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  1. #1
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    Default Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    I think I have figured out why pheromones work great for some people and not at all for others.

    I do not think it has that much to do with finding your personal optimal dosage since we typically apply doses that are 100 times as strong as what anyone could produce naturally.

    I think it comes down to one thing: believability:

    It has already been discussed on this forum that using high amounts of none would not work that great if you still act as a beta, since your phero signature is not congruent with your behaviour. (I.e. the female first thinks that you are alpha due to the pheromones, but soon finds out from your behaviour that you are not).

    But believability may be even more important for another reason:

    If you are average or good looking, having an attractive phero signature (i.e. you have applied a good mix) may be believable on you.

    But, if you are ugly, your looks and your pheromone signature are not matching each other. The female may smell someone attractive, but then see you and dismisses it, since it clearly cannot be you.

    You may think that I am wrong, but consider this:
    How many on this forum with good or average looks have had success with pheromones?
    How many on this forum with bad looks have had success with pheromones?

    I rest my case.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    i think being good looking and being alpha and beta are two different things, though somewhat tied. they still shouldn\'t be confused.

    I also wonder who the hell in normal society ever thinks of alhpa and beta stuff? i mean, maybe females do, but it seems to me they all have their own preferences as to who they find attractive. yes, there is a commonality, but every woman\'s knight in shining armor is different.

    I think alpha and beta is bigger on these boards then real life. Maybe i am wrong, i am not a female.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    Well alpha and betas were not really my point. My point is a good pheromone mix on someone visually unattractive does not work, since it is not believable on that person.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    oh....but does hormone production relate to looks? I think it does somewhat. But I am not sure that looks have anything to do with phermone signuature believeability.

    If you are saying it is easier to sell a house on a nice plot of land than on an average plot or a dump, well, you are right about that.

    I wonder though if a lot of none on a short guy isn\'t \"bought\" by females because none is related to testosterone, and testosterone with height.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    testosterone stunts your height if you have more while your growing. Growth horomone from the pituatary gland gives you height. testosterone relates to muscle mass. whether you are 5\'3\'\' or 6\' feet tall.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    does growth hormone contribute to phermones output?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    I doubt it. It probably has to do with genetics. pheromones are androgens, so maybe if you have a higher testosterone level you will produce more pheromones since the two are androgens.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explain

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    oh....but does hormone production relate to looks? I think it does somewhat. But I am not sure that looks have anything to do with phermone signuature believeability.

    If you are saying it is easier to sell a house on a nice plot of land than on an average plot or a dump, well, you are right about that.

    I wonder though if a lot of none on a short guy isn\'t \"bought\" by females because none is related to testosterone, and testosterone with height.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    We should find a midget and do some tests on him. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    oh....but does hormone production relate to looks? I think it does somewhat. But I am not sure that looks have anything to do with phermone signuature believeability.

    If you are saying it is easier to sell a house on a nice plot of land than on an average plot or a dump, well, you are right about that.

    I wonder though if a lot of none on a short guy isn\'t \"bought\" by females because none is related to testosterone, and testosterone with height.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You\'re wrong... testosterone is not related to height in the way you seem to think. Of course it has to do with it, but also with our behaviour, muscle mass (this one, very important), sexual life, etc etc... I give you an example. People suffering from the Kleinfelter Syndrome have the cariotype 47, XXY and have a lower production of testosterone. However, they all are very tall people.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    anybody need some horse balls for their sacks for more testosterone production? I wonder how much you would come?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    i\'ll take your word for it but i believed it because of what i read in the pherocon conference media article:

    “People understand that their food choice is based on the smell of food, not its visual appeal. Why would their mate choice be any different?” Kohl, a small man with flushed skin, explains that women only think they like tall, dark and handsome men for the way they look. It’s really about their smell—tall, dark and handsome men have more testosterone, Kohl says. “Human nature is the same as all other animals,” he explains.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    Well Kohl is selling a product named Scent of Eros. Of course he is going to downplay looks - it would be bad business to do otherwise.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    Testosterone has also to do with height, of course.

    But someone who produces a high ammount of testosterone may also not be tall. He can even be short. And you can find tall people who produce less testosterone. This is the main sexual hormone of a man and it is responsible for turning an infant into a teenager and then a man.

    But of course there is an association between the height of a person and its hormone production.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory ? Success and failure explained

    \"Alpha-ness\" comes out in many subtle ways. Tone of voice. Eye contact. Facial expression. Steadiness of movement. Character. Etc.

    Looks, like mones (I suspect - I\'m new), are good for initial attraction, but in the longer term, most women probably are more attracted to your personality (or not, as the case may be).

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory ? Success and failure explained

    \"Alpha-ness\" comes out in many subtle ways. Tone of voice. Eye contact. Facial expression. Steadiness of movement. Character. Etc.&gt;&gt;&gt;

    Thank you. And all those siginals, except maybe character, are siginals of confidence.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Testosterone has also to do with height, of course.

    But someone who produces a high ammount of testosterone may also not be tall. He can even be short. And you can find tall people who produce less testosterone. This is the main sexual hormone of a man and it is responsible for turning an infant into a teenager and then a man.

    But of course there is an association between the height of a person and its hormone production.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> Estrogen is the main hormone that cause growth in height, thats why girls get their growth spurts first because the have higher estrogen than males [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    ugly guys: wear a significant less then the prescribed amounts.

    average guys: wear a bit less then the prescribed amounts.

    good looking guys: do whatever you want.

    partially kidding here

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    ugly guys: wear a significant less then the prescribed amounts.

    average guys: wear a bit less then the prescribed amounts.

    good looking guys: do whatever you want.

    partially kidding here

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure explained

    Although we may choose our food based upon smell, food presentation is an important aspect of fine dining.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    As far as I have heard (i.e. vague memory), the best relationship between testosterone production and physical appearance (outside obvious musculature) is in the bones of the jaw.

    Apparently those guys who had a lot of testosterone in puberty get long square faces, i.e. a large distance (vertically) between the ear-level and the jawline---the classic \"rugged\" look.

    Some scientists took a look at yearbook photos from the military Academies, measured the various facial proportions and ranked them. It turned out that many years later (like 20 or 30) those men with the most testosterone-influenced faces were much more likely to make it to be a top general or other officer.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    cool post drcaos, have you also noticed that guys that go in the army generally seem from facial appearence and so forth to have high levels of testostorone?

    My jawline is pretty manly and is wide, slim at the chin of course and widens out pretty good distance. Most of the stuff facial wise for me is pretty high test except for having a totally square head which I don\'t think I have.

    I guess women are looking for the part, but if it is known that this type of vibe is coming from a guy who doesn\'t fit it she may have a couple more double takes and what the f#cks but she will gradually grab on to the concept if the guy doesn\'t blow it.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    Do you know that the distance between a woman\'s nose and mouth makes a tremendous difference in whether people think she is georgeous or good-looking? And the difference is likemilimeters or something ridiculously small.

    If you don\'t believe me, take a picutre in a magazine of a wman\'s face and fold it up to make the mouth slightly closer to the nose. If you can somehow elongate that picture, then you will see the opposite effect.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    Are attraction to the human face is very specific many details are looked at and analyized. I was watching a discovery channel program and they actually made a composite through thousands of mens personal likes all over the world of one women who was considered to be the most beautiful, of course she was a computer generated image but she looked very real if I can find it I will post it.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Do you know that the distance between a woman\'s nose and mouth makes a tremendous difference in whether people think she is georgeous or good-looking? And the difference is likemilimeters or something ridiculously small.

    If you don\'t believe me, take a picutre in a magazine of a wman\'s face and fold it up to make the mouth slightly closer to the nose. If you can somehow elongate that picture, then you will see the opposite effect.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That is so true

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    Have any of you guys tried PI/w and gotten the same effects (as well as higher T levels for yourself b/c of the coups) as SoE b/c of the large amounts of -nol it contains?

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory &#8211; Success and failure e

    i heard about it on the radio with a plastic surgeon talking about the phenomena

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained


    Is your pheromone working for you if not PM me and I\'ll tell where you could give your remaining Pheromone. I\'ll PM you my home address, you could send it there and for sure you just made a guy happy. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Is your pheromone working for you if not PM me and I\'ll tell where you could give your remaining Pheromone. I\'ll PM you my home address, you could send it there and for sure you just made a guy happy. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">
    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] that one was pretty funny travis, I mean what the heck is your problem man we have to help this guy.

    I think ironation needs to buy a plan ticket and visit somewhere in florida like Miami.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explained

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I think I have figured out why pheromones work great for some people and not at all for others.

    I do not think it has that much to do with finding your personal optimal dosage since we typically apply doses that are 100 times as strong as what anyone could produce naturally.

    I think it comes down to one thing: believability:

    It has already been discussed on this forum that using high amounts of none would not work that great if you still act as a beta, since your phero signature is not congruent with your behaviour. (I.e. the female first thinks that you are alpha due to the pheromones, but soon finds out from your behaviour that you are not).

    But believability may be even more important for another reason:

    If you are average or good looking, having an attractive phero signature (i.e. you have applied a good mix) may be believable on you.

    But, if you are ugly, your looks and your pheromone signature are not matching each other. The female may smell someone attractive, but then see you and dismisses it, since it clearly cannot be you.

    You may think that I am wrong, but consider this:
    How many on this forum with good or average looks have had success with pheromones?
    How many on this forum with bad looks have had success with pheromones?

    I rest my case.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    But getting back to the original theory, I disagree Ironration. If mones give you 100xs more than what any human could naturally produce then they would seem incongruous on any of us including a Brad Pitt or a George Clooney. By the way Brad Pitt isn\'t very tall. And how do you explain Woody Allens success with the ladies. He\'s been with every hottie in Hollywood in his era. He\'s short, small frame not very good looking.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Pheromone theory – Success and failure explain

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I think I have figured out why pheromones work great for some people and not at all for others.

    I do not think it has that much to do with finding your personal optimal dosage since we typically apply doses that are 100 times as strong as what anyone could produce naturally.

    I think it comes down to one thing: believability:

    It has already been discussed on this forum that using high amounts of none would not work that great if you still act as a beta, since your phero signature is not congruent with your behaviour. (I.e. the female first thinks that you are alpha due to the pheromones, but soon finds out from your behaviour that you are not).

    But believability may be even more important for another reason:

    If you are average or good looking, having an attractive phero signature (i.e. you have applied a good mix) may be believable on you.

    But, if you are ugly, your looks and your pheromone signature are not matching each other. The female may smell someone attractive, but then see you and dismisses it, since it clearly cannot be you.

    You may think that I am wrong, but consider this:
    How many on this forum with good or average looks have had success with pheromones?
    How many on this forum with bad looks have had success with pheromones?

    I rest my case.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    But getting back to the original theory, I disagree Ironration. If mones give you 100xs more than what any human could naturally produce then they would seem incongruous on any of us including a Brad Pitt or a George Clooney. By the way Brad Pitt isn\'t very tall. And how do you explain Woody Allens success with the ladies. He\'s been with every hottie in Hollywood in his era. He\'s short, small frame not very good looking.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    he\'s got $$$

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