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  1. #1
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    Post Defguy's TE/WAGG Consecutive field reports

    Hey Guys and Gals I just received my TE/WAGG in the mail today. I am going to continue testing this out

    and giving as detailed reports as possible. Please keep an eye on this Thread and any contributions or suggestions

    are more than welcome. Thank you.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  2. #2
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    Monday march 22 ~ 12pm -


    I missed the UPS guy when he dropped off my package so he left one of those notes saying I had to

    pick up the package from the post office. I did that on my way to school. I get the package and I am in a fairly

    good mood because I had been waiting a while. It contains TE/m and WAGG. I put on the WAGG (2 drops neck one on

    wrist, rubbed onto other wrist) and drove to school. On the wrist (close to the skin) it smelt slightly musky but

    nothing strong, I worried that it may not be enough. Before I get to school I can smell it, still slight and nothing

    strong but I no longer have to hold my wrist up to my nose. I felt much more confident the WAGG would work.

    I try to gauge the reactions of people around me, looking for subtle hints that the WAGG is working, nothing

    unusual, a few looks here and there but from people 10+ feet away. They are checking me out because they naturally

    find me attractive. I get to class and sit in the back right next to a girl, a few times I try to make small talk

    such as asking her what chapter we are on and a small joke about her being addicted to facebook (she had the laptop

    out). No bite, it doesnt seem to make her more chatty around me. I leave before class ends.
    I go to the computer

    lab to check my facebook and see if anyone reacts in any way to the 'mones. Nothing unusual, the girl next to me

    seemed to pay no attention of any kind. As I leave the computer lab I see a girl I know (hb8) talking to a guy, I

    walk over to say hi and talk about Spring Break. She seems normal friendly, cant gauge if she is friendlier than

    unusual. I introduce myself to the guy and pick on her for not introducing me herself. The guy turns out to be gay

    and is mostly reserved in letting me dominate the interaction with the girl. I talk to him as well just to include

    him in the conversation. I decide to cut the convo short while Im still ahead and walk toward my fraternity cubicle

    on campus.
    I say hi to several people on the way, nothing unusual Im pretty outgoing with friends. I reach the

    cubicle and see a friend, he is talking to someone and I try to talk to him but he is consumed in the conversation

    so he ignores me for a while until he finishes his conversation. Everyone else I have no problem making small talk

    with, at this point im starting to think that WAGG is mostly self effect (making me the social one). It MAY cause me

    to be slightly more outgoing than usual (still not sure).
    I decide to leave campus, I see some more people I

    know on the way to my car (4 to be exact), I end up stopping and having conversations with three of them

    (individually). One of them whom I normally have conversations with managed to be too busy to talk. Can WAGG make

    social people unsocial? I stop by an office to pick up paperwork and see 2 girls who work there (they know me by

    name but nothing more than small talk) with a third girl I dont know. I see a magazine on the table that says “What

    Women Want.” I pick it up and joke that nobody not even women know what they want. It turns out to be a short but

    funny conversation. I have never conversed this much with the girls in that office usually just hi, small talk and

    I leave campus and go home but decide on the way that I am still confused as to whether I am just

    being slightly more outgoing than usual or if this is an affect of WAGG. So I pull into a Mall and spray TE on my

    chest. Just one spray and its very tiny. Because I am testing the affects of the 'mones, I am paying more attention

    to detail and making more eye contact with people than I normally would. Not sure if this makes me look creepy or

    not.... I walk from one end of the mall to the other and then back. I noticed a lot of eye contacts, some girls hold

    eye contact for up to 3 seconds, I notice some girls checking me out as I walk by (nothing blatant, I only recognize

    this because I am keeping an eye out for it). Guys make eye contact a lot too, in general a LOT of people are

    watching me in this Mall. Nothing aggressive I dont think, they are just watching me for whatever reason.

    this point I am still undecided because some girls check me out or make eye contact from 10+ feet away and others

    when they are close enough to smell the 'mones (just walking past me). Four cases did stick out, 1) two black girls

    walk right past me and the closer one turns her head while walking to see if im checking her out. We both caught the

    other looking out the corner of our eyes lol (she was taller than me and didnt seem like she would go for my type)

    2) I walked by one mom and heard her clear her throat, out the corner of my eye I see both her and her daughter turn

    and get a clear view of my moneymaker 3) I saw a girl with a phi mu shirt on walking by me talking on the phone,

    after a short time she walks ahead. I catch up to her and say “Hey Phi Mu, do you go to [my school]?” she shakes her

    head and blows me off like she was freaked out by me. I can see her reacting negatively to the 'mones bc it seemed

    like too cold a blowoff for it not to be. 4) While walking by a haircut place (supposed to be designer and runs

    upwards of $20-200) All three look at me and one even continues to watch me while Im going up the steps, I can see

    him staring through the slots in the metal stairs. Not sure if its for the same reasons that everyone else in the

    Mall seems to be watching me or if I was having a Bad or Good Hair day (I have long hair).
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  3. #3
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    I have heard really good

    things about WAGG.Your testing is interesting but you should try it on a date bro.The reactions you have had are

    possibly due to the mones but you must feel more confident and dont forget your looking hard for their

    effects.Testing at 10ft away..not sure.Best of luck

  4. #4
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    I did notice one thing when I

    got home. My sister was acting pushy around me, kind of walking all over me and bullying me (nothing dramatic but

    still,like she was in control), I expected the opposite since I had the TE on. However, I went into my room and

    sprayed TE on my chest 4 more times (NPA dosage) and everything seemed to be a 180 from there. My sister started

    listening to me. It could just be a coincidence, Ill see how people act toward me with 5 sprays of TE tomorrow and

    try more 1 on 1 interaction with people (girls) on campus.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  5. #5
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    I'm assuming you're a

    college student too, I am and I would be careful of spraying 5 times, as we're around younger people it could be

    overkill, I tried using 4 one time and a person from my class wouldn't face me or talk to me and people that day

    avoided me all around, probably cause I smelt awful. Unless you have consitently had results you didn't like from

    1-4 sprays I would advise against 5 sprays. Experts such as Terry/Idesign can give some more insight.

  6. #6
    Journeyman zgame's Avatar
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    I don't want to create new

    thread so i think i can ask here
    excuse me Defguy

    what is better to use
    1.WAGG + AE

    (dosn't need cover)
    2.WAGG + TE + cover
    what is better for 18-22 y.o girls
    i'm 22
    i've seen

    results with AE alone
    i've seen NO results with WAGG alone
    i've seen results with TE+cover
    now i want

    mix smt with smt
    to have more powerfull smt

  7. #7
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    My experience with WAGG =

    depression don't know why. I tried it several times I ended up shipping it to a friend in Cali he loved it. That's

    the only mone that's had that type of effect on me

  8. #8
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    Hey Zgame. Looks like were the

    same age and we have the same goals. I have heard about AE and I am curious to try it. I do notice WAGG makes me

    more social. I was a lot less social today (with just TE) than I was yesterday with the WAGG, however some girls

    started being pushy as if I was a "little brother." Nothing big and significant, but Im used to being in control all

    the time, it almost gave me a WUSSBAG affect even when I tried to assert my dominance. Its nothing 3 sprays of TE

    didnt clear up (almost instantly).

    I used 5 sprays of TE today, and it didnt smell bad to me at all, not

    overpowering either. Even 8 hours later I can smell it but its not strong or offensive (at least not in my opinion).

    No one around me seemed to act negatively either, I eventually upped it 5 more sprays (in my hair) to see if I would

    OD and people would act negatively, no apparent change.

    I read that it is easy for people to OD and become

    offensive when using TE or NPA (5 sprays of TE = 1 drop of NPA, I basically did 2 drops of NPA today). despite my

    age 22yrs old, I may be able to use more -none without a fear of overdose (inconclusive: more testing is required).

    That seems to be the main issue when using products like TE or NPA or PI, AE is supposed to be a good phero for

    young guys like us because of the low -none content allowing us to use more without overdose.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  9. #9
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    March 23 2pm-8

    I decided

    to try the effects of TE alone. I put 5 sprays 1 on each wrist and neck, hair and chest. It made me high for a

    minute and then i started to relax. I felt in a really good mood for an hour or so. Class starts at 2 and I dont

    notice anything unusual in the way people react to me. We did group work (jeopardy style game) and no problems. We

    named the group after my backpack (another group members suggestion).

    The rules of the game were complex

    such as you must raise your hand and if you got the question wrong that many points would be deducted instead of

    added to your score. The whole time the group behind me had almost no participation, the leader of the group (a

    girl) was too intimidated to answer any questions or even ask questions herself lol (not sure if its TE or just how

    complex the game was)

    I decide after class to see if I can OD so I put 5 more sprays in my hair and head to

    the next class. Nothing unusual in this class either. Nobody reacting any differently. I think it actually did make

    the people around me more assertive (people in general usually are very indecisive). Nobody reacting negatively

    though, or I didnt notice anything like that.

    Then my last class, same deal. I actually did start dozing off

    though and had to wash my face to stay awake. Does TE make you doze off? I could have just been tired, its the first

    week back since Spring Break so other people were tired as well. No negative reactions and I had a total of 10

    sprays of TE (same as 2 drops of NPA). Some of my friends chatted with me as usual and nobody went out of their way

    to avoid me.

    Ill try 2 drops of WAGG and 5 sprays of TE tomorrow and see what happens.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  10. #10
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    I decided to skip putting on any

    'mones for 2 days just to see if I had any day after affects. Didnt notice anything unusual. However I am convinced

    that WAGG made me more social than usual. I did have a bad hair day for the past 3 days lol That is the last time I

    ever put any 'mones in my hair. I agree with less is more, especially since I am 22 years young and probably

    already produce enough 'mones of my own. I will use just 1 spray to the chest today along with 3 drops of WAGG 2 on

    neck one on chin. Then I will carpool to the next city with mostly girls (if there is an effect Im sure I will know

    by the time I get there). Ill then dance most of the night so Ill post a report tomorrow.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  11. #11
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    Friday, March 26 ~ 12pm-4am


    put on 3 drops of WAGG, 2 on my neck and 1 on my chin. I didnt feel any self effects, even 3+ hours later so it

    didnt make me any more social. I had more success with 2 on wrists and 2 drops on neck, but this may be OD, Ill

    experiment with wrist/neck and stop putting any 'mones on my face. I did one spray of TE to my chest. I had one

    girl come and pick me up from my house to take me to another friends who I would carpool to The Music Capital of the

    World with. She was very touchy feely on the way briefly touching my arm and leg while driving. She is usually the

    kind of person who hides her attraction from me and she normally hits and pushes instead of pats or rubs. And she

    thanked me for spending time with her lol

    When I get dropped off we all (2 older guys 30+ and 45+ and 2 girls

    22-23) get in one car. We drive an hour and half away to our destination. I sat in the front seat, the older guy 45+

    jumped at the opportunity to sit with the 2 girls (hes known for jumping at opportunities and collecting 5+ numbers

    in 1 night of dancing). The other gentleman drove. The girls were chatty the whole time there, seemed normal. I was

    left out of the conversation (not that i tried, it would have been too try hard considering I was in the front). I

    did think at one point that maybe the effects of my 'mones were rubbing off onto the older guy sitting in the back

    and he naturally got the attention instead. Im not sure but Ive heard of this problem before. Regardless, hes one to

    jump on opportunities and take advantage of the heightened sexual awareness.

    It had been a while since I went

    anywhere with these 2 girls. One of them is my ex. What I found really unusual is that she drank moderate amounts of

    alcohol/liquor throughout the night (she hates alcohol). The first time being when the older guy 45+ bought a can of

    clamato beer and let them try it.

    NOTE: This is the first time I have ever been dancing in the

    Music Capital of the World so I cannot accurately say if my results are from the effects of 'mones or from being in

    a city that is open to people like me. I will describe as much as I can and let you judge for


    We reach our destination and I grab a beer (the first of many) and eventually start

    dancing. Girls seem very comfortable around me/dancing with me, even when they tell me they arent comfortable with

    "getting that close." (I dance dirty, kinda like dirty dancing lol) Some girls are just blatantly sexually attracted

    and welcome it, others warm up quickly lol. Some guys even start imitating my style of dancing when they start

    seeing the stuff I get away with lol.

    One of the bartenders, an African American chick is flirting with me from

    the minute I approached the bar. Even giving a free sample and a not so expensive bill at the end of the night. I

    even pulled her onto the dancefloor for a dance. Some girls just asked me to dance, which usually doest happen for

    younger girls (not unless they have seen me a few times), Im usually approached by those claw digging cougars for

    dances. One girl after finding out I wasnt from there, asked if she would ever see me again and demanded my name and

    number so she could find me on facebook because it would be "torture" if she never saw me again. She was completely

    sober but all touchy feely like someone who had a few too many drinks, unusual experience.

    We leave to go to a

    club that had a band my 2 girl friends are in love with. I start dragging girls off to dance as usual, this is my

    specialty (closing the deal not so much lol). I danced with a few lesbians who had me dance with their partners as

    well. One of them who had a few drinks was dancing with me and puts her hand between my legs to grab my crotch, not

    briefly, she held onto it like it was some sort of dance move. The older gentleman 45+ takes advantage of the sheer

    number of girls that I pull out onto the dance floor (my specialty is opening, his is closing) and he asks them to

    dance after me. They normally say yes after having danced with me, I did see a few blow him off though lol, he

    usually stays with the 2 girls until I bring over a hot one and jumps onto her after I dance with her.

    I noticed

    the more drunk a girl is, the more touchy feely. Some girls just held onto me. Like a bear hug, maybe smelling the

    WAGG on my neck? I dunno... another unusual experience. I obviously didnt try to close because my ride was someone

    else, I was at their mercy, but I can see 4+ girls I could have easily taken home had I driven separately. I do look

    forward to going again to see if I can amplify these effects with 'mones.

    Is there anyone here (guy or girl)

    that has hooked up in the bathroom at a bar or club? Im starting to think now I should have been more daring last

    night and seen how far I could take it... you only miss 100% of the shots you DONT take...
    Last edited by Defguy; 03-31-2010 at 09:19 AM.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  12. #12
    Journeyman zgame's Avatar
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    very interesting

    story please tell me you where using
    Wagg or Wagg N ?
    cover it or not?
    can you smell pheromones from Wagg

    or nothing?

    i think that you should see how far you can
    take a girl in such place as bar or disco or how

    far girl
    can go with you but personally i don't like bar or disco's
    it's very noisy and people are drunk

    i'm too
    so in such situations it's hard to see are mones
    working or that is alcohol

    i prefer car,bus,shop,university places like those to meet new girls and
    watch their reaction and then talk

    with them
    and then maybe we can go for a walk and make smt or
    change number's and make smt other time or

    just talk
    Anything can happen but if you are going with the girl
    and you see that there is something and she

    want's you
    why not to give her what she want's?
    but again you don't know that were effect's from

    mones or alcohol?

  13. #13
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    I use WAGG without the extra

    -None. I def should try to hook up in a bathroom at a bar. If I pull it off, then ill know something is up! I have

    never heard of anyone doing it except at a fraternity party and only 1 guy is capable of pulling it off as far as I


    WAGG does have a pheromone scent but I dont find it repuslive. No cover used for me I dont normally use

    cologne. I wear deodorant though. WAGG smells very salty, like what I would expect powdered salt to smell like... I

    also notice that you should put it on 1-3 hours before your expecting to make contact with people.

    I like

    dance places simply because I can dance and I have no approach anxiety about pulling a girl onto the dance floor.

    Plus is major social proof when girls see how good I can dance. Ive gotten numbers just by handing a girl my phone

    after we finish dancing.

    If you notice from my report in Austin, I was the only one girls were getting freaky

    with, few people were dancing at the 2nd venue except me and my friends. I was the only one they were getting freaky

    with.... If you dont know how to dance I would encourage you to do so, it took me lots of money and about a year to

    learn how to dance but its payed off in dividends. Major social proof and you dont have to say a

    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  14. #14
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    Saturday March 27 ~


    I wore 5-6 drops of WAGG on back of hand and wiped on other hand/neck and 2 sprays of TE on the

    chest. She picked me up and we drove over there. No noticeable friendliness and touching like when I used 1 spray of

    TE before. Possible OD? I am 22 yrs old and O+ so I assume that I naturally produce a lot of -NOne

    We went to

    a dance step show competition. Not the best ideal date now that I look back on it. It was short and kind of fun, my

    fraternity ended up winning it. My biggest mistake here I think was not making things sexual from the start, we

    interacted like "friends or dating" instead of "together." (probably hand holding and kissing would have gone a long


    She didnt want to go to a fraternity party after and "didnt want to stay out late either" so we went to

    a bar nearby and got a few drinks. We sat on the couch and had conversations. With 1 drink she started getting much

    more talkative and friendly, she asked many many questions from me. I feel I should have escalated the talk more

    toward sex and avoided letting her dominate the interactions by avoiding direct answers and asking more questions of

    her. Looking back I see this as a mistake on my part that may have cost me this girl.

    We did end up making

    out a few times "friendly kisses" because we both agreed that we didnt want to be any more than "friends." At one

    point she asks me what I was thinking and I told her, "If we never see each other again, what would we tell each

    other? And hold nothing back we could say the meanest or nicest thing but we tell the other person something that

    they can take away with them that they will probably carry with them a long time." (i actually thought it was quite

    poetic and for a second wondered if I should never see her again lol) She writes this really long thing about me

    being a genuine person and humble; not giving myself enough credit for some of the hard work Ive put in overcoming

    obstacles in life, and she knows Im a lover and she is still made at me for giving her hickies last time (those were

    the ones that really stuck with me esp the lover because she didnt elaborate on it). It was sweet, not sure if there

    was some subtle message in it that I missed though, maybe the "I know your a lover"?

    I could tell she is

    trying really hard to stick me into the friends zone but I still manage to make out with her a few times when I

    become dominant (just go for the kisses or pull her in). We stay till closing (so much for not staying out late). I

    could tell she wasnt about to go home with me that night but it didnt stop me from trying. My game would have had to

    be a lot smarter to succeed ('mones or not you cant substitute for bad game). She refused to come into my house

    when she dropped me off because she was tired. Anyway, Monday I am going dancing, another girl is picking me up and

    Im going to downgrade to 1 Spray of TE with 2 or 3 drops of WAGG on wrists/neck.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  15. #15
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    Monday - March 29 ~ 10am-12pm

    put on 3 drops of Wagg on each wrist and rubbed them together/on my neck and 1 spray of TE on the chest. I went to

    school and showed up about an hour to 45 minutes early for class. While walking to class I encounter a girl I had

    seen before in a school organization but had never conversed with. We say hi and end up talking. After standing and

    talking for ~3-5 minutes I tell her she can either walk me to class or we can sit and talk. We sit down and talk for

    over an hour, she is extremely open and talkative. We talk about “why is society so messed up?” weird hippie shit.

    The same kind of conversations people have when they have been smoking weed. It was making me very uncomfortable

    with all the “why do we have to be this way? Why cant we just be happy and live life and be free?” going on in the

    middle of school. LOL I started directing the conversation to where I was comfortable and then leave with her

    number. It was an interesting conversation once I started taking control of the interaction. I got her number and

    then left to get to the last 30 minutes of my class.
    I had texted someone the day before inviting them to go

    dancing tonight and she accepted. We agreed to meet up at 3:00 an hour after my class. I wait around killing time on

    the phero forum until we can meet. We meet up and she has to take a friend car shopping. We pick up 2 friends who

    sit in the back seat and drive out to look at the lot. Its far away and by this point the sun is out, its maybe 75+

    degrees and I am already starting to sweat. If the ‘mones are gonna work its gonna work now… Anyway she is all

    touchy feely my leg and arm the whole time while driving and paying little attention to the 2 guy friends sitting in

    the back just paying attention to me. At one point were at a stoplight and she grabs my hair and pulls it in tilting

    my head. I say “I need to stop wearing AXE this is turning into an AXE Commercial.” She says, “I cant help it your

    hair is so sexy.” At this point I knew it was a definite hit, this behavior is soooo unusual its never happened for

    me; pure sexual dominance by a woman. At the dealer lot she is talking with me and touching me, its obvious she is

    interested. We leave the lot and stop at Wendys to get some food. Lots of conversation ensue and at some point she

    mentions to the 2 guy friends “If you want to meet girls hang out with DEFGUY because he gets girls ALL the time”

    and “he can have any girl he wants with his sexy hair” I didn’t say anything of course but this is the first time I

    have ever heard a girl saying this stuff about me.
    We drop off her 2 friends and go dancing. She is even more

    touchy feely and quite clingy at the dance place. She makes me dance with her and teach her how to dance. She

    basically monopolizes my time. She also spends a lot of time learning this one dance move from a fellow dancer which

    Im pretty sure she did to impress me, It worked. Anyway she got dizzy from the spinning almost like Drunk stumbling

    (no alcohol was involved tonight but she is very touchy feely and woozy as if she has drunk alcohol). In all my

    dancing Ive noticed girls can handle being spun a WHOLE lot more than guys can handle spinning them…. Could she have

    been getting high off of the ‘mones? Dancing leaves my shirt soaked in sweat every time I go. I must be reeking of

    ‘mones (my own and anything that is left that I put on).
    Also, the older 45+ guy who normally hits on the girls I

    bring around (read the Friday Austin report) didn’t even try to get her number. He even ended up leaving early…

    Could he have been intimidated by my presence or didn’t even bother to try out of respect for me? He is (or was)

    fucking my ex so I don’t think it would be out of consideration for me… Or maybe he was convinced she would turn him

    down because she was with me. Either way it was an interesting thing I noticed, she didn’t get hit on that night.

    (She is quite attractive and the older guy has gamed a lot less attractive girls).
    So we leave the dance place and

    stop somewhere to eat, we have good conversation but the food (mexican) leaves her drowsy [note to self: eat at

    Wendy’s next time NO MEXICAN!!!]. She drops me off at home and I ask her if she wants to come in. She says she is

    too tired. That is the last time I give the girl an option… Overall good night and its one of those moments that

    prove to you that ‘mones do have some sort of effect on your interactions with others.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  16. #16
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    Tuesday – March 30 ~

    I put on 2 drops of WAGG on each wrist (4 total) and 2 sprays of TE one on chest and one on neck (2

    total). I get to school and notice that I am much more social today. Most definitely social today. I think it even

    gives me a sort of swagger in how I walk (not consciously but im pretty sure im giving off some sort of vibe). I see

    people coming up to me and initiating conversation (about 2 guys) and it wasn’t from smelling the ‘mones Im pretty

    sure I looked approachable or inviting. I stop and have conversation with just about everyone I know that I see

    today and talk with them briefly. People I know who normally don’t say hi to me were stopping to make small talk.

    Friendly waves all day I am Definitely at the top of my social scene. I also notice in my 2:00 class that I am much

    more alert! I am never alert in my classes. I am participating in class and its blowing me away how focused I am in

    class. I always had something to say and I contributed in a BIG way to class discussion today. And I wasn’t that

    annoying person who wouldn’t shut up, everything I said was cool This is definitely not usual for me and is

    definitely an effect of ‘mones. I also notice a girl out the corner of my eye. I sit in the 2nd row on the left

    side, she sits in the 4th row on the right side. She has always been in my class, it’s a small class. I have never

    been attracted to her before. I never really noticed her. Anyway, there is nothing obvious but I do notice her a few

    times out the corner of my eye. I start thinking to myself it’s the effect of TE making me horny or something like

    that lol and making a girl I normally find a 5 into a 7… Anyway I can feel sexual tension and as strange as it

    sounds; if its possible to have sexual tension with a girl that is across the room that your barely looking at and

    not making eye contact with, we had it. Anyway I leave class and I notice that even though she sits in the back,

    everything was timed perfectly to where she walked out of the class at the same time as I did (the timing was on her

    part not mine). Anyway we walk side by side for a brief period (20 seconds maybe) and then she starts walking ahead

    of me at her own pace. I hit her with a newspaper and asked her if she dyed her hair. Turns out she did! LoL I say

    something like “yea I noticed it today, I was like ‘how come ive never seen that girl before?’” and I told her it

    looked good. Then I asked her her name and told her my name was DEFGUY. She said, “yea I know who you are.” Then I

    bid her farewell and went onto my next class. This one is in the bag ladies and gentlemen

    Next class I

    started getting tired, no alertness. This carried on into my last class as well so nothing new to report. But hey

    overall it was a great day and I am even more convinced of the effects of ‘mones. I am going to start experimenting

    with 4-6 drops of WAGG on my neck and 3 sprays of TE on my chest/neck area
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

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