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  1. #1
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    Default Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    (Everything I wrote below is just a theory I have no evidence backing it yet.)

    Pheromone Theory.

    Theory name: Indifference OD

    What it is: The pheromone theory of Indifference OD is when the user is wearing a incomprehensible amount of pheromones, the effects of the pheromones are then lost due to the factors of the VNO. When a user is wearing 100x times the amount of phero\'s that would natural be produced he/she is not creating a aura of sexual attraction around them, instead he/she is just adding a feeling to the enviroment the intended receiver(s) is in. Instead of someone realizing that this person (subconciously) is the carrier of the pheromones they are just given a good feeling and, the mind subconciously makes up for the VNO\'s inability to detect the source and attaches the feeling to the most visually(personality if possible) person in the area. In essence we may all be ODing due to the high concentrations of the pheromone products, and the daily build up of phero\'s after much use. The social hookup theory comes into play again when one is using too much of a phero-product, this could even be the generally prescribed amount. If there is a group of guys and a women is inable to detect the carrier she may just assume that friends who hang together are usually equal in social status, and looks, and will mark it unimporant as long as that feeling is still there. This is true concerning friends espeically. Basically instead of sending a personal message of ourselves we may just be giving others a good feeling about others, and supplying the mood in an enviroment.

    Causes: The concentration of many products may be \"overkill\" and the constant build up of pheromones even after showering, especially if one applies daily.

    1. You are getting strong hits/DIHL from the opposite sex at far distances (15 feet and beyond).

    2. No one of both sexes really responds or notices you have an OD (overdose) amount of pheromones on.

    3. People or women around you are interested in another man in the way that pheromones would cause.

    4. Once you take a shower and/or wash your clothes you notice that sexual attention from others to you increases noticibly.

    5. A lead in to the social hookup theory (watcher), those near you are getting unusally more attention and interest from the opposite sex.

    6. The hits and signs of attraction have gone down a bit since you started using pheromones.

    7. Pheromones seem to just not work.

    Suggestions: It may be a good experiment if you apply pheromones on a daily basis or even less to, maybe apply a product at a good amount the night before you sleep, awake and take a decent shower.

    I have also heard of one story of a person who used an SOE gel pack (applied somewhere in the room I presume) to spice up a class (more chatty) now its not like people were staring at the desk where it was applied and started laughing and talking to it instead it created an all around mood.

    Previous posts about indifference of mine. I especially like the one about concious smell of scents and the VNO.

    \"monesrule I know exactly what you mean, and how you feel. I have had my modest(not modest good) success with -mones, pretty damn good hits and intense stares and oh even some DIHL, but my position right now is that no one really knows I am wearing -mones as I like to think. This is may just be becasue I have been wearing them for around 4 months, and I have gotten used to the effects?

    I don\'t really agree with franki\'s side on it though I can understand it and I do love franki . Here is my theory when you put on a massive amount of -none we are talking about 500 times that which anyone would produce now that is a $hitload to put it mildly. You become so engulfed that you are no longer engulfed. Imagine how smoke slowly fills a room. Or even this have you ever been in a classroom or group or any place where someone lets out a scent like a girl letting out some body spray or perfume, you smell this but you cannot find out where its origin (where it came from) it may take you a long time or you may just not find it! At that point the whole room is just this smell it doesn\'t seem like its coming from over here or over there! I don\'t think phero\'s are this weak I think they are much more accurate then our olfactory system, but its just a theory I am tossing around in my head.

    Its hard for guys like me and maybe you to just put on a drop of AE its a tough time getting over the fact that it may be better, but I am looking for distance hits too but since we do not fully know the range of pheromones at whatever concentration I will just have to do what I am doing now theorizing.

    BTW: How can mones just work for someone and not another person? Pheromones are strike without prejudice! Thats like the whole you produce alot of -none or -nol argument another urban legend when we are lacking true details.

    PS monesrule, try this after wearing pheros for a week straight (or you can do this next) when you are going somewhere with alot of fine ass just take a good shower and apply no phero\'s, some and even I had pretty good success with using a considerable amount of pheros and then taking a shower or letting off for a day.

    Just adding, in my initial post above I think I underestimated phero\'s like I do alot, I have gotten some respones close to OD amounts (not sure if it was a huge od I doubt) It may be just that I am spoiled when it comes to attention or something and you know well its time for me to go and do nothing but homework.\"

    \"Yeah most definitly, when a women has a great amount of distance from all of the men around she can easily pick up on the faint but poignant -mones, and infaturate herself with the man who is the carrier, that is all dependent on dosage though, and alot of us guys get confused when we can be standing right by a girl and not get the wanted effect but as soon as we move away a bit boom you get it. I have gotten looks from girls close on what I would consider OD days I just have to find a middle ground as its more complex then I may have though.\"

    \"Just general assumptions, what I am thinking is a soft but poignant phero-signature is much better, not always though I will try to explain. Lets say you are wearing two sprays of TE, you are around 5 feet from a girl, and there are many other guys around, basically you are in a bar. This is I am guessing 300x or higher times the amount of a normal man. A girl in a bar who is submerged in this feeling doesn\'t have time nor the really want or curiousty to find out where its coming from its just there, and the chance of getting picked out of the litter may be slimmed down (not completely).

    In the end the VNO always does or tries to do its job by targeting the producer, but what does large amounts of pheros usually mean to you? well a large amount of guys sitting around, the girl getting spoiled by 300x has no real reason to find the exact producer all of these guys are high producers (social hookup theory - watcher). I think women catch on and play the game when a guy wearing 2 drops of AE sitting 20 feet away is giving of this vibe,which is searched for a bit and locked on.

    Here is what it boils down to. You and 3 other guys are lets say 30 feet away, seperated pretty far but the girls VNO can pick up the pretty precisly which guy it is, then and there she has him tagged and when he gets closer, if she can she takes the intense phero levels as his own, and associates him exclusively with that. I am not saying I am right about any of this just speculation and thinking, I wish I had some sort of experimental proof ahh well. Lastly I think phero detection can fall into many categories maybe it works some ways sometimes and vice versa.
    EDIT ADDED a bit

    Think about 3 guys in the same circle talking to eachother and moving around, seems kind of hard to pinpoint the exact location at first, maybe its not arghhh wish I knew, do any guys work exclusively with women? Or are a rare male surrounded by females?

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    Attention whore theroy - we all know this one, they are drawn to men that extrude favourable attention from women and decide to join in to feel good by getting the \"sexy male\" to give them attention to. This usually confuses males not knowing what is happening.
    Now lust syndrome comes into play these women get a thrill from feeling lust for a male and getting attention but not engaging sexual behaviour/closer intimacy.
    The indifference theroy ties in by being able to be in the group and seeing AW and lust syndrome at work when women cant locate the source and a widespread indifference and social circle hookup theory takes over.

  3. #3
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    I think you might be onto something, but it doesnt quite fit. I cant see that it is possible for someone to attribute the same phero smell to more than one person. You cant all be alphas or betas in any case.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I think you might be onto something, but it doesnt quite fit. I cant see that it is possible for someone to attribute the same phero smell to more than one person. You cant all be alphas or betas in any case.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Why can\'t a group of let\'s say 3 guys all be alphas? If you and your friends go out all wearing -mones but in the same group, won\'t you all at may be one point get hits?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    maybe wearing a cologne or scent with the pheros will help the prey..I mean woman consciously notice you.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Why can\'t a group of let\'s say 3 guys all be alphas? If you and your friends go out all wearing -mones but in the same group, won\'t you all at may be one point get hits?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    This being the reason..I DON\"T TELL MY FRIENDS ABOUT PHEROMONES MUAHAHAHAH(although i have an incredible urge to do so)

  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    One of them is the actual alpha, the other\'s i suppose you would call high ranking betas.

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    But the point is that no two people can have the same sig.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    But the point is that no two people can have the same sig.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">
    That is irrelevant. What signature what complex signature? Its just an unusually high level of -none or -rone or -nol anyhow let\'s focus on -none, The reason for the high levels of -none is to partially make up for the loss of a complex phero-signature. Not every guy can have the same unique signature but they can all have -high none via pheromone products.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    This certainly fits in with some of my observations after a few days. My target is a lot more huggy kissy with some other friends.
    More importantly though, I\'ve experienced a strange phenomenon concerning time exposure to pheros. I\'ve gotten the best hits some 10-12hrs after phero application. The problem is that there are other factors that could influence the results. The scenario is: I put pheros on and leave my place at around 8 or 9 pm. Go to my ex\'s. We have dinner, do whatever, and then go to bed. Nothing happens. But the next morning she\'s all over me. This has happened some 5 times. Wearing 2 or 3 drops of AE.
    Now could she be too tired at night to jump me? Could she need long ours of exposure to the pheros? Is 10 to 12 hours her threshold for resisting taking action? Could some nol to -none convertion be playing a part? OR could my phero intensity need to die down a little for her to realize that it\'s coming from me?
    That last one would agree with the indifference theory, but I there are a lot of other factors to take into account. Dunno.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    It\'s probably your own natural pheromone signature mixing with the synthetic mones via. sweat that is getting you laid. And also by then the androsterone in AE/m have converted into less complex pheromonal compounds (and the nol to none) which might be more alluring.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    MIX#1 presents as a totally different response system, although ive mentioned it elsewhere so it blows some theories out of the water.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    @tallmacky :

    Nice theory , though nothing really new , or stuff I haven\'t heard/read/noticed myself before.

    However , I have to totally agree with u on one special line , because it explains why pheromones work so exceptionally good for me.

    \"Instead of someone realizing that this person (subconciously) is the carrier of the pheromones they are just given a good feeling and, the mind subconciously makes up for the VNO\'s inability to detect the source and attaches the feeling to the most visually(personality if possible) person in the area. \"

    THATS IT RIGHT THERE : I\'m tall ! Taller than 99% of the males in any club I visit. Add also : very muscular build , above average looks , good haircut , always shaved , cut nails , clean white teeth. So what I\'m trying to say is : I STAND OUT ! mainly because of the height advantage and muscular build , SO consequently , girls attribute the vibes they gettin from my pheros (no real matter what dosages/or how many other males around) to me !

    Exactly same thing with PHANTOM , he is a perfect 10 , probably the best looking guy in his school. SO HE STANDS OUT , and girls attribute each and everything to him , eventhough he OD\'s like crazy...It doesn\'t matter if u are already attractive. Its a sad truth but : Pheromones work good for average people + work best for people who are already attractive.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    I think pheromones might give some girls the feeling that attractive guy is out of their league .... Something an average guy doesn\'t have to worry about.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    The last thing I would worry about dear Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    Just imagine u were a girl , u put your eyes on someone who u think is out of your league - next thing that happens this guy walks over and chats u up ! U\'ll be like in heaven.

    Vice versa....U stand around in a club and naomi /elle mc pherson whoever a perfect 10 walks over and says your hot and she wants to dance with u .

    WOULD U REALLY SAY : Sorry Jessica Alba , I don\'t want to talk/dance/have-sex with u because I\'m out of you\'re league. lol wtf. You\'d grab her by her hair and funk the shizznit out of her , wouldn\'t u [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] ? Nobody would miss out an opportunity like that.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    franki you areright.

    TBIRD is partially right to.

    You just have to hope you guage that and then you can change your approach (less cocky and more sweet). You can always bridge the gap, its just a matter of reading it right.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    elle mc pherson she is a perfect 10? ouch man I don\'t like that girl anyhow, the out of the league thing is a bit of a problem for me as I am also an [bad word], its not major but I can see what franki means.

    TBIRD how tall are you, right now I think I am 6\'1 or 6\'2 more in the middle of those. I am guessing you must be around 6\'4

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    1,95cm...exactly as tall as franki !
    Only HE needs 2 bulk up bigtime (on muscles)

    + Good that we all more or less agree ! As long as everyone somehow manages 2 get their stuff to work , things are perfectly fine with me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Only HE needs 2 bulk up bigtime (on muscles)

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Huh? You haven\'t even seen me alive.. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    I\'ve seen a picture...still have it on my HDD somewhere..the one where u hug your sister. I didn\'t mean to insult u , it was just a suggestion [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] Maybe u have bulked up in the mheantime..picture is not up to date I guess !

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    here\'s a slight variation to your thesis., and i say this with my ventures last night in mind... lets say some girl you like goes out one night, usual stuff nightclub, and you aren\'t there.

    but later on, she comes into contact with you + notices you. her mood thus accordingly changes, since you are now in the vicinity (of coursre with mones on), + would she therefore associate these changes to you?, since she didnt feel that way earlier in the night?, no matter how many other guys are around with whatever characteristics.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory: Indifference OD

    Most likely yes, It\'s sort of best to be the last guy who walks in the room, if you are wearing pheromones that is. Depending on your OD, which could be what we consider normal amounts to wear. If you have not been there and boom you are walking towards her 20 feet away and become closer, that instant shock or jolt in her should give it away to you. Most of the time this should work, if it\'s an extremely crowded club with the music blazing and guys walking all around with an OD I can\'t say 100% that she would pick it up, in most cases I would say yes though.

    Anyone who wants to add-on or debate anything plese do.

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