Quote Originally Posted by pheronewbie
Another thought:

about church socials.... we have alot of church get togethers like Pot Lucks after the service... you think I should

wait till the end of service then apply them and go down to the pot luck? Even if that works do you still think

it's a bad ideal to use TE or stronger products? Oh by the way for some reason I TE m not TE f. I could have swore

I placed and order to attract males . HMMM well anyways I wonder what TE m would do for me. I mean at least I would

maybe potentially get more friends that were girls. Right?

Why do you think you have problems

becoming friends with other girls? If you know why this is then you can unlock some answers you are looking


I asked you why you were not attracted to te guy that seemed to like you. There could be a large number

of reasons. If an older foriegn,gentleman came in and floated your boat I bet you would not care what the rest of

the church communiy thought about it. Attraction is generally a gut level thing. It is primarly emotional. I know a

few men who find some women visually appealing but not intellectualy or emotionally. Yet they will sex them in a New

York minute. A women generally needs a gut level attraction do do business with a guy.

So I was just asking

if you could explain why this guy didn't attract you but other guys at church do.

I was just asking you to

go introspect on yourself and see if you can answer some of your own questions, without thinking of pheromones as a

magic bullet.