If you have access to a good

university library, look for a CRC book called Handbook of Chromatography : Analysis and characterization of




Costs $270 to buy, I found a copy

on ebay for $90 once.

It takes a lot of work to determine specific steroids on your skin. You would have to

collect a sample of your skin excretions, separate the steroids from it (usually takes an extraction and a specially

designed column), run the steroids through a GC/mass spec and compare to known samples of the steroids your testing

for. I considered doing something like this for a school project but my school's GC/mass specs can't handle

compounds that heavy.

A coporation probably could make decent money running these tests. Probably not enough to

purchase the neccessary equipment, GC/mass specs cost a fortune, so it would have to be a corporation that already

had the analysis equipment. I don't think anybody is qualified to create a formula for enhancing your mone

signature after you get the results back.