Quote Originally Posted by abcd2
its a stupid

question... but i just cannot seem to approach women like i used to anymore. As the term progressed, with more and

more tests and projects... i kinda slipped my game and pheromones just did not help me as much as they did in the

start of university. I EXPECT NO ONE TO GIVE ME AN ANSWER TO THIS UNSOLVABLE QUESTION. But has anyone experienced

what iam going through lately. I need some assurance that im not the only one lol and that it will get


i went through that same sorta thing years ago. it wasnt the mones though i did take a

very long break from them.

it was my stresses and problems weighing me down only i was too blind too see it at

the time. i was thinking way too negative and it rubbed off on everything i tried to do.

for me the solution

was dealing with what i had to take care of. i was trying to force the women things when i really didnt need that

extra stress in my life.

simply put. relax and focus on what you have to. your game will come back. after all

most of us are on our best game when we feel the best and are happiest. no matter whats going on in your life

things could always be a lot worse.

oh yeah wearing mones doesnt help me feel better one bit when im feeling

down they just kinda seem to lag me even more