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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default **Questions Concerning A1**

    Ive currently been searching the forums recently for information on A1. Ive noticed that there arent many recent posts concerning A1 and the kind of reaction forum members have gotten with it. What kind of reactions have you guys seen with it???Does it make women feel more in love with you??if so it a permanent kind of thing or do those feelings go away quickly??Does it help people that have the Clint Eastwood effect???What hits have you gotten off it??

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    How goes your problem sonny? Take it you didn\'t get very far.

    A1 has been reported to mitage the bad effects of -none, and give a comfortable \"I know you\" feel. This is just what I remember, so obviously people with actual experience would be better.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    A1 does tend to have those positive effects, but it also causes depression in a lot of guys, including me.

    I had to stop using it... I\'d put some on and find that I\'d be getting a good response from some girl while at the same time I\'d be really depressed, anxious and sweaty.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    anxiety and loss of interest cant be a good thing...what were some of the effects that you saw on the girls you tested it on???HAve any of you tested A1 on girlfriends or girls that you have know for some time and are not just complete strangers??Im curious to know just what effects this potion has on girls you already know....

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    A1 is rapidly becoming my favorite pheromone. (I recently bought my third bottle in less than a year.) I highly recommend it for guys in relationships, but it has many other uses as well.

    I have four formulas that I use depending on mood and circumstances:

    1) straight A1 at 50% concentration with cologne (three small dabs) - This formula is great for ironing out minor differences with my gf (way better than flowers), and she’s considered rather difficult by people that know her. (Did I say “difficult”? One of her friends recently told me, “God bless you for putting up with that girl.” But she’s sweet as pie when I’ve got my A1.) It seems to make all women very pleasant and I’ve twice had women say that they lost track of time chatting with me.

    2) 1Rone: 4 Nol : 6 None : 12 A1at 50% concentration with cologne (three small dabs) - This formula is my standard. I often wear it to work and most social events. Guys are friendly, women are full of smiles, and I get a lot of eye contact.

    3) 2A1 : 3 NPA at 50% concentration (three small dabs) - This formula makes girls flirt like nothing I’ve tried before (and I’ve tried just about everything). At stores, restaurants, parties — everywhere I have occasion to interact with females — I get this look like I’M the one getting mentally undressed, voices turn sultry, body language spells raw attraction... I’ll probably never be humble again. (One caveat, I generally have to be the one initiating contact. Girls don’t just walk up to me and start chatting — as with several high Nol formulas. But even a friendly smile and a polite“hi” can elicit very flirtatious behavior.) But that’s just icing on the cake. When I wear it around my girlfriend it’s always party time. Once I was rushed into the bedroom before I even got a chance to take my coat off.

    4) 1A1: 2 PF: just a touch SPMO (3-4 small dabs) - This formula is still in its experimental phase, but initial results are promising. Everybody is generally upbeat and friendly, and on several occasions I’ve had girls give me this long, dreamy look — like when women “fall in love” in Hollywood movies.

    I’ve never gotten anxiety or depression with A1. On the contrary, it seems to pick me up and I tend to have more erotic dreams. On several occasions I got irritable and impatient while wearing it at high concentrations, but that hasn’t happened in months. So maybe it just takes getting used to. The only problem is that it often messes with my sinuses. I try not to wear it near my face and always give it a break after wearing the 50% concentration.
    I’m currently knocked out with the flu and one small dab of the 1:4:6:12 formula on my wrist got my sinuses burning like I just snorted peppers or something. I washed it off and my sinuses no longer burned, but then I had a horrible sinus headache for over an hour.

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    great post.

  7. #7

    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    What does A1 stand for, and where does one purchase it?


  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    a.k.a what results do you get from PF alone?

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Id appreciate any feedback that you could have on A1 and its effects Doc...ive read some of your earlier posts and it seems you know a great deal about this product and its effects on females.....any thoughts doc??any help is more than welcome especially coming from you...

  10. #10
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    I look at A1 as a sort of companion to -none, since it is its most direct precursor. The ratio between the two that works for you is good to know. I\'d just like to see a lot more experimentation with this, and with -A1 vs no A1 in the same mix (krtel, listen up! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]).

    So I try to avoid giving an opinion.

    A1should be put mostly on flat, less hairy parts, with leftovers in the smelly parts, to imitate what happens on the body. 1-2 drops A1is a reasonable place to start for experimenting.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    hey a.k.a...i forgot to ask you is the pleasant effect that A1 creates with your girlfriend long lasting???In other words does she still think of you the way she did while you were wearing the A1 even when youre not in front of her...likedoes it leave an impression....or does it only change her attitude for the better towards you while shes smelling it???have you seen some proof of this??

  12. #12
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Take a look at my second post in \"Love Potions\"

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    cool I will ...thanks Mntjim

    hey a.k.a did you get a look at my last post bro??Id appreciate any help with that question...

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    I’ve never worn PF around my gf, and it’s been months since I’ve worn it alone. When I did, results during the first 5-10 minutes were exceptional. Lots of looks and smiles. After that, no obvious hits (except from asian girls), but women still seemed very receptive and tended to open up — telling me personal details about their lives when they barely knew me. So I’d say it’s good stuff for building trust and rapport. Also my last gf enjoyed it as a sex stimulant.

    We haven’t been together long enough for me to see if she brings up issues that I had considered resolved. So far she seems to have a mostly positive image of me whether I’m on the phone or in person. Whether I wear A1 or some other mones. And I’ve never been around her without at least some residual pheromones from the previous day.
    I don’t take a scientific approach to pheromones and don’t have empirical proof. But my impression is that changes to her perception are subtle and cumulative, whereas changes to her mood are more obvious and pheromone dependent. In other words, she still seems to like me without the A1 but may not be as upbeat or agreeable.
    I think part of the Art of Pheromones is using the mood altering effects as a tool to create positive impressions (that hopefully last).
    Guess I can’t answer your question directly. But I hope this helps.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Hmmm....Come to think of it. I did get something of a strange reaction yesterday when I was wearing a Pheromax clone (2Nol:3None at 35% concentration). We hadn’t seen each other for 5 days because I’ve been sick and not in the mood. She came over to watch a movie and, after about 10 minutes, she asked, “Are we still all right?”

    I asked what she meant and she said I seemed a little distant. I don’t know. Maybe I was. Or maybe it was the mones. Hard to say.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    I would really like to know, in your opinion, what is the best, all around pheromone product out there. Which one works the best with the least side affects for a 18 year old male.

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    DD#1 SOE and NPA in a 7 to 3 ratio.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    cool where do i buy it?

  19. #19
    Banned User
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    you have to buy SOE and NPA and mix it yourself.

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**


  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Do any of you know how long the calm and happy feeling that women get from smelling A1 is supposed to last. After the smell is taken away from her nose, how long does the happy reaction from them last??Ive been searching the net like crazy looking for this with no answers yet...

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    3) 2A1 : 3 NPA at 50% concentration (three small dabs) - This formula makes girls flirt like nothing I’ve tried before (and I’ve tried just about everything).

    <hr></blockquote>I have been trying this mix for a week now. I have been using 8-10 very small dabs - works out to about 0.1 ml of mix.

    I am getting very similar results to you - very flirty women, without the weirdness I generally get with straight NPA. If this lasts, it will be one of the best mixes I\'ve ever used. Thanks!

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Do any of you know how long the calm and happy feeling that women get from smelling A1 is supposed to last. After the smell is taken away from her nose, how long does the happy reaction from them last??How long does the good mood that shes in last??Ive been searching the net like crazy looking for this with no answers yet...

  24. #24
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Wow....been a LONG time since I\'ve been around (over a year now) and it\'s cool to come back and see a bunch of new faces and some old familar ones.

    Haven\'t really used any mones in about a year or so, but I just recently found my old box of A1, NPA, TE and some other stuff and I think it\'s about time to give it a whirl again.

    If you look up my name in a search you\'ll find some info on A1 and it\'s effects with SOs...My girlfriend reacted VERY well to it and it alone last year. Especially during her period...

    And it just so happens that she should be getting her period again this weekend...nice timing.

    Props to all, it\'s nice to be back.


  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    any signs of her being more loving, more affectionate,more appreciative of you as a person?? Also, how long do the effects last after shes exposed to it???

  26. #26
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    Hey Sonny -

    I think I sent you a PM in regard to that had sent me one a LONG time ago and I just replied.


    Effects seemed to last a long time, usually all night until we slept.

    More loving....yes.

    More some cases...YES!

    Do the search man...ton of info if it\'s still around here on the board somewhere.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    cool thanks bro..

  28. #28
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    \"more appreciative of you as a person\"

    Hmmmm...that\'s an interesting one that I hadn\'t really thought about, but in retrospect - YES, absolutely....

    But than again, at the time I was really having great experiences with the A1 and it may have been specific to my particular situation.

    Man...I can\'t wait to use that stuff again now!

  29. #29
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    p.s. - As a die hard Radiohead fan I love your sig.

    You going to check any shows this summer? god...I hope they get to the states again.

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: **Questions Concerning A1**

    McClintock\'s study showed the mood effect started almost immediately, within minutes. Lasted for at least 4 hours, although strongest effect was in the first hour. The tested subjects had a very dilute (only 1/15th as strong as chemset) smear under their noses the whole time. Some of McClintocks work suggests the effect only works when a male is in the room (it must be associated with the presence of a man).

    Safe bet - she will feel the effect when you are present and wearing it. If you leave, or just spray on her clothes, effect is less certain..

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