thanks terry0400-40

i already have all kind's of gels
which are on LS, but i prefer bottled versions
You know in different

girls are different so it's hard to choose
which type of mones is working best.
For me at this

moment is AE. I think because
it has 3 types+special mones so it can fit any girl.
Products like TE or WAGG

are working but it's like on 1 of 4 girls,
and i want all 4!
AE bottle is only 7.5 ml , very small

need to change it for something else
I'll try to order Chikara and SOE i saw many positive

Chikara should be better AE but who know's..
Also i just received a little bit cash so
i can

afford products from alpha dream too..i'll
post here after few week...
oh 1 more

what you think about social products from alpha dream
like Glace or

Corporativo ?