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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    No, I am not just looking to f***. No, I am not.

    However, I mean, I can\'t find love. I can\'t f***...Hell...If f.u.c.k. = love...I don\'t have and I don\'t have love, so it don\'t matter.

    Anyway, I don\'t know, perhaps different, but patentience is not one of my virtues. I tend to not really do things by some book, etc. I mean, noone else does. However, if my personality isn\'t attracting others be it frienship, love, f*** whatever there\'s little I can do about it.

    They say shy girls like shy guys, etc. The goth gets the goth girl, the geek gets the geek girl, the popular kid gets the poplular girl...What do I get?


    I don\'t know. I can\'t see nothing.

    I wouldn\'t say I have a bad attitude about it either. I\'m just trying to disect the problem.


  2. #32
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Truth is :
    there is no problem at all.

    Its all in your head. Loose the attitude and let people (err I mean girls) get close to u. U said u have huge success when u work out alot. (Success as in : Hit producing success) Well great ! Build up on that. Use this to your advantage. You gave great advice to BUBU on the other thread. Read it again to yourself dude [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Another truth is : You need to realize that right now you are not being REALISTIC but veeeery PESSIMISTICALLY about pretty much everything .
    Examples ? Here are a few :

    You say pheros are only placebo , eventhough you know they aren\'t. So what did u do ? U created some weird reverse-placebo effect on yourself ! See the irony ? If you talk+ think bad about something and dont trust/believe in it , u create a self-fullfilling prophecy , unfortunatly not to YOUR advantage !

    Pessimism will not get u anywhere !!!!!! (Unless your desired destination is depression)

    A healthy dose of optimism with realism is the right way to follow.

    You say you can\'t have love AND sex. Is sex really that important to you ? Is it more important than a good relation shipt to a girl (even if it doesn\'t mean SEX-the next day)

    By saying you can\'t have them both (like its a rule written by god and designed to punish u - guess what it isn\'t) You just create another pessimist prophecy ! F.U.C.K that crap !!!

    Seriously tweak the attitude abit. Its never too late + you are intelligent enough to figure what needs to be done.

    I hope I could help u a little.

    + Don\'t post another \" I don\'t get love + sex for all eternity\" or I will jump the window


    OK , first floor over here [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #33
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Except attention whores who prefer to flirt and only when they get interest do they turn and run away and 90% of the time end up with another guy. Now if this is a case of them wanting a guy but being shy and then not ending up with him because they think he is to \"nice\" then this sounds like where marg may be. Best way to counter this bulk up as u have been and get the advantage, get some knowledge training via this forum and go implement it.
    Pessimisism can be helpful when dealing with AWs because if you look nasty at them and u know they are attention whores they get scared and leave u alone, then when they are gone u can be happy again and get a real woman.
    Instead of a c*ck teaser.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Note i am one of these types that mostly attracts bitc*es. So i have developed some tactics in dealing with them and can smell them a mile off (yes they have a certain smell couplin wise that signals them out and so far id say i have a 90% success rate) the pheromones can be used to keep them in line. If i have one that i show no interest in and they keep at it then i load up a pheromone strike and get all the other females around stirred up and they get clouded out and shocked and bugger off quickly. Good i carry the stuff around with me, it fits well in my wallet (Old PCC bottle that is).

    The nice ones dont come out of the woodwork they need to be chased.

  5. #35
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    No offense Watcher , but : THERE U GO AGAIN WITH YOUR FAVOURITE OBSESSION : Attention whores [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    How\' is that supposed to help Bart ? The problem he has is a totally different one.

    + Suggesting to him to use pessimism as a tool to get rid of attention bitches isn\'t too helpfull either. + I think the tool u wanted to advice is the \"ignore mode\" - simpy brush them haters off. Again , I feel you are offtopic this time.

    Peace I\'m out [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Ok suggestions for marg as he has been given many times. OD on the pheros and go for it or learn to talk to them and guess what from a womans point of view f**king is love when they get older $$$$ = a reason for love and romance so get used to it, they just dont think because he is with me and me alone them im IN LOVE like us guys she is paying us attention only we fall into the idea she is IN LOVE which she isnt - something better hasnt come along, as women gain more power men are just going to have to get used to women cheating and talking endlessly about sex to get attention whilst only giving sex to GOOD LOOKING MEN WITH GOOD MUSCLE BODIES / AND OR MEN WITH $$$$$ otherwise we go through life with temporary women who just use us for sex and $$$ short term then dump us for something better. Stop complaining and get out there and F**k youre brains out NOW now now use the pheromones as a powerful aide and tool.

  7. #37
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    tbird, i happen to agree with you on that, his reverse attitude..on the one hand he talks about \'high ass -none and smelling it like CS stuff\" and how it affects ppl around him..then says -mones dont have a affect..hum...BS..
    Bart, dude, get a grip on reality.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I don\'t think Bart is in loss of reality but its just a protective reaction/outrage/cynicism type of guy used as a shield or ego crusher. Bart reminds me of what people always told me, Bart from what I can see has a shitload of potential but also has a major downfall, there are some people who could have been great if they would master themselves first.

    I am not insulting Bart I happen to like his posts for the most point, fun to read interesting Bart even seems like a cool guy(no pun). I know how he feels sometimes he reminds me of myself or of my friend who is protective like that maybe got picked on or didn\'t feel fully accepted so fights very hard at times for his points words etc... BTW it sucked for me in when I was like a freshman I didn\'t know anyone in lunch so I stopped goinghahahha. Everything is good now.

  9. #39
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Bart generally has a lot of good points. Sometimes he shows them a bit too agressively, that\'s all.
    For starters, some people here still think pheros will do all the work for you. What he has pointed out are things anyone serious about attracting females should work on anyway. Working out (to be fit), showing confidence, getting the whole package to be better( body and mind). Looking into NLP will still give you some tips too wether you beleive in it being right or not.

    Most guys would do a lot better if they worked on these things alone and didn\'t rely soley on finding magic bullet solutions.

    Pheros can certainly help you stand out, and they are fantastic when they show their potential, but they don\'t stop you from screwing up the close (and opening for that matter ) etc. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Very good points, its kind of like those loose weight quick drugs and herbal stuff you see on TV, people seem to want a quick fix without much work maybe something more prevelent in our generation. On the positive side on this forum many are working on the total package etc....

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Mastering the pheromones can make them a sort of magic bullet. Take me if i want i can always get attention. Have developed different mixes i use in different expected sitatutions to get desired results.

    Ie - social work and romance. Other times i want to show dominance so go the Anone.
    Then other times play around to experiment with new combos etc. Have backed off the OD angle though, am finding less is best.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Well, I think that I am misunderstood in that point.

    I KNOW phermones do stuff, as far as hits. However, I don\'t that is a problem for me, In fact I KNOW IT IS NOT! if I didn\'t produce enough none, I wouldn\'t get seen as intimidating, lol. I KNOW that when a girl looks at me, she thinks of sex. I know that for a FACT, however, because the girls are YOUNGER (still in high school) they don\'t have what they percieve as LOVE for me, etc. They will overrule it.

    Read that over again, make sure you read it right. That is what I meant as far as pheromones being ineffective.

    Now, to prove the point (which I don\'t think Watcher has) I am definately intimidating enough. Not only have a built up an awesome body (big chest, built up arms not bodybuilder, but big enough to be noticed) but I wear usually, polo shirt color = sign of power from what I read. Plus, it looks good on me.

    Anyway, aside from that.

    I will give you examples. Not only can I smell my own none produciton = very strong. But I CONSTANTLY have my sister and brother say I stink (this is not to do with bacteria) I don\'t have a bacteria problem at all.

    Also, just TODAY, I\'m just walking to lunch, I\'m not looking at the ground, etc. Someone I know, said that I look evil. Hmm, lol....That woudln\'t be the first time. While ago, I\'m riding the bus, and someoen I know told me I look like I\'m 1. Going to beat someone up. or 2. I\'m going to rape someone.

    In addition, I am waiting for the bus to go home, someone I know walked up to me, and just asked me who I was going to beat up. However, I believe that to have come from an opening to a conversation, because at my school I as known as \"dangerous\" due to my martial arts skills ( freestle ) and that I lift a lot (not the most in the school, however, but I am not one of the skinny kids. I am big and yet I can pull off karate moves, that is tight) However, I don\'t believe that to have much to do with anything.

    I will be walking down the halls, and get eye contact from girls for a second. I\'ll be walking down the stairs, girl look up at me, and give me eye contact. I smell nice, I use axe, the kind that out of a survey of 500 women said smelled the best. I got a nice haircut, and I use paste instead of gel (hair paste, from the salon) and I died my hair. I wear good enough clothes, and I work out. And, I actually FIT INTO my shirt. Meaning, Polo shirt...My arm touches the front and back of the shirt. So, even though the sleeve goes down to my elboe, you can see my arm touching the sides (althogh, shirt = not too big)....

    Intimidation = not my problem. At least, if you say I don\'t do enough of it.

    However, if it is true, that these girls (not women, DEFINATELY NOT WOMEN) look at me like that. It is probably, as FTR said that they overrule it because they are looking for love, etc...Even though it is RARELY FOUND, and a lot of the time, in high school, these girls fool themselves into thinking they love someone when they really don\'t.

    My own opinion? I am doing EVERYTHING RIGHT to attract d*mn college girls. As for High School

    Yeah right, lol....

    Maybe when they grow up and stop believing someone \"loves\" them. Not that I don\'t believe in love. Love comes from chemicals in the brain. Does that matter? No. However, I see it WAY TOO OFTEN!


    High School Girl, \"loves\" someone she\'s got the chemicals flowing. Her boyfriend = not. He is thinking...If I give her a flower in her locker she\'ll give me head this weekend.

    Perhaps I am wrong, and pessimistic. However, I\'m just looking at things the way they are.

    Body = fine. Intimidation = if anyting too much...

    Only think I don\'t like is probably I don\'t have the best face in the world. However, just going online and showing girls my picture. I have found that someon think I am ugly, no doubt, giving me a 1-4 out of 10. However, I have been told, by the same, if not MORE girls online that I am from 8-10. I have NEVER HARDLY. Maybe a total of 2 times in 2 years been called a 5.

    Which, I would agree. I dont\' have the best face. However, I have no zits, and I have really good hair and nails (Not gay, but just because I am talking stuff for my joints my hair looks really good, so does my nails, skin too)

    And, how can I have so much testosterone? My nautral hair color is VERY LIGHT blond and my arms hair is like white, lol.... I have NO FACE HAIR, except for some peach fuzz, which, isn\'t peach fuzz, because I keep it shaved with a mustache trimmer (lowest setting, pretty much, I should just say shaved) and it comes in thick because of that. However, really light hair, blue eyes, and no face hair? How do I have a lot of testosterone?

    While most people have more dominant features, hair and, etc comes from ADRENAL hormones, MOSTLY. Something I read. I think people may confuse that.

    But... I don\'t really sit with anyone at lunch. Not that I have never before. I talk to people, freely, but...I\'m not really in a \"group\" and while I will talk, and get talked to, and be like, what\'s upped by people...I do not fit into their \"click\" I really don\'t.

    Most people don\'t think it out. They just you know, talk to friends, etc.


    I think that sums it all up... Basically.

    My situation etc. I don\'t beleive I have \"solved\' anything.


  13. #43
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Most girls mature before guys...

    I believe to have matured before the girls.

    Simply put...

    My age level (You all say I act like a child. You know this is not true, or I would not be able to say anything intelligent, as I am now) is say 20

    Theirs = 10...

    Perahps am I wrong. But, I see myself as a more sophisticated, mature person than most people. I do not get caught up with petty things such as \"popularity\" and sports at school, and I don\'t care about \"grades\". As in, people get caught up in stupid stuff, I know, however they do not matter.

    Ie, girl is like, so and so did this, so and so, cheerleading, I don\'t get caught up in petty things. Or, someone will be like, so and so did this, blah blah blah. I beileve in congratulating only when you do something yourself, I don\'t worry about others, etc.

    I do believe myself to be more mature, however.

    This would go along JUST LIKE I SAID...That, I am geared to be f****** 20 year old girls right now. I am still in High School.

    And, if you don\'t think I am intelligent. I have a hard time memorizing things, however I have an AMAZING ability to think I can write a MEAN essay. And if it is something I WANT to learn. I will remember EVERYTHING.


  14. #44
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Oh, and even though I have high testosterone levels, and have to hold back the urge to rape MOST OF THE TIME. I am usually a gentelman. I am not like....Hey baby, and all this crap. I would, but that would be letting out Pendora\'s box. I can\'t eat just one chip. If I was to do that, I couldn\'t. I either act like a gentelman or I\'d end up raping someone.


  15. #45
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Oh yeah, many people say that I am on steroids. Including my brother and sister.

    I, myself, can feel testosterone/adrenaline surges for no reason sometimes.

    And, when I lift, the veind under my eys pop out, the eyes get red, from the OUTSIDE IN, and they get bloodshot, and my skin turns red, and I got veins in my chest. This is where it started steming from, in the weight room. I just ignore it. Let them think what they want.


  16. #46
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    You should go see \"The Incredible Hulk\" when it gets released.


  17. #47
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    \"(You all say I act like a child. You know this is not true, or I would not be able to say anything intelligent, as I am now)\'

    Actually, it\'s all relative. I had a friend who thought of me as a \"kid\". I\'m over 50, and he died recently just short of his 100th.

  18. #48
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    I was being serious...But, I didn\'t know they were making an \"Incredible Hulk\" movie, hmm.


  19. #49
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    <<I was being serious...>>

    I know dude. You just gotta think of what a person on the other side of the world would picture when he reads that. I pictured this Mr Universe guy who was about to explode. lol [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  20. #50

    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night


    First off. I love you.

    Now, about your posts. You and I are on the same page as regards the love thing, how girls think about it, how guys think about it. Maybe some guys do really fall in love. But mostly they are thinking, if I put this flower in her locker, she\'ll give me whatever sex, and the girl is thinking, he loves me, I have this flower he put in my locker as proof.

    It\'s all bullshit and it\'s chemicals and it\'s self-hypnosis and it\'s illusion and who knows what it is. Who knows.

    Learn to work it. You understand how the girls think; learn to work it. You can do that without being an [bad word] about it. The girls want sex, too. The girls fantasize sex. But you have to give it to them with the right attitude, playing to their \"love\" side, to get them to open up. Read the thread with Irish\'s latests posts in it about compliments/getting inside someone\'s head, for example.

    Most women don\'t get to loving to f*ck for f*cking\'s sake until they\'re WAAAAAAY past high school, if then, and I mean even way past college.

    So learn to work the \"love\" thing, this is my advice.

  21. #51
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    heh , after reading your last BIIIG post I decided to give you this advice [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] :

    Drop the f.uck outta highschool , get a \"record deal\" an become the next Eminem. You obviously have lots of things to say. I guess you could easily fill 10 Albums , rapping about your unfullfilled sex dreams in high school , then bragging bout your body , add also braggin bout being veeeery smart. Throw a few bling bling chains in the mix and cash in lots of money [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    The fact , that you have to force yourself not to rape anybody already puts you on the same level of crazyness that eminem \"inhabits\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] You might be the next big thing , the music industry is waiting for. Oh btw , with all the fame and all the money you will not have to worry about \"silly\" highschool girls any longer.

    Hehe no offense dude. Can you rap by any chace ?

  22. #52
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

  23. #53
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    I know, lol, I\'m sorry, I would have too.

    Yeah, the reason many bodybuilders look that way. Some steroids produce more vascularity than others, however, 300 mg of d-bol being taken by a 200# bodybuilder will increase the amount of blood they caryy by 1 WHOLE LITER!!!!

    The body normally produces like 2 liters at that weight. So, that\'s 100% more blood.

    This is why they have so much endurance, and never get tired, one of the reasons, plus the drive of tesetosterone.

    Umm, what\'s his name, that guy with the big trapps, in wrestling....Used to be a football player...

    He did like 1,000 1 handed pushups in a row or something.

    Basically, working out makes the body more efficient, ie, using the nutrients and oxygen from the blood more efficiently, however you can\'jt beat having more blood. Except, you can have high blood pressure.

    Also, the difference between a natural bodybuilder and steroids is also muscle quality. They have less muscle fibers because steroid users induce hypoplasia (muscle fibers get so big, they ssplit, to be 2 little ones.) Also, their muscles fill with salt water.

    Oh, and something most people probably don\'t know. Creating puts water inside the muscle fibers. However, you will get pumps a lot at first. However, the body will even it out, it will only allow so much whatever in the cells, and water = bloated looking.

    That\'s why I stay natural and stay off creatine. And I\'m trying not to eat salt.

    Also, did you KNOW, that for every carbohydrate you eat. 1 carb 4gm of whatever per whatever....= is added to muscles/fat, etc. Whatever is needed also. Because carbs pull water in with them.

    So, 4gm carbs = 8 grams.

    If you see someone who eats mainly carbs...

    Water is heavier than fat, looking more muscle like than normal fat, HOWEVER, because the water is in the muscle water is LESS than muscle, dense wise.

    So, it looks like those people that have the \"muscular fat\" the muscle is less dense, fat is more dense, so it\'s all just half muscle looking.

    Mexicnas, and blacks, or people without eating carbs, or on a low salt, and more meat diet, will have denser muscle, with softer fat around it. This is not bad. Although the fat is softer, the muscle is harder. And, example. For the abs, for example. You see the people, that, they are ripped, but yet there is fat on them, but they are ripped as hell...

    Whereas, you might have less fat, and not ripped, and your skin looks bloated.

    That\'s where that comes from. And, drinking MORE WATER will actually make you MORE VASCULAR, because it\'s not how much water you drink, but rather the ratio of water to salt. More water = better. Poweraid, and gatoraid (although poweraid has glycerol which keeps water in the blood, and makes you more vascular, and gatoraide does nothave) they have salt, which is good for immediate hydration, however, not good in the long run, as for less water mass, etc.

    (Right now, I have on a shirt, a pullover, and a sweater, a pair of sweatpants, a pair of jeans, and a cover over myself. Trying to loose some of that water weight (no hydration problems, if you do it right, it will work...Meaning, if you drink enough water you won\'t have problems.

    Anyway, yeah, see what you\'re saying, lol.....It looks funny. I get a lot of people that say stuff.

    When I lift, my bp goes WAAAYYY up, and I even almost pass out, however I have my bloodpressure tested, and it is BELOW normal. It seems as it\'s just when I lift, I REALLLLY PUSSSSHHH. This is probably, more determination, etc. The only think I can think to combat is to shed some water weight, and some pounds. I have the veins, I can see them all over the body, but they don\'t stick out normally, I have a lot of water weight. I have not much fat over the abs, but yet it looks bloated.


  24. #54
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Thankyou, you always have good info. And yes, I am looking for love.

    However, what\'s the poet\'s name? The one who locked herself in a room and wrote a bunch of poems, and most weren\'t published until after her death.

    She wrote something like, if I KNEW love was coming. I would wait. (Not exact words, but meaning.) Not only do I know if, and when it will be coming, but what do I do in the meantime?

    I am a gentelman, and I have the romance side. However, I also have high emotions, testosterone, adrenaline, etc. And I find noone that \"loves\" me back. In the way of a girlfriend would love you.

    Now, I know love is nothing more than chmeicls, however, does that MATTER? So long as you feel it right?

    Does it matter that we are nothign more than just organic machines? So long as you can FEEl, and live, does it really matter? Does it matter that life and dreams and time is not real? No, because it\'s what your perception is that matters. If you believe something, in your mind it is true. So, if someoen says something is true, and believes it, it IS TRUE! How can I prove it? In order to say death is true, perception must be true.


  25. #55
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    M&M = more animal.

    However, I beleive you misunderstand me.

    I am smart, yes. However Einstein failed school.

    I am not smart in that way.

    I am the second kind of smart...

    There\'s 1. The ability to solve a problem.

    2. The ability to create one.

    Also, I have something, I forget what my Mom called it (not that I like her any, lol...) But it\'s hard to learn something I don\'t want to, but if it is something that I want to learn, it is pretty easy, just because I think of myself as pretty intelligent. If I wasn\'t I wouldn\'t know all that I do. I\'m sure you\'re a religious person, etc...I don\'t want to get started...

    Perhaps you will say this is wrong.

    My beliefs I only believe truth, not what someone says, or is taught...

    Which religion is right? None, I belive in no God.

    Are their aliens? Yeah dumb***...One in every million planets can support life. Where life can be supported, it will, due to evolution. Some may be more advanced than us, others may not. I persoanlly beleive people need to stop doing sports, and al lthis other stuff that distracts them, and get on the ball, as far as technology, and exploration wise.

    Oh yeah...Took at while to come back to my thought, damn...


    If noone knows about it...Bioplasma is the 5th state of matter, something they don\'t teach you at school. It can be mechanically created, however it is produced via the synapses in the brain.

    This is what causes telekinesis, etc...

    And, even though I do not believe in God. I am spiritual. Well, not so much spiritual, but rather, spacial.

    You do not end at your skin. Everyone is a part of the universe, one with everything. Combined to produce something simliar to what people would call \"God\". Although, when you die, that\'s it for you. The universe in itself is all connected.

    And, to prove this. This is how remote viewing is done.

    This connection is the 5th dimension I believe. Which has been discovered, to be the size of a doughnut hole. it\'s like a strint. You can go all the way around, or you can go from one side the other.

    I like to contemplate the universe, life, etc, and I THINK I\'m a pretty knowledgable person. However, God doesn\'t exist.

    Oh, and yes, I can do Remote Viewing, Telekinesis, and others.

    Not controlled though. I have given up on that, it doesn\'t help anyting. However, just changing your view of thinking will change things.

    They did tests on a Russian women that was able to move things, and her EM field was exactly that of the Earth.

    The electricity of the EM field is NOT what was doing the work, rather the psi created and controlled through bioplasmic feedback.

    The EM field is mrerely a syncronation with everything else. Remember, when I said, you do not end at your skin?

    It is like a magenet, you can use all of L.A. to lift a frog. However, if you calibrate it to the frequecly of that of the frog, very little of any energy is needed. I don\'t this calibration can be done with mechancial eletrcity/magnets, however.

    Anyone want more info, I\'ll be happen to explain more in detail.

    Am I smart? In the Spatail Cognitive part of the brain YES.

    Do I rant about my body? No...

    However, I also believe that pushups are the exericse of beauty of the greeks called them. Not only must you use the entire body. However, because your hands are out, instead of clasped, you use more muslce than any other exercise, and it usees the muslces in the exact proportions, chest to abs 0.6180324, to legs, etc, and usese the right amount of weight to reps ratio, etc.

    Which, is exactly what I do.

    Knowledgeable. Everyone is smart, they just doni\'t use their brain but 5%. Einstein used 10%....If you used 100% that would be using 20x more than most people.

    You know, when I make a psi ball, I think it would be REALLY COOL if I was to get a cat scan or something at the time, and see that the spatial cognitive part ofthe brain is active more.

    I mean, hell, they have put tests to some woman/girl, who was fine, however, when someone said something about her boyfriend (which, the tester did not know, had just borken up with her) she became tenchically \"severly clincally depressed\" at the time. Just an example of how the mind can change.

    Hell, truth serum works by making you not able to cognate of lie. The same part of the brain that kmakes women negate pheromones allows you to lie.

    I could go on and on...But for what? Chances are, noone will read this, and if they do, they won\'t care, and even if they do, that does not matter. You cannot change the way someone thinks without changing EMOTIONAL IMPACT! This is why people believein religion, there is an emotional impact to it. Fear of going to hell. Hope of going to heavan. Solece in believing there is something else.

    And, if you are one of those people, that say, I know it\'s not really real, but people need something to believe in, NO THEY DON\'T! It is our DOWNFALL. All religion does is cause war, etc.

    In fact, it AMAZES ME, that peole still steal, and fight, etc. I got my teeth knocked in, I did nothing about it. And, I would rather leave me things to be stolden than have to fear it. You see, people are born in a time when certain things are different, ect. I mean, you don\'t believe in slavery probably. However, just like, your religion is merely that of what you have been taught so would slavery have been.

    In fact, slavery, began with SLAVS, NOT BLACK PEOPLE. The reason they chose blacks was because they would be able to stand out in a crowd!

    They actually took 6 bible verses to JUSTIFY slavery back than...


    I think I have what is called \"wisdom\"...Wisdom that MUCH EXCEEDS that of my age level.

    Please, do not \"attempt\" to offend me by calling me a child, or saying that I act like I chile, because I OBVIOUSLY don\'t.


  26. #56
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow. My wisdom is what makes me unhappy. Even if I wante d to. I could not go back to believing in such things as religion, and believing in greed, etc.

    However, ignorance = innocence = romance. The most romanced is the Indians. (Back before their way of life was destoryed.)

    Oh yeah, and ONE OF MY ARGUMENTS for there being no God.

    First of all....

    There\'s all these relgions; some say there is one God some say there are more. Which is right? None of them.

    Second. The Romans believed there was a Sun God, Moon Good, Wind God, Sea God, this ISN\'T TRUE. Even YOU KNOW THAT. If this is not true, than why do you think that YOUR GOD is TRUE! In fact, just like we now KNOW what controls the elements, etc. Once will figure out the Universe, etc, even perhaps before than, we will do just like we do not, and we don\'t believe in a \" Sun God\" we not not believe in God, or Allah, or whatever you call him.

    Another thing; there were more than 6 EXCACTLY IDENTICAL religions IDENTICAL to that of Crhist, Jesus, etc.

    Jesus wouldn\'t have been the first...Which is true? NONE! There is no God! lol


  27. #57
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    No one wants to be around a downer... maybe that is why some respond negatively to some of your post and you have to admit some of your post are a bit off the wall.

    Yes I did read your full post and I enjoyed it very much really a great post (sincerley).

    I like how you bring up the slavery concept good reflection upon religion to a degree. Its funny that before slavery and expeditions were going on many European artist painted Africans as beautiful angels etc..... As soon as the relationship of slave and master was established people not only needed religion to justify their actions but they needed to belittle and make Africans seem inferior only to protect their own ethics and guilt. So you are born with places like The South ewww its still a toxic place there. And many Europeans went even further extremely further as to invade AFRICA and live there and tell Africans they did not belong in Africa wtf??? So we have South Africa now and you can reverse this and look at the Native American situation in America ummm Native Americans? they did a good job and wipping a whole race out, now all I see are white people saying stuff like \"Yeah I am 1/`16 native american\" LMAO. Its a huge problem people still carry around not only preconceived notions not really important but a degree of general hatred.

    I cannot say all religions are a waste and there are studies that even you have not heard of that hint at a inborn trait for someone to view the world as having a greater being etc... aka a god etc... it does not mean that this view will dominate your mind.

    Most of what you said I have contemplated many times on end I have thought long and hard about things though I may not feel the need to apply myself in school I apply myself at learning and becoming an all around more aware and intelligent being, so my grades are [bad word] but I don\'t personally care, I don\'t care about alot of fickel things like school sports pleasing people and alot of things. I think I hold alot more in and you seem to let alot more out.

    \"Oh, and yes, I can do Remote Viewing, Telekinesis, and others. \"

    Id\' like to hear a story on that and by the way are you left handed?

  28. #58
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    No, I am not left-handed. HOWEVER, I did want to be ambidextrious, and I practed doing nothing but left handed a LOT for like a whole year. I don\'t know if that has anything to do with it.

    The English langauge puts left-handed people at a dis-advantage...

    But, no, I do not let out. I have so much inside my head, I must release. In real life (outside of Internet, I say little about that.)

    And, I am very glad that someone else actually CONTEMPLATES THINGS!!

    Another note. Go to my FIRST POST. You may have read the one I addressed to you, however I wrote like 4 other ones.


  29. #59
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    will do....

    changing downer to fatalist that doesn\'t make you a fatalist its what people may perceive I am the biggest fatalist I have ever met thats because I think so logically/some emtionally I would not be around me too long though everything I say is either true or close etc...

    I can also relate to how you feel about everyone you know. At a younger age I thought I treated everyone perfectly well like how I would want to be treated, but just about anyone I met had big downfalls and bad sides some are more noticible then others. I\'ve had some friends that I thought were just like me but then I look at their agendas and see everything for them is self motivated etc... I am sure there are few people that you can honestly say are good people but then again I could be way off and explaining my self hurts alot (takes like 2 pages.)

  30. #60
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    Default Re: Unique hit I got last night

    Interesting. Perhaps you have the same personality type as mine.

    Not only was I BORN depressed, which is very rare, but I was born attached to the placenta (which, that may bear something if somoene is religous,....I just thought I would mention it.)

    The depression at birth my come from being empathic (connected to the matrix that that is people\'s thoughts the universe, etc).

    My personality type. Only like 1% of the population has it. You may be one of the 1%.

    I don\'t believe there is even 1% in my school that is like me. But, for the most part, I act like most people. Although I have urges, I hold them back. (Barely.)


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