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  1. #1
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Default Sh** is about to hit the fan -- prison time

    On July 26th, I'll be receiving my sentence for an arrest over a year ago (May 24 '05) for possession

    of a large amount of mushrooms. My sentence will be either probation, boot camp, or 4 years.

    As such, I am

    preparing to handle a long prison sentence.

    I'm 5'8", white guy, 150 pounds, not overtly muscular. I'm

    working out a little bit, but not really bulking up as much as I'd like. Obviously there's not much time for that


    What I'm thinking of doing are the following:
    1) Now that I've received my APC/NPA combo, I'm going to

    try to go out clubbing as much as possible, and have as much gratuitous sex as possible while I still can.

    2) I

    got a bottle of LT yesterday also. I think when I go in for my sentencing, I'll spray myself about 8 to 10 times.

    Maybe it will have some effect on the judge, who will probably be 12-20 feet away when I am brought up to receive my

    sentence. Maybe not. If not, I can always douse myself with the rest of the bottle and light a match (not serious)

    3) If I end up going away for 4 years: This is what I'm really concerned about. I really DO NOT want to become

    one of those statistics you hear about, getting raped or killed in prison. I'm thinking I might arrange for a

    friend to write me NPA-doused letters, which might help broadcast "fuck off"-signals to the other prisoners. It

    would also be pretty expensive, so I don't even know if I can afford it (I'll have about $250 saved up by the


    So I have a few questions about the scenarios I just outlined. Mainly about the effective zone of LT,

    whether that increases when more is applied, and the length of time NPA could last on letters. Maybe whoever is

    sending me the NPA can sandwich the NPA between two pieces of paper in the envelope, to help it stay fresh. Is the

    NPA even a good idea, or will that just get me in more fights than I would without it?

    You know the drill: any

    help greatly appreciated. Except that X1000.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru
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    I would wear heavy LT, SOE

    and some A1 as well. I would also start doing some kind of community volunteering beforehand in the hopes that the

    judge will see you as "already rehabilitated". It's not too too likely that your mail will get thru to you if

    it's doctored - I saw something on TV a while back and it showed that they really do give prison mail a good going

    over and if you got caught it certainly won't help to get you out early. Whatever you do, whatever happens, never

    give up hope. Good luck.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #3
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic
    1) Now that

    I've received my APC/NPA combo, I'm going to try to go out clubbing as much as possible, and have as much

    gratuitous sex as possible while I still can.
    If you get the 4 years, you'll be having lots of gratuitous

    sex. (sorry, I couldn't pass that one up)

    Seriously, good luck. Hope you're not in Texas or

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  4. #4
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    Bummer on what happened. You know

    what type of "boot camp" you'll be going to?

    Doing 4 years means you'd do it a state prision, as opposed to a

    jail, which usually houses guys who are in under a year. Any idea on the nearby prisions and their


    That info would help out.

  5. #5
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    live4music, im a Lawyer, private

    me if what you are saying is truth and not a joke, as I dont want my time wasted, but if this is real, I may be able

    to assist you with some advice, provide me with some history of this offence and any prior convictions you may have,

    etc, also the circumstances, and which US state the offence was commited and where the trial occured, and where the

    sentencing will take place, these 3 locations ( if there were 3, or just 1 location) , legislation differs greatly

    from state to state.

    I dont understand your post, have you been arrested and convicted of the offence?

    Because you mention, just an arrest, And your sentencing is due july 26th.

    Have you been found guilty of this

    offence? Have you had a trial? In front of a judge? or judge and jury? was it a mandatory conviction?, meaning, does

    the numerical amount and type of narcotics you had on your posession automatically deem you guilty of a criminal

    offence even before a trial? I need more specifics if you would like some advice as to tackle this, even if it is at

    the sentencing stage, I presume you had/have a Lawyer appointed to handle this?

    The type of narcotic that you

    mention, can have various degree of severity in conviction and sentence, from no conviction and immunity, to a heavy

    conviction with a somewhat lengthy sentence. Mushroom is too general a description, what was the exact type of

    drug/narcotic ( private me this information if you like, please dont state this on the forum otherwise i will delete

    my post)

    If you do not want to answer any of the above questions, I understand, as you are asking for

    pheromone advice on a pheromone forum. And just discard my questions.

    Mjim, as far as I gather, if this

    individual was using this narcotic for religious purposes, ( however he would had to have permission to do so and

    under highly controlled circumstances, and not traffic this substance) in Texas or Arizona, he would have been

    immune from conviction ( but you are probably talking about sentencing or/and prisons in a somewhat negative way,

    when refering to these states). But, I gather that if he has already been convicted that was not a defence.

    Currently, im undertaking a case for the accused of aggrevated armed robbery, which in theory holds a

    very heavy jail term, much longer then what you presume you will get, although these two types of crimes and

    offences are totally unrelated, there are mitigating circumstances that could possibly lower sentence time, so cross

    your fingers mate.

  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    by the way, live4themusic, your

    avatar icon supposed to be a joke? considering what your saying.

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Mjim, as far as I

    gather, if this individual was using this narcotic for religious purposes, ( however he would had to have permission

    to do so and under highly controlled circumstances, and not traffic this substance) in Texas or Arizona, he would

    have been immune from conviction ( but you are probably talking about sentencing or/and prisons in a somewhat

    negative way, when refering to these states).
    You understood correctly. Those two states have some really

    rough prisons, meaning how they are run, not the prisoners, though they're pretty rough too. Texas, for example,

    leads the world in exacutions. The rest of the sentances aren't much easier. Arizona, among other things has a

    prison that is tents in the desert surrounded by chainlink fencing, and the inmates are given pink jump suits and

    under wear.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    You understood

    correctly. Those two states have some really rough prisons, meaning how they are run, not the prisoners, though

    they're pretty rough too. Texas, for example, leads the world in exacutions. The rest of the sentances aren't much

    easier. Arizona, among other things has a prison that is tents in the desert surrounded by chainlink fencing, and

    the inmates are given pink jump suits and under wear.
    mjim, i know, texas and arizona prison systems

    are very harsh, you cease to become human, and gain a robotic number identity. what i find very disturbing with

    prison systems, not only the ones you mention, but in other first world countries, is that they are called

    correctional facilities or institutions which in effect means a place of rehabilitation, however under the

    enviroment these prisoners live in, most come out worse then when they went in. and they usually re-offend because

    they cannot assimilate into mainstream society. there is a fine line between punishment and rehabilitation, i think

    the places you mention gives more weight to the first.

    im aware of the high texan execution rates, although i

    personally am against the taking of anothers life, whatever the circumstances, the texan governance and legislature

    thinks otherwise. but this is another debate.

    on the topic of jails, have you ever seen the movie midnight

    express? its about an American civilian trying to smuggle some hash out of turkeys airport, to cut a long story

    short ( its a true story) he gets caught up in the turkish prison system, and eventually escapes to tell the tale,

    the Greek prisons here are maybe one notch above the turkish prisons in "Quality", although texas and arizona are

    sterile places where humans are dehuminized, these places are literally hell holes.

  9. #9
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Yes, bronzie, this is for

    real, not a joke. I will PM you with more information, but I will say that fortunately the offense was not in Texas

    or Arizona. Also, the range I'm looking at now is much lower than what it was originally. I already pled guilty to

    lesser charges than I originally had.

    The icon is a picture I like called Fluorescence.. I'm pretty sure the

    original image with made with some mathematical formula in a program, not someone drawing mushrooms. Even if it was

    mushrooms (which I understand it looks like), the government has not completely managed to take away our freedom of

    speech yet, despite the patriot act and other attempts.

    I have to go now though because a friend of mine is

    taking me out to a bar where I will do everything in my power to ensure I wake up with a hot girl next to me

    tomorrow morning.

    Thanks to everyone who's wished me luck.. believe me, I'll need it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic

    bronzie, this is for real, not a joke. I will PM you with more information, but I will say that fortunately the

    offense was not in Texas or Arizona. Also, the range I'm looking at now is much lower than what it was originally.

    I already pled guilty to lesser charges than I originally had.

    The icon is a picture I like called

    Fluorescence.. I'm pretty sure the original image with made with some mathematical formula in a program, not

    someone drawing mushrooms. Even if it was mushrooms (which I understand it looks like), the government has not

    completely managed to take away our freedom of speech yet, despite the patriot act and other attempts.


    have to go now though because a friend of mine is taking me out to a bar where I will do everything in my power to

    ensure I wake up with a hot girl next to me tomorrow morning.

    Thanks to everyone who's wished me luck..

    believe me, I'll need

    __________________________________________________ __________

    Community Service Volenteer

    work is a GREAT idea to help the judge understand you are willing to reform from those bad habits. I would also go

    to rehab and counseling to uppen the odds. Show the judge you are trying to reform. Also join a community club of

    some sort or some charity. Get a job if you do not have one. Get a damn good lawyer. Keep a record of your services

    to yourself and the communtiy to take to court with you. The documentation looks good. Be sincere.


    Luck. and try and stay on the good side of the fence now and AFTER court.


  11. #11
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    I do plenty of volunteer

    work of my own volition, but I don't know how much it will help my case. One of the groups I volunteer with serves

    food to the homeless, with the message that "the amount of money spent on weapons by the U.S. government in a day

    could feed everyone going hungry in the world for a year." It's a very anti-war group and probably not something

    the judge would look favorably upon because being against war is considered unpatriotic these days.

  12. #12
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    If you're serious, than wow, that

    really sucks. Best of luck to you.

    p.s. NPA = terrible idea.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  13. #13
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    man i love shrooms.


    i can say is, if you go to prison work out alot, that'll probelly get your body to produce thier own mones mroe.

  14. #14
    Phero Guru
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    "I do plenty of volunteer

    work of my own volition, but I don't know how much it will help my case. One of the groups I volunteer with serves

    food to the homeless, with the message that "the amount of money spent on weapons by the U.S. government in a day

    could feed everyone going hungry in the world for a year." It's a very anti-war group and probably not something

    the judge would look favorably upon because being against war is considered unpatriotic these days."


    attorney likely knows the judge's political leanings and if the judge is a liberal (may well be) this might help to

    save your ass a bit.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  15. #15
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim

    Arizona, among other things has a prison that is tents in the desert surrounded by chainlink fencing, and the

    inmates are given pink jump suits and under wear.
    That's actually the Maricopa County Jail facility,

    run by the infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio. They also get green

    bologna sandwiches for meals. Arpaio was the one who wanted to put checkpoints on all roads leading into his county

    to check vehicles for drugs before they entered. I have mixed feelings about his techniques (I disagree with the

    jail system and drug checkpoints, but like his arresting and jailing illegal aliens and their coyotes) but in the

    most part, feel he's a self sevrving showboater.

    live4themusic, sorry to

    hear about your problem. It's disgusting that something that grows naturally in the wild and may even be

    beneficial to humanity is

    prohibited to the point that lives are ruined over them.

    As a sidebar, from what I understand, shrooms are

    legal in Florida to possess. Most arrests there are over tresspassing charges. It's been a few years since I kept

    up on that kind of information, so that may have changed.

  16. #16
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    BTW, Arpaio had the

    jail underwear dyed pink because people kept stealing them for souviners. He also reinstated the chain gang in


  17. #17
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    if its a lengthy jail time ....

    join the nation of islam .... no one messes with those dudes in jail because of their so called "beliefs of islam"

    in jail .... and one thing that it will protect you from is being some other mans' fantasy girl......
    btw im

    muslim so no offense to anyone

    but really stay disciplined, work out, reflect on your life and shit and get it

    together totally.... dont worry about pheromones saving you becuase there are f***ed up people in jail .... one

    might be scared of you, the other may want to kill you lol .... just stay on your toes, keep clever in there and

    dont be "bitched" around or your done for the rest of your sentence

  18. #18
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    If you are not a fighter now , You

    will learn quick . You will be tested act crazy, talk tough, but be prepared to back up what you will say . The

    first fight you may get into can be your last if you handle it right , If you get confronted tell him you will stick

    your thumbs in his eyeballs and pull em out of his head , And if you really do it , know one will fuck with you

    again , because you will be labled a crazy mofo get my drift?

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Sheesh, I didn't know mushrooms

    were illegal as they grow natually everywhere. The little ones that look like tits that grow on cowpies all over the

    place? I lost interest in them decades ago but recall they would oft spring up in the lawn at the college I was

    attending and be quickly inhaled by coeds.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think you might be

    right that pheromones would be pointless in jail.. there are a lot of crazy people in there and each one might have

    a different reaction, so I guess the best thing is to not try anything like that, though I have considered putting

    copulins all over the cells to the left and right of me to make me look like the tough one in that area

    Obviously that isn't viable because I'm sure my "neighbors" would be a little confused when I went around

    their cell smearing stuff on the walls.

    abcd, joining the Nation of Islam would probably not go over too well.

    I'm not Jewish by faith, but by descent I am and it shows. I personally respect all people of all religions

    equally, but I know there is a lot of conflict between jews and muslims in general, and doubt they would let me into

    their clique in prison. Also, my beliefs are closer to hinduism then islam, and I like to be as honest as


    nardoni, I am not a fighter (because of my beliefs, not because of physical incompetence) and hope if I

    go to prison I can avoid fights altogether, though I understand this may not be possible. I do know one person who I

    met through AA meetings who was in prison for 4 years and did not get in any fights during that


    Fortunately, it is looking like I might get probation. I have been through rehab (even though I'm not an

    addict and do not even use addictive drugs, I'm taking the position that I am), I volunteer, I made a 3.8 GPA as a

    full-time university student over the last year with a concentration in the maths&sciences, and I have a job now.

    We'll see on the 26th I guess.

    The one thing I'm still contemplating is ODing on LT the day of my sentencing.

    The chance of it affecting the judge, I think, is pretty low. However, ten sprays makes me feel really out of it,

    and I think it would be best for me to look alert when I go to get my sentence.

    So I'm not sure what to do. I'm

    going to experiment with various ODs of LT over the next few days, and who knows, maybe it will help me.

  21. #21
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Alright boys, I'm leaving

    tomorrow morning around 6 AM to drive up to IL. My sentencing is on wed. and I finally settled on about 6 sprays of

    LT and 2/3 gelpack SOE.

    You'll be hearing from me later on in the week assuming all goes well.

    Wish me luck,

    I could definitely use it!

  22. #22
    Stranger scottyle80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic

    boys, I'm leaving tomorrow morning around 6 AM to drive up to IL. My sentencing is on wed. and I finally settled on

    about 6 sprays of LT and 2/3 gelpack SOE.

    You'll be hearing from me later on in the week assuming all goes


    Wish me luck, I could definitely use it!
    good luck mah man!

    if you haven't had any

    convictions b'for, then more of the time you'll just be sentanced probation or some sort of community work (swap

    or community service). been through the swap part and that really sucked for 100 days.. you can nagotiate or ask the

    community work to be lessoned. if they offer swap and probation, ask them if you can do community service. it's a

    whole lot better and you'll thank me if you get it. swap just really sucks man.

    good luck tmr,


  23. #23
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    good luck bro!!

  24. #24
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Yo, seems like bronzie would

    be the one to talk to since he is a lawyer by trade. Hope things work out.

  25. #25
    Phero Guru
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    Default Good Luck

    tomorrow and keep the

    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  26. #26
    Phero Guru
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    Default how did it

    go for you? Hope

    all's well.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  27. #27
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    So I got back in town last



    I am so relieved... I am now going to dedicate as much time as possible to self-improvement

    and constructive activities.

    I will definitely have to be careful to avoid fights in bars though (watch the

    -none), because if my probation is revoked, it's a minimum 6 year sentence for me.

    Oh, yeah, and I ended up

    wearing about 1/2 SOE gelpack + 6 sprays of LT. I don't know if it made any difference though.

    I'm looking into

    getting some more SOE now. I really like it, even if just for the smell. Out of all the different SOE products out

    there (on lovescent I mean) what do you guys consider the best deal, in terms of the smell, how long the smell and

    the pheromones last, and how long it takes to completely deplete the product. Should I get a full box of gelpacks (I

    really liked the smell and consistency even if they were a little bit hard to put on evenly) or a roll-on?

  28. #28
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I will definitely have to

    be careful to avoid fights in bars though (watch the -none), because if my probation is revoked, it's a minimum 6

    year sentence for me.
    You have to go out of your way to avoid bar fights? Now that ain't no dad burn

    pheromone problem. That's a lifestyle thang. It's easy to stay out of trouble: behave, don't act cocky, dump

    deadbeat friends and stay outta places with lyoung 'n dumb men. If you run with the wrong crowd, trouble will bite

    ya on the arse even if you're behaving. When I was 17 I got 6 months probation (& drug counseling!) for a few grams

    of mary jane. To avoid being in a compromising position I dumped my beatdead friends and enrolled a college on the

    other side of the state. The fresh start made it easy to be good.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  29. #29
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Let me clarify what I


    I've never been in a fight in my life. I'm a nonviolent person, I don't like war and I don't like


    A little over a week ago, I discovered fastseduction, and dived into that and other PUA methods. I've

    already been seeing better results (just from a week) than I have with my pheromone usage, which is also pretty

    recent (about a month ago I received my first order).

    If you're not familiar with PUA jargon, there is a term

    called AMOG (alpha male other guy), which is when you basically freeze another guy out of a set (group of people)

    with demeaning yet subtle comments, by projecting your frame (of being the alpha male) onto him, by turning your

    back to him and physically blocking him out of a group of people, by displaying yourself to have higher value, or by

    demonstrating that he has lower value. My concerns with this are that it could get me into a lot of trouble if the

    guy starts swinging.

    Additionally, the -none might make some people more inclined to pick a fight with me.


    my concern about getting into fights has nothing to do with my past lifestyle or my peer group, but with my

    determination to reinvent myself in a way that will affect my life in a positive way and also lead to me getting

    laid more.

  30. #30
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    Six years in prison would be

    torture and I'd do anything to avoid this. There are other ways to pick up great women without putting other guys

    down. Based on what you're saying this isn't even consistent with your personality. I'd look for something that

    was more consistent with your personality and not something to that might start fights now. None is very

    unpredictable - especially in high amounts. Normally it won't cause a fight by itself, but certainly may combined

    with put downs to other guys. If this were to happen, you could end up being some big ugly guy's girlfriend.

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