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  1. #1
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    Default For someone everything works, to others nothing

    I have noticed, that there are some guys hit reporting and having often quite strong effects, from

    about every product. (Gegogi, a.k.a, Watcher... to name some of the greatest.)

    And then, the others, get nearly

    nothing no matter what they use (also with different conditions, attitude etc. etc..)

    Like a.k.a said about his

    experiments: "I can’t think of a pheromone or pheromone combination that DIDN’T work on them."

  2. #2
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    I don't think that is true. I

    remember the guys (Gregogi and ...) indicating that they get good results from a certain mix and stick with it and

    claim that other stuff doesn't work for them.

    In any case, for me I have had success with combinations that

    include minimal none, SOE, A1, Impi, and copulins. For me I have to use only one drop or so of none...I don't know

    why. My best product that works for me that is none is AE. I like SOE but it doesn't do anything unless I combine

    it with stuff. A1 works great in combination, but I've learned to use only one small drop and apply it right

    before an encounter/meeting for maximum results. Copulins did work well for me in the past, but I have not been

    using them that much lately. Copulins work best for me in combination with other stuff. My new thing that works

    for me is impi but I do have to combine it with SOE and/or Wagg, and A1 for best results. Impi should only be worn

    when you are looking for the sexual edge and will not be around men and definately not in any business situation

    where other men will my opinion.

    So, I'm not going to to into more details now. I think mones will work

    for many people who are in touch with who they are and what they bring to the table for other women and situations.

    After your game (as it is said) is practiced a bit, you will have less random situations and can see the influence

    of mones better.

    Another thing is that the response by women can vary day by day to mones and some women are

    more sensitive than it makes things difficult to guage... I would also suggest that for some women, the

    second or subsequent meetings may be more positive if you wear mones. I can't tell you how many women have

    remembered me the next day or week after I first met them while wearing mones.

    Overall, I think mones are an

    enhancement to your appeal or the mood of the situation. Mones are not a solution and will not overcome your own

    fear of women, brashness, poor hygene, low self-esteme and etc. Most women will not stop dead in their tracks and

    follow you because you are wearing mones. Mones are just a part of the overall stuff we guys have to do if we want

    to get some attention and more.

    This has all been said before, but I just wanted to jump in and say that mones

    work for me. Hope this is helpful!

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mato
    I have noticed, that

    there are some guys hit reporting and having often quite strong effects, from about every product. (Gegogi, a.k.a,

    Watcher... to name some of the greatest.)

    And then, the others, get nearly nothing no matter what they use

    (also with different conditions, attitude etc. etc..)

    Like a.k.a said about his experiments: "I can’t think

    of a pheromone or pheromone combination that DIDN’T work on them."
    Yes I often wonder about

    this myself.
    Theories that I’ve entertained include...

    I have great genes - I rarely get sick.

    I’ve never been hospitalized. No allergies. Great blood-work. And I used to be pretty successful in my teens and

    twenties, so synthetic pheromones are like a second wind.

    I’m in good shape - so there is visual confirmation

    of olfactory signals of virility.

    I’ve been practicing yoga for over 30 years - so I radiate positive energy

    and don’t produce stress pheromones.

    I look important - I may not be handsome in any Hollywood sense of the

    word but, even without pheromones, people often mistake me for having more status than I do. (I am featured in a

    company orientation video, and recently got a 7 second spot in a commercial — where I just stand around looking

    important.) For many women this is sexier than good looks.

    I look masculine - Strong forehead, strong jaw

    line, big nose, broad shoulders, big hands...

    Being short, I have a good baseline for observing pheromone

    effects - Basically, without pheromones, I tend to slip under everybody’s radar. So any type of attention can be

    attributed to pheromones.

    I’m just f’ing brilliant - All women need is a tiny little incentive to notice me,

    then they realize what I great catch I am.

    I’m very intuitive- I tend to read people really well.


    very empathic - Empathy is the mother of all social skills.

    I’m very confident - Six years of aikido training

    and I carry myself like I’m always in control.

    I enjoy people - No “Clint Eastwood syndrome”.

    I like

    women - Some of my best friends are women. I enjoy and respect the feminine outlook. Given the opportunity, I can

    relate and connect with women. They don’t seem like flakey emotional beasts to me.

    I love sex - It’s not just

    blow jobs and quickies with me. I think women can sense that.

    I understand the power of subtlety - I don’t

    need women to fall all over themselves in order to get my game on. A smile and a little eye contact are all the

    invitation I need.

    I’m a minimalist - I wear just enough pheromones to lure women into my personal space.

    This creates subliminal seduction.

    I use a lot of kino - Even with guys, in a business context. This

    reinforces the affect created by pheromones.

    I play at a subconscious level - Proximity. Kino. Smiles. Eye

    contact... I don’t just read body language. I speak it.

    Of course, when I add it all up, I have to

    wonder why I even need pheromones. But just a couple of days running around without them shows me that I do. So I

    just thank my lucky stars.
    Give truth a chance.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    lol aka... you can write a

    book about yourself.

    other then the mones, there are 3 main things you need to look for, if you want susscess

    with women (or life in genaral) and they are :

    1. confadance
    2. assertiveness
    3. positive attatude.

    in my

    life i take those 3 pretty seriouslly cause that is what i beleive and what i have seen worked for me. everyone has

    thier own system, and if you find one that works for you the best stick with it.

    just like mones, people find

    products that works great for them. and stick with it, then post thier hits on here. and think about it, they are

    not going to be posting about the stuff that dosn't work, because thats not going to help anyone. also if you look

    at it the people that post hit stories and such have had some or lots of experiance undertheir belts so they know

    what works for them.

    now the people that dosn't have alot of experiance, will probelly try to copy a mix from

    someone else and thinks the mones don't work because they don't get the same result. well thats because they are

    different people and different mixes works for different people.

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Success mainly comes from some

    magic combination of persona, personality, social skills and appearance. Without that the 'mones do nothing. Zippo.

    You have to find the right combination of 'mones to compliment your attributes and/or strengthen your weaknesses.

    Give you a little edge. Not everything does that for me. Basically I found Chikara and Perception totally blow. IMPI

    and WAGG are so-so and need a lot of NPA to work. Cominations of NPA, TE and SOE always seem to give me consistent

    results, so I stick with them.

    However, I've found the chem set 'rone, 'nol and A-1 extremely useful as

    supplements and for mixing my own custom brews.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I look important - I

    may not be handsome in any Hollywood sense of the word but, even without pheromones, people often mistake me for

    having more status than I do. (I am featured in a company orientation video, and recently got a 7 second spot in a

    commercial Ñ where I just stand around looking important.) For many women this is sexier than good

    Can you elaborate, please?

    How does one go about looking important?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  7. #7
    Banned User
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    hey aka post a pic of ur self

    lets see if the girls here die for you jk...

    i like this thread.

  8. #8
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    This is a great thread.

    If you

    lack manly traits you'll be put on the LJBF list so fast you won't even believe it, especially in the confidence


    I think standing around looking important is a lot about body language. David Deangelo has a good DVD set

    on it, and there are also a lot of books on it. Women are masters of body language and can intuitively gauge your

    confidence level and status...David D. mentions that in romance novels for women, much of the content is usually

    spent describing appearances and subtle body language.

    I go to an art school which has a course on body language.

    Friends who've taken it and watched Deangelo's video say they cover roughly the same thing except D's is focusing

    mainly on attracting women. It's a great resource (I'm about half way through the DVD set).

  9. #9
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  10. #10
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    haha thats very nifty

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    How does one go

    about looking important?
    Honestly I don’t know. It’s one of life’s little ironies. I’m one of the

    most anti-authoritarian people I know. Yet people often mistake me for an authority.
    Although, now that I

    think of it, there’s a strange little logic at play. If I can’t respect anybody else’s authority then, by default, I

    must BE the authority.
    Yeah, that must be it. The key to looking important is to consider everything as

    The film crew was just set up in my department and one of my staff kept trying to get into

    the shots. She came over to show me this list of purchase orders. And I was politely thinking,”What the hell does

    this have to do with anything?”
    She got part of her head and a shoulder on TV, and I looked like I was

    quietly contemplating our next wave of corporate expansion.
    Give truth a chance.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I’ve been

    practicing yoga for over 30 years - so I radiate positive energy and don’t produce stress

    Which yoga have you practiced and how long did it take to get some effects?

    I have done

    astanga basic course and going to continue it, in some form or another. It surely increased flexibility in some

    amount, but maybe 1 time in a week during a couple of months wasn't long enought to perceive anything else yet.

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mato
    Which yoga have you

    practiced and how long did it take to get some effects?

    I have done astanga basic course and going to

    continue it, in some form or another. It surely increased flexibility in some amount, but maybe 1 time in a week

    during a couple of months wasn't long enought to perceive anything else yet.
    Most of my

    instructors have been iyengar — which emphasizes balance, alignment and mind-body consciousness. I started as a

    teenager so I can’t really say when I started seeing results, just that I’ve always been more flexible and never

    received any sport injuries. (Then again, tennis isn’t a high injury sport.)
    I’m pretty skeptical about

    the effects of pranayama, I don’t do chakra meditations and I’ve never done any of the more esoteric stuff (internal

    cleansing and such). So the bit about positive energy is just a theory. The bit about stress pheromones is just a

    theory as well, but I’ve been stress-free most of my life. I became conscious of this effect when I got into

    I make sure to do some every day. On some days it’s 90minutes on others it’s just a 15 minute series

    of sun salutations. Usually I do just 45 minutes and I vary the poses often.
    Give truth a chance.

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    As several have pointed out

    quite a few times, a huge portion of attraction is your attitude. AKA has a healthy attitude, he's happy, serene

    and sure of himself. It shows in how a person stands, deals with others and speaks. Pheromones help, of course, but

    the person has to be right before the pheromones will do them the least bit of good.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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