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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
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    Default More info on EW sex test #1 and #2

    Well I tryed just a little bit of my #2 batch that I made on my gay male hair dresser.I notice he wasent as bitchy as he always is.The guy is a real queen and acts real snobby but in a funny way to everyone all the time.He was nice and friendly.But I knew the EW was affecting him when he was foiling my hair and he knocked over all his stuff and had to have everyone help him to pick it all up.Also the shampoo girls were scrubing my poor head to death!Ouch!In the end I got a bad dye job and he cut too much hair off.So EW sex test 2 is not that good.I also tried something different with my EW sex test #1 I only put a tiny drop of it on my finger and rubbed it behind each ear.Then I put on some androstenone pheromone concentrate on my arms,a spray or two of the edge for women on my neck and chest,a drop or two of primal for her on my shoulders, and a swipe of passion down below.I rubed all the stuff all over,then I sprayed on some L\'Air Du Temps and went out to meet my lover who I have been trying to meet up with for 4 months.Well it was a very good night.He really opened up for the first time.And also he got very turned on this time and made all the first moves!I usally have to kiss him first and come on to him first.Not this time!It was great.He was totally into me for once.He hasn\'t acted like that to me in years!And VERY talkative,something he\'s not.Then when I get home my husband takes one look at me[BTW,my husband knows about my lover]and gets so turned on that he has to make love to me right there and then!So EW sex test #1 works on men if you only use a drop of the stuff and then use the other stuff I used.So sex test #1 works stright up on gay and bi women and a drop in combo with other stuff works on men.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: More info on EW sex test #1 and #2

    You must care a lot less about your hair that I do, doing wicked trials like that at the hairdressers!

  3. #3

    Default Re: More info on EW sex test #1 and #2

    Serious, man! If mine even looks in the slightest bad mood, I reschedule!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: More info on EW sex test #1 and #2

    Oh guys it wasent that bad.I just wanted to see what the stuff will do to a gay man.And I\'m doing it for science.Gotta test the stuff ya know.

  5. #5

    Default Re: More info on EW sex test #1 and #2

    Hot Damn, Sam, I wish I could get the results you got from your lover. That\'s quite a combination you put together. Good on you, CoyoteRose, nice work!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: More info on EW sex test #1 and #2

    You wrote:
    So EW sex test #1 works on men if you only use a drop of the stuff and then use the other stuff I used.So sex test #1 works stright up on gay and bi women and a drop in combo with other stuff works on men.

    could you explain once more or do you have an updated version to use on men??

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