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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Mar 2002
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    Default Hits Galore (long)

    First, the mix. 6:6:2:12 none:nol:rone:A1. My syringe dispenses at .005 ml/drop for EtOH solutions, so this is .07 mg of phero, minus the A1. This was added to .75 ml of Gucci Envy in a repurposed cologne sample spray. Envy is a wonderful fragrance, well-suited to phero cover because it is powerful, long-lasting, hangs very close to the skin, and has an almost impossible sexiness to it. Given that my day included a wedding, a reception, and a night of carousing afterwards, I needed something flexible, personable, refined, and sexy. Envy fit that bill nicely.

    At the ceremony, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I was seated 3/4 of the way back, right on the aisle. One of the bridesmaids seemed to stumble a little bit as she passed and glanced at me, but I chalk that up more to moment than mones. Ten minutes before arriving at the church, I applied about .35 ml of the mix. I hadn\'t wanted to go too terribly heavy with it as it was a non-air conditioned church on a 95 degree day.

    Following the ceremony, we had about four hours to kill before the adult reception began. I decided to go to a mall about a mile from the church and see what might catch my eye. After finding two technical books in the bargain bin and a decent deal on Escada Homme shower gel, I heard someone calling my last name as I was leaving the department store. It turned out to be three co-workers who had the same idea for killing time. We ate some pretzels, joked around, hit a cigar store, and went back to on of the guys\' places to hang, get a start on the drinking, and kill time.

    First, a note about my co-worker getting married: the guy is cool. He put, consciously, the \"single guys\" table right next to the bar. Genius move, IMHO. Not only was alcohol quickly and easily obtained (I must\'ve knocked back seven or eight gin and tonics), but it also afforded the opportunity to interact with many women as they went to get drinks. For the most part, I was non-interactive, though I did notice a couple ladies do a double take upon passing near me.

    The first major hit came towards the end of the reception. A gal who had worked with the groom, but left the company before I joined, was talking to the guy seated next to me. She had asked if he wanted to dance, but he demurred. I said \"I\'ll dance with you if he won\'t,\" and she quite literally dragged me out to the dance floor. By this time, I had several drinks in me, had already danced for the better part of an hour, and was feeling pretty good in general. \"Stand by Me\" was playing, which while a wedding standard, has a rumba beat. I started out leading in standard dance position, but it didn\'t take too long for her to press herself very close to me, her head buried in my phero-laden neck. I led her through some basic moves for three songs (another rumba and a cha cha), and by the end, she was actually taking a lead quite well on some basics. After returning to the table, she talked briefly to her date, and wandered a few feet to the dessert table. I joined her there, and thanked her for the dance. As I went to get a napkin, she handed me one with her name and number written on it, and said, \"Here\'s my number--Give me a call sometime.\" When I started putting a couple of small cakes on the other side of it, she said \"Or you can just use it as a napkin.\" I simply said \"Just being stealthy,\" and smiled at her, which earned me a sly grin in return. 9 in body, 8 in looks. I\'ll be calling her. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    After the reception wound down around midnight, three of us headed off to meet a consultant at work who told us to swing by a dive bar and meet up with him and some girls he\'d met. We got there, and settled in. As my buddy had gotten a ticket for 51 in a 25, I gave him a twenty, said \"Buy whatever you want and get me a gin and tonic.\" I sat at the booth people had been sitting at, and one of the ladies who had been in the bathroom when I arrived came back and sat down.

    We started with idle chat, until the next karaoke act was up, delivering a screeching rendition of something that was so butchered I couldn\'t even tell what it was supposed to be. She covered her ears and leaned into me several times. As the evening waned, conversation turned more into the getting to know you type thing. Somehow, my penis size became a subject of conversation, though I honestly don\'t remember how. I said that I didn\'t think I was all that big, and that eight inches was fairly average. She laughed, and when I pointed at my foot and said \"You know that thing about penis size and foot size? I wear a double wide shoe, and it\'s true.\" She then reached down and started lightly rubbing my crotch for a few seconds! At this point, my friends were stunned, quite literally. We continued talking, and she was very touchy feely, along with allowing me to be as well. When they closed the bar for the evening, she asked for my number. I gave it to her, and offered to help her study for the nursing boards in a couple weeks. Standing outside, she hugged me a couple times, and again, my friends were very surprised. 8 in body (little thin for my tastes), 9 in looks, of Austrian descent. Mmmmmmm. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    As we were driving back to my friend\'s apartment, much of the conversation was dominated by discussion about my successes in the evening. One of them even said \"Man, you had the mojo workin\' tonight.\" I thought about telling him just how close to the truth he was, but decided to keep it my little secret a while longer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
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    Default Re: Hits Galore (long)

    Where do you get the A1? I don\'t see it on the love-scent homepage.

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Emerald City, Evergreen State
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    Default Re: Hits Galore (long)


    Way to go man! Mones and dancing mix very well IMHO [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img].

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hits Galore (long)

    Xaviel, check your PM about your last post in this thread

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