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Thread: Xenadrine

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Xenadrine

    hi everyone,
    does anyone use Xenadrine-RFA1 (the one which contains ephedra) ?
    1- If yes, which improvements have you noticed ? and which bad side effects ? please be honest : this stuff (ephedra) is rather controversed.
    2- Have you noticed any reaction (good or bad) when using pheros at the same time ? do you think Xenadrine might have an influence on the effects of pheros ?

    I have no idea of what the answers could be, especially on question 2. But I\'d like to have your opinion !

    Have a nice day

  2. #2

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    i used it for awhile and it really got me in good shape. the only side effect is if you take it late at night it keeps you up. i would reccommend it really got me in great shap[e

  3. #3

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    i used it for awhile and it really got me in good shape. the only side effect is if you take it late at night it keeps you up. i would reccommend it really got me in great shape
    I was using pheromones to and i didn\'t feel any side effects so don\'t worry about that

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    I am actually using it and, yes, it got me in great shape, except that it kept me awake (I took it at about 3-4 pm). I also felt quite hot (sexually) and it\'s not bad at all !
    I just had to stop it because of some breathing troubles (nothing very important, just painful), but now I take half the posology.
    I also feel less stressed, with some good energy, and I\'m wondering if it could help when using pheros. Just wondering... I don\'t intend to take it for a long time.

    Any other reaction ?


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    Breathing troubles is a side effect (bad.) of Ephedra. I actually used some similar diet pills before, and let me tell you, I will never go back to them. They make me nervous and depressed. By the way, depression is also a side effect of ephedra. IMHO Ephedra really dishes away the pounds, however the risk involved is not worth it IMHO. I\'m currently beta testing weight loss patches, and things are looking good. The sweet thing is that there is no ephedra in it.

    - Krish

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    yep, maybe you\'re right. I\'m wondering... ephedra is a very controversed stuff and I\'m thinking of stopping it, unless a very wise chinese person (ma huang, from which ephedrine is exctracted, is a traditional medicinal plant in China) tells me how to use it...
    I\'ve read about patches too.
    If you have any info, please tell me. On a private msg, please : this subject is a little off topic on this forum. Thanx


  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    I\'m very interested in the patch as well - post it here please (if either of you have the details, name, brand, cost, where to buy, etc...), I don\'t think it\'s too OT.


  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    Well, I\'ve been beta testing it for only a week, so I really can\'t say if it truly works or not. I do know that I\'ve lost 4 pounds this week though.

    Whatever you do *DO NOT* buy it through one of those commercials you see. They\'re rip offs - I\'m currently disputing $110 on my credit card because I ordered a month ago and they didn\'t send the product.

    So I was at Target a week ago and in their diet section, I found some weight loss patches. It was a months supply for $20 so I thought \"Hey, $20 is no big deal, and if it dosen\'t work, just return it, this is Target\".

    Anyway, the name is \"Celebrity Topical Weight Loss Patch\". They have a web site on the box, but I didn\'t buy from it, and I just think it would be helpful for you to see:

    - Krish

  9. #9

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    this stuff is both good and bad/ on and off over a 6 month period, i lost over 100 lbs using it. It worked miricles in getting me motivated to go to the gym, eat healthier, etc, and got me down to a place where i could take it from there. I unfortunately noticed increased anxiety and the worst part of all of it is there was a period where i was basically fasting because i didn\'t ever feel like eating. I ran into some serious digestive problems, but when i combined xenadrine with a low carb, high protein diet where most of my carbs were a mix of soluable/insoluble fiber sources, i got in the best shape of my life (no longer round

  10. #10

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    You didn\'t feel like eating because you weren\'t hungry, or because you felt sick?

    That\'s quite a testimonial. Congrats on the 100 pounds. All respect.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    Hello everyone. TrimSpa works great, I lost 25 pounds in 4 weeks using it, and it doesn\'t keep me up at night or make my heart is the ephedrine formula one, not the ephedrine-free one.

    I can\'t say that ephedrine makes you depressed, because when I was using Xenadrine, and now using TrimSpa, I never felt depressed at all. The good thing about ephedrine, you\'ll never catch a cold while using it. lol Just follow the manufacturers instructions, don\'t go over what they recommend because that can cause problems.

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    So it can prevent a bad flu interesting effect.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    Talis :
    CONGRATS !!! that\'s a huge thing... I think one can take Xenadrine, but one of the conditions is to eat proper food - I would say not too much meat (beef) which gives a lot of energy (you\'ve got enough with Xenadrine !), no fat, vegetables. And of course no alcohol and not too much coffee (espresso type).

    FTR :
    I also felt no hunger sometimes - not because I was sick (at least for me), just because I wasn\'t hungry.

    Jaeger :
    I never felt depressed either, just tired sometimes - the kind of tiredness when you have made too many efforts. And, true, I have no cold ! (there is some ephedrine in Actifed and a lot of drugs for cold). I sometimes feel like all the toxines are running out of my body through a little more sweat.

    I agree with you : never overdose ! I would add : go and see your doctor from time to time, just to check the heart, lungs... and if there is a problem, slow down a little. The fact is that here in France, this stuff (ephedrine) is forbidden in diet supplements, and allowed only for medical use in very small quantities. But, this is where the hypocrisy is, manufacturers in France don\'t say that guarana is a lot of caffeine... and caffeine is a drug too.

    And, last but not least, it does keep me in a good mental shape - for girls ! he he...

    My 2 euro cents

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    I returned the patches for a full refund. Looks like it was just a placebo item and the weight I lost was just water.

    I\'m considering Xenadrine EFX.

    - Krish

  15. #15

    Default Re: Xenadrine


    I have used both the Xendrine RFA1 and EFX formula\'s. I personally feel the weight loss benifits with RFA-1 to be nearly twice that of the EFX formula, but I haven\'t lost much to prove it as I\'m not really over-weight. Maybe ephedra has alot to do with it. However, I was always jittery on the Ephedra product, where I don\'t get that jittery feeling from EFX (ephedra free). I also don\'t seem to get that burst of energy either with EFX, so in a typical day I would feel quite tired without enough sleep.

    I switched back to RFA-1 with a 2 dose morning, 1 in afternoon and it has been working pretty good for me. I am not wide awake at bed time anymore. But I do get a little jittery in late mornings. And it does at least keep me awake.

    Not that I have lost much weight, I\'m not really over-weight, but I found it definitely helps me from putting on weight (RFA-1 seems to be more effective here too). I have a lazy desk job where I tend to eat crap foods for lunch. If I improved my diet and got back into exercising, I could probably stop with the xenadrine, but at least it keeps me awake at work.

    So to me, the 2 brands have their pluses and minuses.

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    that\'s an interesting post. I finally chose the same dosage as you did : 2 caps in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. No insomnia, no jittery reactions, no bad side effects.
    I also haven\'t lost much weight : about 3 kgs (my aim is 6 kg from now on). But muscle is a heavy stuff, the main thing is losing an excess of water and fat.
    I also have a lazy desk job and play very little tennis. Maybe the results would be a lot better if we play any sport (tennis and all terrain bike for my taste) and eat quality food.


  17. #17

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    You mentioned losing excess water as well, and thats important to point out. One of Xenadrines effects (either formula) is it helps to shed retained water in the body. So if you do take this stuff, be certain to drink several glasses of water a day. Otherwise, it will leave you body feeling very fatigued because of dehydration.

    Of course there is no miracle drug, and anything taken with routine exercise will help improve the over-all effectiveness of the drug. Even a light weight workout 3 nights a week offset by a 1 mile jog the other 4 nights is more than sufficient. A simple routine schedule that takes no more than 1 hour start to finish each day. And properly stretching before and after any workout routine will help alleviate muscle soreness as well as joint and tendon strains. I\'m not a health authority here, but this is general advice.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    ephedrine containing products ( assuming they are adequate and meet label claims) do seem to be very beneficial for weight loss, also they blow simple caffeine only tablets out of the water for all nighters ( although I wouldn\'t suggest combining with alcohol not that I\'m aware of any specific interactions)

    The depression thing is likely to only come about if you regularly use large doses of ephedrine, it can give a mild , possibly addictive high and has been abused ( e.g. mini-thins )

    if your reasonably healthy and have no history of heart problems its great, but make sure to stage up the does gradually.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Xenadrine

    Didn\'t read the whole thread but have used Xenadrine in the past was actually part of regimine where I shed 95 lbs in 5 months. But if used for more that 2 months it does looses its plateu out. I found using different brands of basically the same thing every time i go through a bottle. Twin labs, Extreme trim from Vitamin World, Xenadrine, and the Eas BetaTrim etc. They all are about the same but differ in the mix of the main three ingrediants.
    Hope this helps.


  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    Ephedra is unsafe, and a recent article on CNN stated that even if taken at recommended dosages, it is still a major risk.

    - Krish

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Xenadrine

    I would say that the FDA is hitting out way to hard on ephedra, no its not the \'safest\' drug, but used responsibly and after at least some acclimatisation to exercise its a very useful product.

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