Finally did it...joined a professional introduction agency. Had to face the fact that I\'m not even going to come close to meeting the type of person I\'d consider going out with just sitting and waiting, so it was time to get pro-active than re-active.

Had an interview on Thursday. Before I went in I spread an X-cite wipe around my neck and wrists. The One hour interview with the lady turned into over an hour and a half of questions and very friendly banter. Uncertain whether it was the wipes (first time I\'ve used them) or it\'s just the way she interviews potential members, tho she did give me a hefty £145 off the membership fee.

I\'ve now been given a date of my very first double-blind date. I only know the lady\'s first name, and she will only know mine. Meetings are always in a cozy London restaurant. Set for 18th April.

I really, really hope my first order comes through from Bruce. I\'d love to try it before I go for the meeting.

OK...question time. I\'ve never used pheros before. I\'ve ordered PI, Edge, PF, SoE, NPA, AE, Andro 4.2, APC, and have about 9 X-cite wipes for my \"arsenal\".

I realise that it kinda looks like Arnie tooling up for that final scene in \"Commando\" and \"Raw Deal\" (anyone remember those scenes [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ), but I\'m determined to make a real go of getting back in the dating game.

I\'m not stupid enough to use the whole armoury, having trawled thru the posts and lurked for a while on here. What I really need to know is the following:

First Blind date...we both don\'t know each other and therefore my natural pheromone signature is unknown to her. I\'m not looking for sex or a casual fling, more for friendship/companionship with the hope of a relationship if we \"click\". She\'s a professional, intelligent lady, Middle Eastern by the sound of her first name. So what do I use to increase responsiveness from a total and complete stranger with what I have at my disposal.
The reaction I\'m looking for is increased attention, and for her to feel relaxed, secure, safe in my presence, yet find me as protective of her if needs be, find me amusing, but I am NOT looking for the DIHL reaction. I prefer to have some interaction with her. Bear in mind that some Middle Eastern women can be very cautious ansd suspicious and difficult to open up.

So....what do you guys on here think? What to use, how to use it and where to apply it? I usually wear \"Allure\" l\'homme by Chanel...which is subtle. There\'s nothing worse to a lady than a guy reeking of an overpowering aftershave. What do I do...forget about the cologne and go with whatever phero combination you suggest, or go with the cologne and mix in a few of the pheros?

By the way Bruce, can you give the postal system a kick up the backside & tell \'em to take their fingers out of their you-know-what and deliver my order [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

Wish me luck guys...this is my first date in over 25 yrs, and I\'m more than a little nervous, want to give off the right signals.