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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Finally did it...joined a professional introduction agency. Had to face the fact that I\'m not even going to come close to meeting the type of person I\'d consider going out with just sitting and waiting, so it was time to get pro-active than re-active.

    Had an interview on Thursday. Before I went in I spread an X-cite wipe around my neck and wrists. The One hour interview with the lady turned into over an hour and a half of questions and very friendly banter. Uncertain whether it was the wipes (first time I\'ve used them) or it\'s just the way she interviews potential members, tho she did give me a hefty £145 off the membership fee.

    I\'ve now been given a date of my very first double-blind date. I only know the lady\'s first name, and she will only know mine. Meetings are always in a cozy London restaurant. Set for 18th April.

    I really, really hope my first order comes through from Bruce. I\'d love to try it before I go for the meeting.

    OK...question time. I\'ve never used pheros before. I\'ve ordered PI, Edge, PF, SoE, NPA, AE, Andro 4.2, APC, and have about 9 X-cite wipes for my \"arsenal\".

    I realise that it kinda looks like Arnie tooling up for that final scene in \"Commando\" and \"Raw Deal\" (anyone remember those scenes [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ), but I\'m determined to make a real go of getting back in the dating game.

    I\'m not stupid enough to use the whole armoury, having trawled thru the posts and lurked for a while on here. What I really need to know is the following:

    First Blind date...we both don\'t know each other and therefore my natural pheromone signature is unknown to her. I\'m not looking for sex or a casual fling, more for friendship/companionship with the hope of a relationship if we \"click\". She\'s a professional, intelligent lady, Middle Eastern by the sound of her first name. So what do I use to increase responsiveness from a total and complete stranger with what I have at my disposal.
    The reaction I\'m looking for is increased attention, and for her to feel relaxed, secure, safe in my presence, yet find me as protective of her if needs be, find me amusing, but I am NOT looking for the DIHL reaction. I prefer to have some interaction with her. Bear in mind that some Middle Eastern women can be very cautious ansd suspicious and difficult to open up.

    So....what do you guys on here think? What to use, how to use it and where to apply it? I usually wear \"Allure\" l\'homme by Chanel...which is subtle. There\'s nothing worse to a lady than a guy reeking of an overpowering aftershave. What do I do...forget about the cologne and go with whatever phero combination you suggest, or go with the cologne and mix in a few of the pheros?

    By the way Bruce, can you give the postal system a kick up the backside & tell \'em to take their fingers out of their you-know-what and deliver my order [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Wish me luck guys...this is my first date in over 25 yrs, and I\'m more than a little nervous, want to give off the right signals.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    I would imagine the magic ingredient is just waiting for your local posty to rember to write out the customs fee card [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] , shoulden\'t be long now.

    I\'d say some of the new stuff for mood, probably a drop or two, maybe a small ammount ( drop or two ) of NPA, but not too much to appear over intimidating, a short line of SoE on each wrist, maybe a smidgen on the face, and finish off with 3-4 drops of PF aftershave style. should have pretty much all the bases covered then! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I wouldent cover with cologne personaly, but whatever you tend to do normaly may be better for you.

    Good luck!

    [ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: Nutz ]

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Thanks Nutz...what\'s this \"mood stuff\" you mentioned. Is it that Andro-1 that everyone\'s been talkng about lately?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    I\'m willing to bet that, yes, the mood stuff is A1 (did anybody else get the absurd mental image of someone dousing themselves in steak sauce?) From all the posts, it seems to fit the description.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    I was wondering... how old are you aaron?

    Use SoE for that \"friendly\" feeling. And -none (Edge works wonders for me) for the macho thing.

    Do not get nervous, anyway. Think that you are in a lot better position than an average teenager:

    1.- You are certain, your date is \"looking\" for someone

    2.- She has paid her money to the agency too

    3.-If you are a senior citizen, you will probably date women that know what they are looking for. This is a big plus

    4.- You have the mones

    5.- Pheros work best on older women

    Best regards
    PS. Go get them!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    I just wanted to add that older women have a harder time sensing pheromones than younger one\'s do (noted somewhere on the forum), that\'s why when you OD the younger one\'s run away while the older one\'s are attracted to you. Take that into consideration.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Hey guys, I just re-read my post....There was a typo in it.

    Should have read \"First date I\'ve had in 15 years\" NOT 25 year. I\'m 40 yrs old, and the lady I\'m meeting will be 33 yrs old, so I\'m not sure how this fits in with what I should use, and how much.

    GOD !!!!!! I\'m still waiting with anticipation for my order. I know it was shipped 29th Mar but I\'m real worried I won\'t get it in time to give any of it a trial run before D-Day [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    yeah, the andro-1 [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th


    I have no useful info for you regarding pheromone use as I have not seen any reaction from anyone using SoE, PI, APL and NPA in varying combos/amounts ove a two month span. I have no problem interacting with people etc, so maybe it\'s just not noticable to me ; certainly nothing I don\'t see as normal, everyday things.

    But I did want to wish you luck with this dating agency thing. I believe that or even internet personals is what I too should be doing to try and meet single women in my age bracket ( I\'m 49 ) but just can\'t get myself to do it for some reason.

    Anyway, keep us all posted here on how it goes! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Good luck,


  10. #10
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Just to be safe I would use 2 drops of AE on the side of the neck (below each ear) 2 drops behind each hand. 2 strips of SOE on the front of the neck,for the scent. some products may not work for you since You haven\'t experimented so don\'t be discouraged if you don\'t get any reactions. Good luck on the blind date. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Jim, Jose, Nutz, Bad Grass, marz: Thanks for wishing me luck....I need the moral support and you guys have started giving me confidence in myself about having done this. And I\'m beginning to feel that I\'m going to give out a more positive and confident attitude (not arrogant) when I put the pheros on (maybe it\'s psychological).

    Also thanks for your suggestions. Looks like SoE on the neck, wrists and chest is a given, perhaps with a small dab of PF. Wondering whether to go for either Edge or AE...not certain I want to do both and end up smelling like a tart\'s handkerchief.

    Come on Post Office!!!!!! Where\'s my \"cologne\". I desperately need it before I go on this!!!!!!!! And need to test it in some way to see what smells best.

    12 days and counting. I am really looking forward to meeting this lady who I know nothing about and have never seen, except for her first name [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Jim: after over 15 yrs in the social wilderness, I decided it was time to take control of my life. Last year I joined one of these internet singles sites...never met anyone. They\'re unregulated and anyone can write what they damn well please about themselves. I had my share of heartbreak, simply by having people not reply back to my mails, or disappearing in mid-conversation, never to be heard from again.

    The Intro agency is the way to go, if you\'re prepared for the financial outlay. At least I know I\'m not going to be meeting any \"timewasters\" or people pretending to be something they\'re not. Also...these people are genuinely looking for may be it. That\'s what I\'m hoping for....finding a soul-mate, but I know myself too well, I\'m a dreamer. I know it\'s old-fashioned, but that\'s me I\'m afraid.

    I\'ll keep you guys posted...just hope the \"mones\" get to me soon!!!!!!!!!! I know it\'s only been just over a week, but I\'m a little impatient [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th


    The way I see it you have three options: safe, bold, or stupid.

    There are several safe options: one Xcite wipe OR 4-5 dabs of PF OR 3-4 swipes of SOE (let the smell of the cologne be your guide).

    The only bold option I could endorse would be one spray of the edge on your chest covered by 1-2 (depending on how strong it is) sprays of nice cologne.

    The stupid option would be to try to combine any of that stuff without giving your combo a thorough test (at least one week under a variety of circumstances).

    I’m not saying this to undermine your confidence. This lady probably wouldn’t be seeing you if there wasn’t something about you that she’s looking for in a man. The pheromones will just be icing on the cake. The question is whether you want to come off spicy (bold option) or sweet (safe options). Unless this is just a “test” date, you don’t want to use it as an opportunity to test some exotic new recipe.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    aaron ;

    Just to let you know ; none of the orders I
    placed here took longer than 9 days to get to me after placing the order online. Each order was placed by itself ; three arrived in four days and the other in nine.

    Don\'t worry, I\'m sure you\'ll have them in plenty of time.

    Don\'t forget to keep us all posted on this special date !


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Jim: Thanks for the optimistic advice about my order...might take a few extra days because of the Easter break though...and we\'ve had a few Postal problems in know...the usual strike etc [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    aka: no....I wouldn\'t use the agency for \"test\" dates...I\'m going for the real, companionship, friendship....yeah I know it\'s sappy, but what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    So no experimentation for me if this is the first time I\'m going to get a chance to use them.

    The agency tells each of us the other\'s first name (that\'s it) and sets up the meeting in a restaurant (reminds me to check it out before the date).

    By the way aka, what\'s your opinion of using AE instead of Edge? And regarding your mention of cologne, is it wise to use it with something like SoE? I wear Chanel \"Allure l\'homme\", \"Drakkar Noir\", \"Eau Sauvage\", Laura Biagotti \"Tempore uomo\", and \"Borsalino\" as my colognes.
    The last thing I need is for her to get a whiff of me, and then \"POW!\" she goes cross-eyed [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
    By the way, is your \"bold option\" Xcite or PF or SoE PLUS Edge, or just Edge on its own?

    Don\'t know what any of the stuff smells like yet since I haven\'t got it, so I\'ll probably OD sniffing it all once I get them to see what they\'re like. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Dear Aaron,

    Before you work yourself into a tizzy about this first date, just remember, the agency should have a lot more women for you than just this one.

    YOU have to shop around - this one is just the first of many women you will get to know before you find true love.

    The very, very long odds are - YOU WILL NOT MARRY THIS WOMAN!!!

    Think it through, man. There are 3 BILLION females on this planet. The set of suitable marriage partners for you (right age, reasonably close physical location, etc.) must be in the millions. Treat this date as an exercise in making a female enjoy your company and in you learning to enjoy the social company of a new acquaitence. Give her the chance to work at impressing you too - she\'s probably stressing too!

    So, when the date happens, think of it as just an hour or two out of your life that might be fun.

  16. #16
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    BTW, Dior\'s Eau Sauvage is one of my favorite colognes too. It\'s lemon top note is nicely stimulating yet it;s vetiver base note/fixative holds it all together for a long time.

    Personally, I prefer this for daytime wear but it might be just the thing for a low-pressure evening. I often mix it with NPA but since it is such a top grade cologne (or EDT), I use more NPA than typical - maybe 2:1 cologne to NPA.

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    I think SOE smells great on its own. James V. Kohl, who designed the stuff, and has a lot of science behind his product, recomends DON\'T use cologne.

    I\'ve used Drakkar with The Edge and they blend well. I think it would also go well with AE.

    I personally have had very little luck using AE on its own.

    I can\'t recomend any combos for you at this point, so the \"bold option\" means TE on its own. Wait untill you try it. There\'s nothing subtle about this stuff. Many forum members have reported incredible hits with it.

    Incidentaly, I\'m older than you and I can tell you that, using pheromones will be as if you\'re at least 15 years younger. So don\'t feel anxious or rushed. Just enjoy your date and don\'t worry about making up for lost time.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    \"So, when the date happens, think of it as just an hour or two out of your life that might be fun.\"

    Thanks Whitehall....that\'s just what the agency told me [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] and thanks for the advice about the date and the EDT.
    Don\'t want to treat it as a \"test\" or \"exercise\", because I feel it demeans the date and doesn\'t afford the other person the respect they deserve. Never know, the first one might be \"the one\", or not.
    3 Billion....WOW!!! Though I kinda think that they\'re not on the agency\'s list [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] I\'d guess about 10-20 max out of 300 that might be suitable. Kinda narrows it down a bit [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    aka: your input is always welcome and appreciated, and from the impression I\'ve been getting, it\'s best to go for the \"safe\" option of the -rone and -nol mix of SoE since I want my companion to feel safe, yet open and responsive.
    Twice around the neck, stripe on each wrist and a line down my chest I\'d guess, just to be sure (can you OD on this stuff?)
    EDT on the armpits perhaps...or leave it?

    Questions about SoE: How long does it last, does it fade, does it need re-application, how long before the meeting would it be best to apply it?

    Thanks in Advance.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    So, aaron, how did it go?

    It is hard to find one\'s centre. I mean, to get to the place where you actually feel good just by yourself. Find your peace and think for a moment that as it has been said here, the possibilities are almost endless.

    Too many choices, that is the problem.

    And remember that only time will make you see where true love lies.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Sorry, I just saw the title of the thread... and this is suppose to happen on the 18th...

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    \"was\" supposed to happen on the 18th. The lady in question cancelled. I have a very strong suspicion that she might know me from somewhere and decided not to go through with it. If it\'s who I think it might be, then this has got to be the freakiest, wildest coincidence going. Shame about that. As someone said on here, when someone has made a conscious decision to reject you, even without speaking to you, there\'s nothing you can do about it.

    Anyway, the introduction agency has set me up with a replacement date on Friday (12th) at 8.00pm. Not much of a consolation, I was beginning to look very forwarrd to the other one.

    And all I\'ve got at the moment is a bottle of APC, a bottle of PI with that oil, and X-cite wipes in my arsenal [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  22. #22

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Good luck for the other date Aaron! I\'m confident you\'ll do very well! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    And don\'t worry about the cancelled date, just think you weren\'t made for each other. Maybe the woman you\'re about to meet is the one for you!

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Marty: thanks for the support. I\'m more relaxed and less stressed meeting this one than thinking about the one that cancelled. Guess it\'s because i had a suspicion about who # 1 was and wanted to make a real good impression...ain\'t gonna happen now [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    Marz: thank you for the recommendation. Most of the lotions here are scented. What brands would you suggest that don\'t smell?

    Tantalus: looks like I might go for the \"bold\" approach with this one. So many options to choose, even with what I have at the moment [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I\'ll let you all know how things go Friday Night & what I decided to use.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    The reason I recommended an unscented lotion was because the APC has its own unique scent that a lot of people like and it\'s not very potent so it\'s hard to OD on this one. I don\'t know if you have this one in London-England but here in Canada and the States you can get vaseline extra strength hand lotion for dry skin.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Thanks marz. I think we have that one here too. Going to pop into Boots tomorrow and pick one up.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Lubriderm has a unscented lotion.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    ALBA botanica Very Emollient Body Lotion - left here by a massage therapist. Unscented. Really, really good stuff.

    [ April 12, 2002: Message edited by: BassMan ]

  28. #28

    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th


    If you don\'t get your shipment in time for your date, I will recommend the following with what you have. Someone else posted fantastic results with this and after trying it, I must admit it did work for me as well.

    - Open the APC and use two dabs on your hand, then use two squirts of hand lotion (any unscented) and rub them together. Apply this all over your face, neck, and arms.

    - Put two drops behind your ears of PI (NO MORE) as this is very potent, and use one finger to rub and spread it around on each side.

    This combo worked great for the one (can\'t recall) who suggested it and again, I do admit it worked like a charm for myself. Just remember to smile and be comfortable. If you\'re in a downer of a mood, it just might rub off on her. Let us know what you used and how it went in this post. Enjoy.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    With your current supplies, I\'d just recommend an X-cite wipe before the date. Maybe a dab (not drops - IMO, two drops is too much unless you\'ve experimented) or two PI if you\'re looking for a sexual vibe, but from what you posted, I\'m guessing you\'re not.

    If you had everything you ordered, I\'d recommend 6-7\" of SOE and one spray TE at least 20 mins before meeting your date to let the initial strength die down.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Looking for love...D-Day April 18th

    Keri fast absorbing unscented lotion - very ungreasy and easy to use.

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