Here's a couple of the


U.S. Patent #5,272,134

U.S. Patent #5,278,141

In both the patent protection

sought was for the use of the various pheromones in "Fragrance Compositions". Why? I'm no patent attorney, but

I'll just venture a guess that they probably assumed that they wouldn't be granted a patent based solely on the

use of what is essentially a naturally occurring substance. They thus sought patent protection for the use of these

substances in combination with "Fragrance Compositions".

I still find it amusing that Avon has licensed the

rights, but still doesn't have the guts to refer to their phero product line as BEING "Pheromone Products", but

rather bills them as containing a "Mood Enhancement Formula". BTW, Avon does also utilize the same bass-ackwards,

Estra- in the men's, and Andro- in the women's products that the Realm products contain.
