Time for a new thread on \"Essence of Woman\"

After learning from the experiences of others on the previous thread, here\'s my attempt at a reasonable dilution. My thanks to our brave pioneers. opening the EW was not as traumatic as I feared, strong but not overpowering although I\'m a bit feverish a half hour later. Used latex gloves and newspaper under the bottles as good lab practice - all disposables when into the garbage afterwards. Worked in the backyard with plenty of ventilation.


26 ml of homebrew vanilla extract - three cut beans in about an oz (30 ml) of 100 proof (50%) vodka, dark brown and clear

4 ml of Jovan Musk2 - aftershave, cheap synthetic musk with some unknown amount of A\'nol

4 drops of Jovan Andron for Men cologne (more A\'nol but its an old bottle)

2 drops (roughly) of EW concentrate

It started out as brown & turbid but seemed to clear after a few minutes to a clear brown.

My thinking is that what the copulins need is a fixative and a blender. The vanilla is renowned for \"covering\" other smells - ever see the hardware store commercial where a woman stirs a bottle into a can of paint? The Jovan Musk2 is mostly alcohol but the synthetic musk in it might help. The Jovan Andron is heavy on civet, castorium, etc, classic animal fixatives.

If it is 20 drops to a ml, then my mix is roughly 300 to 1.

The result smelled like Andron! It seemed to completely \"swallow up\" the copulins. So far, so good.

I then proceeded to do a combat load:

2.5 ml of Minotaure Edt - a sweeter version of D&G without the tobacco, more or less.

.5 ml or 10 drops of NPA (about 5 to 1)

2 drops of A-1

1 drop of EW mix.

Smells great! I\'ll do a field test after it settles, maybe this weekend and post a report.