Recieved my third bottle of

Aloeswood oil today. Now I have it from Laos, Malaysia and Indonesia and have a bottle of Indian on order. Of the

three I like the Indonesian scent the best. The Laotian is a woody, leathery smell. Malaysian is less leather and a

smell that makes me think of green, growing things in the deep forests. The Indonesian has the strong woody, leather

smell overlaid by an almost peppery scent. I'm simplifying because I am not knowledgable about scents, each is a

complex scent that is beyond me to describe.

I want to experiment some more but am becoming convinced that

aloeswood has both strong psychoactive properties and is a true aphrodisiac. It combines very well with a couple

dabs of NPA for some really strong effects on the people around me.

Ok, Mobley. I'll pass results along in

time. I want to be sure of my results first.