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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Super Pheromone Discovered

    I thought only 4 pheromones existed? Why are we using none and nol when there are super pheromones out there???

    1) Context-dependent effects of steroid chemosignals on human physiology and mood. The new molecules here is None plus a double bond a 4 posistion.

    Jacob S, Hayreh DJ, McClintock MK.

    Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, 5730 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.

    We examined the physiological and psychological effects of nanomolar amounts of steroids applied directly under the nose (Delta4,16-androstadien-3-one and 1,3,5,(10),16-estratetraen-3-ol). These potential human chemosignals were not consciously discernible in a strong-odor carrier (clove oil and propylene glycol). In a double-blind, within-subject, repeated-measures experiment with 65 subjects, we demonstrated that both steroids produced sustained changes in digit skin temperature and palmar skin conductance (an indicator of sympathetic nervous system tone) while the subjects were completing psychological questionnaires or reading. These effects, however, did not follow the sex-stereotyped pattern predicted by a sex attractant function. Both androstadienone and estratetraenol raised the skin temperature of men\'s hands and lowered it in women. Likewise, each steroid increased skin conductance, with a significantly greater effect on women than men. Women\'s responses were observed only in the sessions run by the male tester, an effect that may or may not be solely attributable to tester sex. Men\'s responses, in contrast, were not affected by this difference in socioexperimental condition. Similarly, women experienced an immediate increase in positive mood only in the presence of the male tester, while men\'s responses were unaffected by this socioexperimental context. One source of this sex difference may be the fact that the majority of women were in the late follicular phase of their menstrual cycle. Although it is premature to classify these steroids as pheromones, our data suggest that they function as chemosignals that modulate autonomic nervous system tone as well as psychological state.

    (3) Psychological effects of musky compounds: comparison of androstadienone with androstenol and muscone.

    Jacob S, Garcia S, Hayreh D, McClintock MK.

    Previously, we have shown that Delta4,16-androstadien-3-one modulates psychological state, reducing negative mood and increasing positive mood (Jacob and McClintock, 2000; Jacob et al., 2001a). In order to determine whether similar musky compounds also produce these effects, we compared the effects of androstadienone to those of androstenol and muscone, measuring the psychological states of 37 participants. Androstenol and muscone were chosen because they too have a musky odor at high concentrations, while androstenol is a steroid like androstadienone and muscone is not. In a controlled laboratory setting, we conducted a double-blind, within-subject, repeated-measures experiment counterbalanced for order of presentation. Under each participant\'s nose, a nanomolar amount of each compound was presented, masked by clove oil to minimize perceptible olfactory differences. Participants completed a baseline psychological battery and twice again at 25-min intervals after exposure. Androstadienone\'s effects on psychological state were unique in comparison with those of androstenol and with muscone. Exposure through passive inhalation, rather than dermal contact, was sufficient for these effects. Although this is additional evidence that androstadienone may be a pheromone, it is yet to be determined whether humans exude concentrations into the air adequate for social communication or process this chemical information within natural social contexts.

    Jacob S, Kinnunen LH, Metz J, Cooper M, McClintock MK.

    Institute for Mind and Biology, University of Chicago, 5730 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.

    The human chemosignal, Delta 4,16-androstadien-3-one modulates psychological state without being consciously discernible as an odor. This study demonstrates that Delta 4,16-androstadien-3-one (androstadienone) alters cerebral glucose utilization both in subcortical regions and in areas of the neocortex not exclusively associated with olfaction. These widely distributed changes are consistent with modulation of an integrated neural network for regulation of emotional and attentional states. This is the first study to demonstrate the effects of a sustained chemosignal on brain metabolism and to show that they are similar to those of long acting chemical substances that affect psychological states. Moreover, this provides the first evidence that a human chemosignal has distributed effects on cortical processes and brain metabolism even when it is not detected consciously.

    (5) Psychological state and mood effects of steroidal chemosignals in women and men.

    Jacob S, McClintock MK.

    Department of Psychology, The University of Chicago, 5730 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.

    We tested the hypothesis that isolated steroids, claimed to act like pheromones, affect human psychological state or mood. In the first experiment, we established that two steroids, Delta4, 16-androstadien-3-one and 1,3,5(10)16-estratetraen-3-ol, modulated emotional states within 6 min of exposure. In men and women, neither steroid had specific effects on states of alertness or negative-confused mood. However, both steroids increased positive stimulated mood state in women but decreased it in men. These psychological findings do not parallel the reported sexually specific effects of these two steroids on the surface potential activity of putative vomeronasal epithelium. In a second experiment on women, we replicated that Delta4,16-androstadien-3-one modulated their general mood state, even when women were not aware of its odor and gave identical olfactory descriptions for the steroid and the control carrier solutions. In this within-subjects, repeated-measures experiment, androstadienone prevented the deterioration in general mood which occurred during exposure to the clove oil carrier solution in the laboratory environment. Thus, androstadienone appears to modulate affect, rather than releasing stereotyped behaviors or emotions. It is premature to call these steroids human pheromones. They are nonetheless psychologically potent, mandating future work delineating their function-i.e., whether these steroids are communicative chemosignals, context specific, or related to unconscious associations. In light of these modulatory effects and the complexity of human behavior, the function of chemosignals and pheromonal systems in a variety of species may need to be expanded to include the concept of modulators, as well as the traditional releasers, primers, and signaling compounds. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Super Pheromone Discovered

    Ok, it looks like A1 is synonymous w/ dienone. So which ones have A1?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Super Pheromone Discovered

    A1 = Androstadienone

    The link above is to an \'experimental\' item. You do NOT get a refund w/it.

    The new PMX has A1, -NONE, and \'beta\' -NOL.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Super Pheromone Discovered

    Which when you consider NPA and WAGG (5 secret ingredients all up not mentioned ) and when science comes up with more pheromone types to put into the products, we will play with them, im waiting but the current products and compounds are great anyway.

  5. #5
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default We\'ve known most of this.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Ok, it looks like A1 is synonymous w/ dienone. So which ones have A1?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Realm for Women. It has a quality cover fragrance too.

    I find the support for my observation that A-1 lowers my male mood significant. I also liked the way they put it in the summary:

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    both steroids increased positive stimulated mood state in women but decreased it in men.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Now why do women react differently when A-1 is applied around a male tester but not with a female tester? Perhaps they should have done this with the tester behind a window so that his pheromones could not interfer. That could complicate JVK\'s theory. The male response of always bumming out no matter the gender of the tester agrees with my experience. However, in the field A-1 seems to work positive effects on the female wearer\'s mood even with out a male around - I think?!

    Perhaps we should ask the ladies if Realm for Women has different effects when with men and without.

  6. #6
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Super Pheromone Discovered

    \"I thought only 4 pheromones existed? Why are we using none and nol when there are super pheromones out there???\"

    Scientists have already isolated over 100 and suspect even more. They just don\'t know the effects of all of them yet.

    Would be nice to get our hands on some of these others!

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