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Thread: WAGG

  1. #31
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Now that the surveys are in, how long is it gonna take until you receive official word on it from the producers?

  2. #32
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Ive used WAGG also a couple of thoughts.

    On its own
    - Makes me focused but yappy and occasionally more aggressive
    -Study + memory is better
    -Women 40+ really hit on me hard.
    -Got less tired and felt more energetic (higher testostrone levels)

    With Alter ego for men in a WAGG:AG(M) ratio of 1:5
    - It really made women hang around and chat and flirt even more than AE on its own. This neturalised the run away effect of AE countered the Anone.
    -Increased metabolism, ive lost some weight and muscle tone improved. & also eaten more recently ive been hungrier also.
    -Umm not much else pretty well matches the above, im using it still and have ODed with really amazing results it will be my first purchase.
    Bruce said same size and similar price to SOE and also similar Pheromone content weighting around 5 mgs of the mystery stuff heres my mega combo

    EW & PCC & Alter ego or perfect 10 & a1 & NPA & WAGG

    So we will have
    2 types of couplin products
    Arone Anol and Anone
    NPA secret ingredients

    8 + pheromone types add some realm also and heck we have limitless possibilities and also its going to liven things up around here with different mixes, im not naming anything as far as WKM or DD mixes, so folks get on it, this is an amazing product that fills some existing holes in our arsenals and could get interesting.

  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG, on a lesbian point of view

    hi all,
    okay, here are my observations about WAGG. First of all, I love the name ! sounds a lot better than all the others.
    I\'ve used it on its own only during about 7-10 days, wore it (3 dabs on tshirt) about every 2 days.

    No bad side effect on me (unlike you, FTR - but you seem rather sensible to a lot of products), just made me feel relaxed, good. One very interesting effect, at least on me : it didn\'t make me feel aggressive at all (every time I wore PIm it did : I felt kind of dominant and alpha-like) - I consider it\'s a big advantage and it doesn\'t make girls scared or submissive.
    I also felt more energetic (but I\'m also using some Xenadrine at the moment, so I don\'t know which one had this effect). But I never felt bad.

    Effects on people (women, for me):
    I noticed the first effects (whatever they are) about 4 hours after I put it on (no less than 3 hours after) : someone touching my hair in a very affectionate way, a girl I\'d never seen before giving a big hug...and several girls staring at me. And a girl talking to me about my eyes so that everyone could hear it (unfortunately I had to go - I suppose the rest of the night would have been great !).
    These effects, especially the last one, happened about 7-10 days after wearing WAGG. Apparently, not a magic stuff within the 5 minutes you get into a club.

    It does smell strong, like sweat or good old PIm. But it\'s nice (better than TEw) and nobody seemed to be annoyed by it.

    I\'m longing to read the others\' observations ! My conclusion, for today, is that it\'s a product I would like to have in my secret box...

    Have a nice day

  4. #34
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: WAGG, on a lesbian point of view

    Doesn\'t anybody have anything negative to say about WAGG?
    I find it interesting that for some people it cancels out the negative effects of -none. For me, WAGG seemed to affect me the same way that PI/m or Andro 4.2 does. It basically made me a bit irritable and short-tempered. It was able to do that to me despite the fact that I would continue to use my regular combo with EW in it, which normally keeps me in a really good mood. I never noticed anything positive from the WAGG. The people who already know me behaved consistently(no better,no worse), but those who didn\'t know me were posssibly scared off, similar to when I wear too much -none.

  5. #35
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG, on a lesbian point of view

    It might have cancelled out some positive effects of -none for me too, I\'m not sure. That\'s why I said it might cause LJBF.

    I hope it can enhance something like AE, but I\'m not sure about it. More testing needs to be done.

    I\'m hopeful that it can work, but I suspect ratio is important. I wonder if it affects the VNO.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    Hey Bruce -

    Do you have a timetable for availability of WAGG? I\'m looking to place an order next week, I heard price structure similar to SoE?


  7. #37

    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    Bruce, can you tell us how many people were sent test samples? I\'m just curious how many testers the compiled survey results will represent.

  8. #38
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    Hey guys.

    My testing phase was a bit drawn out because I only really had school as a testing ground, so I tried to include as many occasions as possible within a reasonable timeframe.

    I will post a longer evaluation soon, but as a taster...

    When I was testing with SOE, I went to a trade fair. We were running a competition, and because I was bored I suggested we go around the other stalls and get them to enter. They had to write down there name and a contact number.
    So me and a friend went around to some of the stalls, most of them occupied with ladies, which is always nice! The amount of people was as you would expect, using a confident sales approach anyway, apart from two stalls...
    The first had two really good looking girls on them, and they said no first of all [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] The next stall along was occupied by about 8 girls, ranging from about 5-8 in attractiveness. They were very welcoming, and wanted more of my attention. They said maybe, and I said that wasn\'t good enough! They said maybe if I bought something from their stall, yadayada. I said no way! They agreed to take part, but seemed to want me to stay, getting some very friendly body language from two in particular. It had the friendly edge of SOE, but with an added \"longing\", not quite in a sexual way though. I stole some sweats from them and went back to my stall.
    We went back to the 1st girls after 10 mins or so, and they were a lot more talkative, talking about the day etc. I got them to take part, and the best looking one wrote down her name and number (home). Just as she wrote he home number, she looked at my in a sort of cheeky way and said (I had better give you my mobile number aswell\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] lol. This was a hit, because all the other phone numbers were home numbers (psychology, conform to the norm and do what everyone else is doing, but she didn\'t!), and it was the look in her eye! Also, as a cultural thing, a mobile number is better than a home number as a hit sign. This was not typical SOE action. Funniest part was, my girlfriend was in a stall oposite! You\'ll just have to trust me when I say I had no intention with anyone but her.

    Don\'t know about anyone else, but WAGG seemed to take away some of my sex drive, and the first few times of application it made me depressed and irritable.

  9. #39
    Banned User
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    I think you should use it in combination with a high -none product for better results. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #40
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    I did! But I wanted a simple SOE test.

  11. #41
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    Is there anyway I can buy WAGG?

  12. #42
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Can someone try an OD test of only WAGG & report the results.


  13. #43
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    This defenantly sound like an exciting new product. When will we be able to buy it here bruce ???

  14. #44
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    No bsxs

    Where would you like the OD to be performed?

  15. #45
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    This looks like a great new product, I can\'t wait until it goes up for sale.

  16. #46
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    Your call cap, be interested in a large audience (night club) as well as a more refined setting like a Starbucks.

  17. #47
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    bsxs, I didn\'t mean to come across as harsh. Hopefully the product will be available soon.

    bivonic, I\'ll see what I can do. I\'m continuing testing anyway, now testers can perform the same test and compare results.

  18. #48
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    It is nearly certain we will sell WAGG here, and it could be as soon as a couple of weeks, but there is a little red tape to clear up first, so I can\'t give you a definite date yet.

  19. #49
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    What company produces WAGG?

  20. #50

    Default Hey we can talk about it now

    I\'ve been away a few eons and didn\'t realize discussion had been opened on WAGG. I already did the OD test after inadvertently spilling half the bottle on the floor ...decided to wipe it off the floor with my hand and then all over me. I think I was the first to complete the survey [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Some dude very nearly started a fight with me (over lottery tickets, no less), but on the positive side, a cashier at the supermarket gave me more than average attention and then, much to my shock, circled her name on the receipt. That\'s a first! I had never seen her before. My female friends at the natural food store started acting really goofy-happy around me when I wore the stuff. But for me WAGG really started to shine when combined with my favorite combo of Nol Concentrate plus Polo Sport. Worked better than WAGG by itself. Because my experimentation time was cut short by my spilling mishap, I didn\'t get to come to the conclusive results I would have liked to. But I am near certain I would buy the stuff ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #51
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now


    Now that\'s very interesting [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . I was at a dance class this past week and decided to put on one dab behind each ear and two on the throat (I have been dabing this on my shirt all the other times). About 30 minutes into the class both of my instructors were goofing off (usually very serious), laughing hysterically as well as a bunch of my other classmates. Thought it could possibly be residual SOE on my jacket, but I just had it cleaned plus it was in my pack on the other side of the room.

  22. #52
    Phero Dude abductor's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    --------------------------------------------------------------- I can\'t give you a definite date yet..
    Hi boss,
    and about the price, do we have something?

  23. #53

    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    Yeah there seems to be something in WAGG that brings out the giddy-happy in at least some women ... glad to hear your account ... that sorta confirms my observations in the food store ... I don\'t know about you but I can use a product that does that ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  24. #54

    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    God knows women could stand a few more men that have that effect on them. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #55
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    I want to put in a pre-order.

  26. #56

    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    Hey, Bruce might do that ... he seems reasonably sure that he will be carrying the product ... he mentioned \"red tape\", though. Pre-ordering, if done by everyone who is interested, might give him a better idea of how much to stock ...

  27. #57
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    Lol, put me first in line, this looks exactly what I\'m looking for. Since I revolve around my humor and some girls don\'t get it, I need that for them.

  28. #58

    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    I can\'t believe we haven\'t had more testing post responses on here. I guess we just need to give them more time, but I\'m wanting to hear what others have experienced with this product.

  29. #59
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now


    I\'m thinking that this giddy-happy thing might be signs that the amount you have on is very close to an OD. I pretty much followed directions and dabed a max of 4 on clothing just before I sent off the survey. BTW did you also get these rxns when you dabed WAGG onto your clothes or did you dab onto your skin?

    I\'ll try again with the dabs of WAGG alone onto the pulse pts at my next class and at the next dance I go to.

  30. #60
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    how does one get in on the wagg testing?

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