
I kept a pherojournal for about 2 months which documented my experiences with pheromones. It iwas an excel file and I recorded the dosage, the reaction, and assigned the reaction a number on a scale of 1-10.

Probably about half the times I used the pheromones it was when i was going out at night. I have been using them for about seven months now.

What I have found is that the dosage that works for me (a foundation of 3 dabs of npa) only works to the point where I am looked at like a celeberity (stares from all over, women wanting me, lots, and men being a bit enamoured as well, definitely reacting) when my pheromone signature is compoletely clean of artificial additives. Okay that sounded funny, but I have gotten this reaction with 3 drops on three occaisions:

The first time I used mones

A time after that where i hadn\'t been using and i happened to shower that night before going out (normally I would do it earlier in the day and it was the winter, so I wasn\'t sweating). I also don\'t think i had used for like a week or 1.5 weeks, but I wasn\'t keeping a journal then.

Last weekend when I hadn\'t used in two weeks.

I have used the same dosage countless other times, hoping for those reactions. When I woke outside my apartment, I know right away if I am going to have that sort of night, because when i did, people i passed on the street would look at me consistently.

Most of the time I don\'t get that crap at all. I can get some good hits basically, and see pheromones at work if I don\'t have a clean slate, but not to the point where it is easy to get action from a woman, just not necessarily the one of your choice (but if thats your mission it can be accomplished). Those are the magical nights that I love, really swings the power of choice around.

To put an end to all of this, I belive everyone is underestimating pheromone buildup. If I have a night like that, it won\'t be that great the next night. If i stay off mones for a week, I won\'t get that. I am now guessing that alot of us can have one good night every two weeks...... unless there is a corresponding dosage for clothes (it is a slower release, so I would guess u need to apply more) and then find a way to immediately rid the clothes of pheromones in the wash. As hard as I scrub my skin and use purell and soap and such, I can\'t get around the problem of pheromone build up. So perhaps clothing application would be better, if you can not ruin your wardrobe with pheromone build up. It could be much easier to control variables with clothing, and get good nights any day of the week like the ones I can\'t seem to get consistently with skin application.

Another goal is to finding what dosages complement eachother when used the day after a previous dosage.... in other words, what complments the build up, and then what complements the build up on that build up, and so on.