PM.
    Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. - Henry David Thoreau

  27. #27
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I would not physically mix

    products until I knew with certainty that the combo worked well, and the ideal ratio based on lots of field testing.

    Then you have to make sure the carriers are compatible.

    Mixing NPA with cologne/edt makes good sense, since NPA

    is so strong and its alcohol based. Tweaking that mix with chemset -mones also makes sense, in small batches, and

    if you're very experienced.

    IMO, anything other than that is best handled by layering, especially with products

    that have more than one -mone. Limitless fine tuning is possible and you don't waste product in a mix that you may

    not like later, or one that does not work for you.

    Just my take.

    Oh, NPA/WAGG should be a great combo,

    WAGG/n has a dose of -none in it, but I like the regular WAGG, better to use in combo with different -none


  28. #28
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    Oh, NPA/WAGG should be a great combo, WAGG/n has a dose of -none in it, but I like

    the regular WAGG, better to use in combo with different -none products.
    Thanks for the heads-up. I have

    the regular WAGG.

    It has been said many times in this forum that NPA should ideally be mixed with cologne in a

    1:5 ratio. I also remember terry0400-40 mentioning in another thread that a 1:4 ratio should be good when mixing NPA

    and WAGG.

    Do you think, then, that a 1:4:5 of NPA:WAGG:cologne would be a good place to start, increasing to

    2:4:5 if necessary?

    According to the Phero calculator spreadsheet:

    A 1:4:5 mix would give 0.024ml/mg of

    A-none, 0.024 of LC Secrets and 0.2 of WAGG ingredients.

    A 2:4:5 mix would give 0.0436 each of A-none and LC

    Secrets, and 0.1818 of WAGG ingredients.
    Last edited by kimosabe; 01-17-2010 at 09:46 PM. Reason: Additional info
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  29. #29
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    Remember my

    NPA Test 3? Well, I decided to test

    drive a different mone with this same girl:

    Chikara Test 1 (with WAGG)

    Since SOE and NPA combo

    failed miserably with this girl, I wanted to see how she'd react to Chikara and WAGG.

    Application: 2

    sprays to the neck, followed by 3 drops of WAGG spread out between both forearms, and covered with Lynx Phoenix


    Situation: Chill-out with my female friend, who is naturally quiet.


    Picked her up and headed to the chill-out place. As before, she smiled warmly when getting into my car, and

    remained quite quiet as we were driving along. I decided to let her be and give her some times to take in whatever

    mones that may be airborne in the car.

    At the chill-out place, she became more chatty. We spent a good 2 hours

    talking, only pausing occasionally to look at people who caught our interest.

    We were shooting the breeze like

    old buddies, talking about her friends and their relationships, and even a little about sex.

    On the way back to

    her place, things were quiet as we were both a bit tired from all the talking. Overall, things were


    Conclusion: She was definitely not tired, as it was a weekend and had been home the entire day. It

    may be possible that the Chikara-WAGG combo opened her up a bit more and she was comfortable shooting the breeze

    with me.

    Relative to the previous experience, it was a marked improvement. I cannot lay it down solely to the

    change of mones, but I would postulate that it did help out a bit.
    Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. - Henry David Thoreau

  30. #30
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Good post, but it leaves me

    wondering... what did YOU do to take matters further along? Are you waiting for HER to make a move on your


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