
Interesting, but I don\'t consider nature is ethical. We all give up \"freedoms\" for the \"good\" of society, but, monogomy is not the way of nature, or desirable in terms of natural selection. Surely, rape, as reprehensible as it is, is just the resurgence of the primitive reproduce at all costs directive. Society and the family unit is born of the desire for mutual protection of the tribe against the alpha types who are interested only in the personal self interest of their own survival and reproduction. It is neccesary for the nurturing of children and the weak, not for reproduction. Nature, unlike us has no morals. The only goal is for our selfish genes to reproduce at the expense of our competitors. Nature is about survival of the fittest. We are actually, by inventing morals, laws, society etc. going against the natural order of things. This war against nature is the cost we have to endure in order to have the niceties of civilised living. So, all in all if pheros give an advantage in the mating game, and put you ahead in the reproduction game, then where is the moral dilema? It seems perfectly reasonable to me to use any seduction method available to acomplish the desired goal of getting your end away. At least this is in harmony with the natural order of things.
